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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. A just OK baby bok choy/onion/beef stir fry, since I forgot the minced garlic & ginger ... oops A sprinkle of garlic powder helped, after plated. Would have helped cut the rice vinegar, which I think I used too much in the sauce. Me & the dog did manage to polish it off.
  2. Simply saying they/H cars, been around for 27 yrs at least, as promoted as a replacement for EVs*** at the time, that there was a waiting list for, but discontinued. Over those 27 yrs, nobody wanted, no sales, so no real infrastructure, I think, and why it didn't work then, and won't work no. I consider H fuel just another expensive to produce, ship, store, ship, deliverable fuel same as fossil fuels, petrol/diesel. Might and hopefully will replace diesel for long haul, heavy equipment, though natural as is already available for that. Really can't see it being developed for personal vehicle use, although it will be pushed for just that, by the same profiteers that have controlled the transportation fuels/energy ... until now *** Recommended viewing; "Who Killed the Electric Car"
  3. Doubt that very much, as H been around for at least 27 years in USA, and here's the H infrastructure over those 27 years. Most of the few there, are located in CA & NY.
  4. Aside from shop around, already suggested ... ... make sure walls & surfaces are properly prepped ... DO NOT ADD any water to primer or paint, no matter what any idiot suggests or tells you. You immediately change the chemistry & properties of both. Really can't be emphasized enough. Surely somebody will come on here and says it's fine, normal and done all the time. Doesn't make it right. But when does diluting anything, make it better ?
  5. Not me, and just buy what I need and or think I'll use. Present EV is entry model, and still a feature or 2 that are disabled or not use. Does 2 things, saves us money from buy in, and headaches of the options ( as they do) fail in the future. Most complaints about cars are the options, as the manufacturers seem to have the drivetrain down to a science.
  6. Agree and if not for our O&A (out & abouts), further than necessary, we would never need to use either. We can visit our daughter at Krung Thep, without stopping to charge, along with Immigrations for my yearly extension, and that office is 100 kms away. We get on average, 320 kms over the road driving, and 360 kms local driving on a full charge. Using about 80% +/- of that, gets us anywhere we 'need' to be. I've yet to be in any area of the country, the whole country, that hasn't had a charging station within 150 kms of each other. More like 5-10-25-50kms within each other, if not 5 within a square within 1 sq km, where needed. Very rare to be more than 50 kms apart. We have 4 locally, within a km of each other, if not less, I we live in Nakhon Nowhere. There's approx 15+ CS between our house and Imm office, about 100 kms away. Not even going to count how many on the way to Krung Thep, <300 kms away. A lot more to show, if I zoomed in.
  7. Feel free to download the app (Charge Loma) and zoom in for closer peak if you like. I can't be bothered with your trolling, and silliness for someone who has no experience, knowledge or interest in EVs. Have a good one.
  8. Thoughts from elsewhere .... DON'T BELIEVE THE BS ... ... as TH has and excellent, extensive charging network. These are just the 4 vendors we use, (EV Station Pluz, PEA Volta, MG, Elexa), and not complete listing of all, but close enough. And also only the fast plug chargers, providing 50kWh + UP.
  9. Before taking your EV in to have something you think is not working correctly, do read the owner's manual, and or, check the settings of you EV. Ours was no longer auto locking the doors, once rolling along, 15 kms or so, they auto lock. So wife scheduled an appt for them to peek at it, and see what the issue was. 0930 hrs appt for half day inspection, as possibly needed to track down the issue. Receive call at 1000 hrs, and completed, assuring me that the MG service staff are excellent, well trained, knowledgeable in their craft. Arrive to pick up, and service rep chickie tell the wife, it was just a setting that was 'disabled' .... 'DUMB A$$' Of course I wonder, how did it get disabled in the first place. Oh well, all's well that end's well, and gave us an opportunity to be out of the house earlier than usual, have an excellent brekkie of GraPhao, using stewed beef, and best I ever had. With a mediocre side of eggs in a pan. All of ฿125 for both dishes (80+10 (egg) + 35), for myself. Stroll in park after, and a Makro run, all before noon.
  10. I'm actually hoping sales level off, and mainly so the ratio of EVs on the road, and ratio of CSs remain the same, as long as they are still able to make a profit with numbers already available & using. Along with no price war and more sales, keeping the value of our EV, higher, in case ever wanting to sell it, though doubtful. Yea I know ... very selfish of me, but it is all about .... Me Me Me If wanting to read about some real life experiences, there are 2 thread running, under used or viewed, and not trolled nearly as much. The good, the annoyances, and even the bad, maybe. Started by that super genius, in his own EV bubble world. ... owning ... Charging stations
  11. Sad but true, and mirrors our experience with daughter's (private) schools. Mandatory 'extra' classes, as simply a money grab.
  12. What visa do you have now ? No matter what visa, marriage or retirement (2 common for long stay), you need to extend every year, along with doing 90 day pulse checks, which are easily done online. May want to actually read the 'Thai' Imm site to know what is expected when applying & extending, as there is a financial requirement, which you want to start as soon as possible, unless using the lump sum deposit in bank (800k).
  13. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't know it was illegal to do. Wonder what the citation was for. From the vid, there didn't seem to be anyone on the beach area, so not reckless endangerment.
  14. Point is, it can't be answered, as too many variables, aside from how many plane land close to each other. .... how far is the gate from baggage, and then to Imm ... did the plane arrive at a gate, or get bussed in from a hard stand on tarmac. Could be 30 mins (doubtful), or hours, as in plural.
  15. That's a long piece of string, considering how many people 1 wide body holds, and if 1-3 or 7 planes, times how many people, land within the hour. If first, good, if last ... ouch, oh well
  16. You can filter different vendors and plugs, fast/slow. I usually just filter the 4 we use; EV Station Pluz, PEA Volta,. MG, , Elexa, in that order of preference. Signed up for 2 others, but yet to use, Evolta and Altervim (@ Lotus's) Map I posted shows all vendors, though most don't have a large network. The app, Charge Loma is better than PlugShare & Gmaps, but not nearly up to date. If I'm thinking of stopping, I'll peek at the app, then ask the wife to check the vendor app, usually EV St. Pluz, and ask if both plugs are being use, at so and so, 10kms away. as only one showing within 30 or 40 kms, then she'll tell there's one 5 kms & 15kms away. EV Stat Pluz is adding so fast the app can't keep up. Seems to agree & have most of the PEA Volta CS. Here's map of the 4 we use, along with just the one plug we use, Not a whole lot different from previous map: With just these 5 filters, and don't bother with 'on maintenance' filter, as usually wrong: :
  17. I don't think anyone is going to get that one ... SR
  18. 10 to 1 odds, the campaign fails ... any takers ?
  19. ... " reported that the fire started in the engine room " So not and electric powered ferry ... fossil fuel ... typical ...
  20. I don't need to come back, as I'm not leaving ...
  21. No major planning needed, and I rarely even bother now, unless going way off the beaten track, and still, no concerns now, as know there really isn't any place we'd go, that doesn't have a convenient charging station. Quick peek at Charge Loma app, and reassured nothing to think about. First two O&As were planned, a bit paranoid myself, along with only being registered with 1 vendor / MG. Which true to their promo advert, almost, have a charging station every 150 kms. Once realized, no paranoia or worries, or major planning after that.
  22. NO ... they are very fast charging cables most cars can't even use Try joining the real world ...
  23. On my ignore list, and don't know why I peeked, after someone quoted you ... BYE BYE
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