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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Length of hair now gender-ized ... That explains it, I was a trans lesbian woman in my youth, and now I'm have a dyke haircut ... F'me
  2. You definitely need to move to cleaner air, that seems to fit the bill nicely.
  3. intifada - is an organized rebellion against an authority Hmm ... wonder if they'll all be charged with insurrection, or is that just reserved for popular political opponents ?
  4. Finally, the rains have arrived. So not so much of a shift, like last year, actually, quite normal, 1st week of May. Still not seeing any 'Climate Change' especially MMCC ... ... turn off MSM and y'all will realize the same
  5. Really going to depend on how tolerant you are to high tourist numbers, especially during high season. Love Krabi, but don't think I'd live in the Ao Nang area. That's cheap enough to motivate one to definitely give it a try, at least for 1 year 👍
  6. Saw this looking for something else, thought interesting. A couple models not available here. Surely will out perform most ICEV in their class/price point. Listed the prices I could find, though a couple may not show the govt incentive in price. MG the clear winner price wise (with incentive price), even if the other 4 get discounted. Short version, without watching...
  7. Reading comprehension ... "EV in Thailand" emphasis 'in Thailand. You post a vid from anti CH/EV YT'er of unverifiable incidents he gives his bias opinion on, and NONE happening in TH, I think, as didn't watch vid. Then your other post is how tires wear faster on EV and great for tires sales. NO, tires may or may not wear faster on heavier vehicles, including ICEV. Many EVs are lighter than ICEV. Any intelligent person knows that. We await your next bias and or inaccurate post .. not really, as I ignore anything you post. Did pick at you history on this thread though, so I could properly reply to your silliness. Stick to the ICE vs EV thread, as you'll get more milage/kms there.
  8. People don't get off work for them though. Govt & bank holiday (national) are the only real holidays. Rest fall in with 'world pizza day', and nobody cares. ex: Equinox, Solstice ... joking right, most don't even know they exist, or their meaning. To the title, only compared to Yanks in reality, as how many days off of work does the Eu give people. Now there's a silly amount, compared to Yank's national holidays of 10 maybe, I think. And that's if the employer even honors those 10, or gives them vacation time, maybe 1 or 2 weeks.
  9. My first 2 years here, I didn't have a car, and explored a good part of the whole country by plane, bus & trains. Probably way more than some that do have cars, but rarely venture out of their province, or even Amphur. Never did the van/limo, private taxi thing, as not in any hurry.
  10. If living in Patts, a MB would be essential for me. Others, can simply use the baht buses, as loops around and takes you to walking distance to everything needed, even beyond on other baht buses.
  11. Especially since it is readily available and given to dogs, pets, as anti parasite and de-wormer medicine.
  12. Color test you can't beat. I'm not going to tell you how to beat the depth perception test, as I don't want you on the roads with me. Don't need to get rear ended ... in a bad way
  13. Agree. I'm finding hard to believe the Dems would allow biden to get the nomination to run, given his obvious onset of Alzheimer's. Leave's them a few option at the convention: ... allow, and let the ticket stand as is, biden / harris, then remove biden ... appoint a whole new ticket ... keep harris and new running mate/VP selection, and hope the idiots vote for another mixed race president, and a woman to boot, no matter the failures of her past. Just to be oh so progressive. Worked before with obama, and almost with clinton. Now they would get both.
  14. Trans women will no longer be able to get abortions either ... It will greatly affect all the men in the abortion industry
  15. That was old policy. New & improved, though do have to set up with the app. In the past, just send them an email, and they'd send you an mail, with instructions. Basically just asking where to send the refund. Done it a few times, and last week or so was the first refund to my wallet in years. LAX will always help, but you may have to actually ask.
  16. None where I live. So by your reckoning, people should never cross the street, no matter. Got it Thais will kill you, Thais will run you down, Thais can't drive ... ... I think more than a few of you need to leave. Oh wait, you don't leave here anyway. Good thing farangs / foreigner never make the news here Here's a what if ... nobody posts negative about Thais or Thailand ....
  17. You don't realize it, but your what if, is not applicable to my life. As I would never be that MC, sitting lead at that intersection (hwy 4 & 326), aside from always traffic there, with an out of control vehicle ever coming close to me. I never stop at that intersection, as simply time it, so I don't, from both directions. Less for safety, but so I don't have to stop and put my feet down. Long stretch of road on both sides, so there is NEVER a need to. On the rare occasions I do stop (if 4 just turned green), it is away from the intersection, in the shade on side of the road, till light is about to change. Few wait at the light in the sun. I've assimilated to seeking out shade at all times. That's actually the only intersection where traffic is doing more than 30 or 40 kph. People drive very rational here, and actually obey most laws, except the helmet, which isn't enforced, that often. I've never seen a scooter accident on the road, or car oops in town. Only car/truck accident on main hwy 4. Complete opposite of Udon Thani, it was daily. If only the woman in the OP (staying on topic) did the same, and utilized crossing at the corner, when light in her favor.
  18. Really, spend a lot of time down at the docks do you ... 70+ million folks here. Glad you're keeping an eye on things.
  19. Think he's just trying to give you a heads up, and quite the courtesy. May take his advice and you wouldn't come off as completely ignorant, arrogant, or simply a troll. Could have simply reported all your posts as 'off topic' and had them removed ... .... hmm ... actually not a bad idea in the future. So you may want to actually join the discussion, or leave the discussion. But attempting to disrupt or troll the discussion doesn't shine well on you. Just a thought
  20. I think it's gotten worse ever since I've been here, so don't expect it to get better, only worse still.
  21. Not wrong, as didn't provide an answer, since no question. Just speculating, and coviid did restrict a lot ... social distancing... ... ring a bell. And if trend continues, lower in 2023 & 2024, as people are obviously being more responsible. Though you'll have to ask them why. Lack of 'on demand' abortions ... who knows ? Take a poll ...
  22. With bedroom AC set @ 26C low fan, maintaining 27C One advantage of overcast skies and well built house. Outside temp: Waiting for those rains ...
  23. COVID lock downs ? Guessing 2023 will be lower than pre R vs W reversal, hopefully ? 2024 even lower. As people realize the need to be responsible. Though reported rapes will skyrocket 🤣
  24. (edited quoted post) 92%, (42.6 kWh) + shy of 20kWh of Solar ESS NO worries Could plug into the car, and if need to go somewhere, use E-MC or Ebike or Buddha forbid, pedal bike or walk to the vendor 300m away, or 7-11, 2.4kms away
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