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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Longer ones, like today, (>50kms but <120kms) I figured we did 32 in 1 year, so about 1 every 10 days, as 33 days were away from the house/overnight somewhere. Most, instead of a barstool, is just sitting/strolling at the park or surfside, or short trip to a lake or through the hills. Coffee shops instead of bars. When I did sip a few out of the house, pretty much the same, unless having a veranda w/view, can't see sitting at a bar, in a bar. Actually the veranda at home is one of the best spots, aside from surfside. Besides, after the coffee shop, got to burn of 1 or 2 calories, and grab a little Vit D while the dog gets a few new sniffs and marks some turf
  2. Aside from from this (quote above for more boring reading), the first year having EV, short summary, 20k kms, almost half of those, away from the home, overnight, 33 nights, and 8 separate O&A (out & abouts), i think. Bored and play with numbers, knowing how little we drive locally, knocking around town, thought I peek and see how many of those 10k local kms, weren't exactly knocking around town. So over to Gmap Timeline, and yea, everyday for that year, and noted the days with short trips O&A (>50 but <125 kms, no overnight or CS (charging station) used) Kind of surprising, and more than half of, EV (car), and 5061 kms / 32 days, shy of 1 every 10 days for the first year owning our EV, were away from house, not simply knocking around town. Today, my short unnecessary daily park run with the dog was all of 8.8 kms. Double that almost, when we add cruising by the surf. Along that route, is Makro, our only mandatory use of car. So reality, could hit the park, on our shopping days, once or twice a week. As I can simply walk the dog in the neighborhood, as I do at sunset. Boring, twice in same day. So our actually local driving, without playing tourist, is only about 5000 kms with the car, and I think, 2500 on the scooter, and average of 20 kms a day for the year, most, unnecessary. Advantage of all that, especially playing local tourist, it doesn't cost anything, and gets us 'the hell out of the house'. As I state many times, one of best things about the EV & solar, getting O&A locally, where we probably wouldn't do it in an ICEV, or at least not a special trip like today. We'd probably just wait until we were in the neighborhood, coming back from a real O&A, and pop in. 101 kms, today, if using petrol, would have cost ฿274, almost the same as the coffee & sweets for 2, at ฿300. Kind of silly when transport cost the same as a sweet tooth fix. Of course, we could of had similar, (not really) riding the pedal bikes to 7-11, for <฿120, two ฿20 coffees & two ฿39 cheesecakes. Along with being healthier, but just not interesting, and still 'at the house' Food for thought, when thinking about your next vehicle, if any of it rings a bell. HAPPY MOTORING
  3. Leaving the barstool, or the hood, doesn't require an overnight or very long drive. Just something different. Sample of one of ours, usually to a coffee shop and or restaurant, sometimes with a view, though not today. Nice setting though, even though next to the road, with plenty foliage, to block view of roadway. Total was 101 kms roundtrip, to check off another, almost local coffee shop w/pretty pictures of sweets. Then while in the neighborhood, cruise by town & then the surf, see if new is interesting. Hit the fresh market for some very nice mangos. Had a nice coffee & cake, as they no longer do food.
  4. Is there a link for this news-blip, or simply a AN created one ?
  5. https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/en/
  6. Her local friends live on RTAF Wing 5, and always a good day out. Why we get waved through, instead of playing tourist sign in. A little bit familiar with the guards. Or it's a somtam party on our veranda. Her family isn't an issue (vs 1st Thai wife's a-holes). She has eight siblings, (1 in USA), scattered all over TH, along with a few cousins, that we pop in and visit sometimes while O&A. Latest down at Hat Yai, and cousin met his wife at Uni and ended up there, though born in Nong Bua LamPhu. Even got one aunt & cousin, living on Ko Phangan, too logistical to visit.
  7. Cooking for 3 of us, wife, dog & myself, got to make sure there's enough. Think we only had leftovers, since only had 4 tortillas, and a big serving of tater tots as a side dish. Even had leftover ribs (6 bones), and thinking, sandwich after pulled off the bone & nuked with remaining drippings we saved. If I had some ham & cheese, would make a nice Cuban ... Haven't made one of then in a while.
  8. With the higher temps, better AQI & PM2.5 numbers this past couple weeks, since the pollution can dissipate to higher altitudes, I guess it's a safer time to finally burn our trash. Just waiting for a non windy day, so not to disturb any distant neighbors, closest being 140m away This represents about 5 months of trash for us, November to March, inclusive. As I stated, we don't generate much that isn't recycled or put in the compost piles. Mostly plastic bags or non all paper containers/packaging. That egg carton will probably get put in the compost pile. That use to be a weeks worth of trash, when we were renting in suburbia Udon Thani.
  9. Too funny ... I was thinking the vendor didn't want customer parking blocked, but he wasn't open for business. Think something a little deeper going on between the 2. Agree with the above, lack of respect for an official, unless of course, the official (PoPo) instigated the confrontation. This part isn't making any sense ... "discovered a pickup truck with flat tyres from gunfire", assuming that was the vehicle in question, asked to be moved.
  10. Don't buy much in the ฿1000 range, so have to go with hotels. Just came back from an 11 day O&A, and most expensive room was ฿1000, the rest were ฿5-700, as stay rural, or just outside of main part of any town. Aside from that, only food item, would be frozen ocean salmon, from Makro, now about ฿800 for 900gr or less, as package weight is ever shrinking as price goes steadily up.
  11. As is most food consumption, veggies, fruits, grains. We kill, or abort to survive. Try surviving without killing or aborting something. Had ribs yesterday ... damn tasty ... with a side salad that someone killed the ingredients for me to have ... Have blueberries in my cereal or yogurt daily. Aborted fruit that will never grow and live a full life. Going to have aborted (murdered) chickens for brekkie, and possibly dinner. Kill, pay someone to kill .... or die ... UP2U
  12. Does the left hand not know what the right hand is posting:
  13. For those who may want some decent (very basic/boring) Chinese, without going to China, here a few recipes to drool over. Vid, as always, is more about cooking technique 👍 DISCLAIMER: probably voted by non Chinese from the take out circuit.
  14. The imaginary world that we live in. No mention of the imaginary GOD or Jesus, on one of the most important Christian days. Just the imaginary gender, and giant rabbits for the Sheeple to worship. Too sad to even be funny, and people wonder how the world is in the state it is. Title of news-blip, that I don't think I'm allowed to post (RTnews) link to. Happy Easter ... Happy Passover ... Happy Ramadan Informative ... (but fast forward past the promo)
  15. Haven't experienced them yet in TH, anywhere. Little stingers in the water can't be overly annoying at times, and will keep my out of the surf if too frequent.
  16. March ... we seemed to average 20-25kWh a day, unless charging the EV, and easy to tell which days they are. O&A for 13 of those days, or we would have produced/consumed about 1380kWh. Equates to PEA bill of ฿6900. Do that every month and ROI would be <6 yrs ... so happy with <10 yrs ROI ... Another hot month to go before the rains kick in. Most production/consumption day, 27 March. ESS/battery topped up about 0900 hrs. Not even a sunny day, as can tell by peaks & valley, and never reaching the max production of 8kWh.
  17. It's tissue paper, unless place near the toilet ...
  18. Not sure what part they are, as just piled in the 'rib bin' at Makro. Tough picking through and finding some meaty ones is a challenge. The wife does the boiled thing, then finishes in the oven. Never heard of that method till came here. I painted with about 50/50 mix of mustard/vinegar, then seasoned them, both sides (after taking as much underside membrane off that I could). Overnight in frig, then in oven @ 300F/150C till internal got to 185-190F range. 5 separate pieces, so temp wasn't uniform. Painted with bbq sauce, then under the top element of oven, till sauce bubbled to finish. Need to watch that, as sweetened the sauce with a bit of honey, and the sugar will burn quick, though much less than most peoples use (not a fan of sweet sauce), so no prob. Meat pulled off the bone nicely, thankfully. We don't make them often as hard to find a decent rack of here. Very nice looking meatloaf BTW, need to make one myself, as a favorite of mine. Wife does a good job of that herself. Good use of ground beef, as I'm haven't had any good luck making burgers lately. Kind of flavorless.
  19. Top element of the electric oven. They were cooked in the oven, wrapped in foil.
  20. Something I haven't made in years, as wife does a fine job with ribs. Though a little heavy on the sauce and sweeter than I prefer. I just paint on a thin coat before putting under the broiler for the finishing touch. Even managed to have some leftovers.
  21. How do you say ... Google is your friend. Wasted enough time with you, as you have no real interest in E-MB. HAVE A NICE DAY
  22. "Price it not so important compared to use." Might as well just buy a Neta V EV car, about 500k, or roll the dice on the Wuling Air EV, <400k for some savings, since really not needing higher specs. One of the best selling 'mini' EVs worldwide. You could go cheaper IMO mini EVs, but not sure any of them have lithium batteries, or the track record of SAIC-GM-Wuling. You're not going to find anything, 3 or 4 wheeler EV, trike or 'golf cart-ish' EV with any good specs or even a lithium battery will get you the 100 kms range you're looking for, especially with a bit of a load. Think they start in the 100-150k range, and may not even have a lithium (LFP) battery. If wife a bit younger, she'll get a lot of use out of a Neta V, and or pass down, even the Wuling Air a better choice. Anything less, will be headache for her down the line ... IMHO
  23. I just have mandatory 3rd party insurance on the motorcycle, as I drive very conservative, since dog and or wife is with me, and just locally around town, or short trips on country road. Actually folks here drive very good, and it is a scooter, and not going to cost much to replace any parts. 23 yrs of scooter riding here and yet to have an oops, so way ahead on the premium curve.
  24. So you have no electronic device, as all carry the risk ? Oh wait, you must have some, since here, what a risk taker you are. Buy crap, get crap, worry about crap ... and crap might even happen. I on the other hand, don't worry about any of my electronics, as don't buy crap. UP2U.
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