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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Do you drive, if so, you could park at Ekamai Gateway, and grab a taxi from there. If not, get to Ekamai BTS (depending where staying), and get taxi from there, or from hotel Cooking with Poo & Friends ... 087 686 3714 (Gmap ph #) (website)
  2. On the subject of "15 minute citY",, (thoughts from another thread), I just realized how small 'town' is here, and the part that has all that would be needed; good hospital, PoPo, all govt office (not Imm), surfside, bars, restaurants, about five 7-11s, two CJ Markets, and another chain (?), along with huge wet/fresh market, selling everything. Weekend night market, filling in anything else needed. Really wouldn't need to go to Makro (borders the red area), unless wanting western fare. We live just out of town, which is all of about a half square kilometer rectangle (0.5 X 1 km) 😲 Nothing really needing west of the RR line to hwy #4, or north or south of 'town'. With the the SRT station, in town, you have access to most of TH.
  3. I just prefer not to give them money for something that is going to get burned up to nothing, and degrade other parts of the car in the process. Petroleum products/byproducts are an almost necessity in life, unless going Amish, and I wouldn't do that to horses here. Brutally hot, and that would be cruel. Would be pretty cool though, as I'm almost in a '15 mins city' scenario. Makro is only 3 kms away, 7-11 even closer. Been a few decades since I had access to horses.
  4. Service or maintenance. For our ICE MG, that would mean 9 oil changes & probably 2 full tune ups. Maybe a timing belt change. Hopefully no exhaust system problems yet, but inevitable. The EV, is a couple filters, every 30k kms, I think. So yes, a lot more faith in that battery and electric motor. So many less parts to malfunction.
  5. Oops ... correct you are, too many 3s Electric also doesn't cost B5 for most folk, and I can remember when it was just over B3 per kWh. Of course if you have solar, even better savings. What do you think the chances are of petrol going back down to B16.88 vs back up the B44.88 high, less than 2 years ago ? If they keep diesel frozen, they have to make up for that little subsidy somewhere, and it won't be off the bottom. Notice they basically eliminated ~15% lower price of E85 when we first bought our ICE MG.
  6. None depending on your lifestyle. They both do the same thing, allow you to stay in TH, for a set time. Depends how many days you want to stay in country, at a time. Thai Imm site will tell you the cost & limitations of both, if any. I prefer the 'once a year' paperwork of the Retirement visa & extensions, vs the repeat Imm Office visits if on a tourist visa to extend, and or exits out of the country. Of course for retirement visa, need a Cert. of Residence, base income (Thai bank account), and be 50+ yrs old.
  7. What ... ฿38+/- per liter (91) isn't high enough. Need to go back up to ฿45 for some to open their eyes, and close their wallets to petrol conglomerates. Cost to go 360 kms with our MG ZSs EV ... ฿231 if using PEA @ ฿5 per kWh ICEV ... ฿977 using 91 @ ฿38 per Liter Driving 20k kms a year EV ... ฿12,333 ICEV ... ฿54,285 That starts to add up (petrol alone), over 5-10-20 years
  8. The dates of, are always the same, unless extended or falls on weekend, then standard in lieu of 'days off' of work applied, for those fortunate enough to even have paid days off, or simply off of work unpaid. The celebration date/times can be different for certain areas, to maximize profits. As no town wants to miss out on ding dong tourist & local's baht, and may schedule their celebration before or after KSR, Silom rd, or Walking Streets @ Pattaya. As pointed out, some places go overboard, such as NE. When living in Udon Thani, people start throwing water at cars and motorbikes the weekend before & after the official Songkran dates (13-15), so easily 10 days of, hibernation at home or O&A to saner places to avoid. Was at Karon Beach Phuket one year, and quite surprised, and they barely celebrated 1 day, Patong beach a bit more, as more ding dong tourist & nightlife. Where we live now, it's one day at the beach only, and rare to see water thrown anywhere else .. ... Pure BLISS.
  9. Simply attend a 'Thai cooking class' to learn some technique, and how sweet, sour & spicy is applied to you cooking. What will offset (if an oops) or compliment each other when added to a dish. I watch a lot of YouTube, not for the recipes, although will pinch them, but for the technique and cooking knowledge that their years of experience has taught them in practice. Understanding what makes up flavor/taste, and how your ingredients will contribute to the final dish: What to season, when to season, how to season, if to season.
  10. You're serious ... street food vs in home/building cooking lessons. Ever heard of YouTube, or a cookbook. Food from the street or night market, no different than in home cooking, unless you plan on buying a mobile cart/cooking station. Since 'street food' seems to be a generic name to all food cooked in TH now, I'm not seeing what the difference is, since no longer needs to be serve, outside a building/on the street via mobile vendor. They call one chickie's ฿1000 crab omelet 'street food'. Most Thais don't pay 3 days salary for 1 omelet, no matter how many stars you get the dump. Kudos to the guy who can get ฿25k from ding dong tourist ... that's awesome.
  11. I'm finding that real hard to believe, that there wasn't another contributing cause. Possible something that concentrated the sunlight, glass bottle for instance, for it to reach the flash point to ignite. Tissue paper will need a lot higher temp to spontaneously combust, than <100C, the inside of a car on a hot 45C day. source
  12. And yet, mandatory to report 2 types, along with most reports are from HCP & vaccine manufacturers and SVSC (78% +/- of reports). Surely they actually know what they are reporting. ... "Healthcare providers and manufacturers are required to report two types of adverse events to VAERS within a 7-day period: (a) those that the manufacturer has identified as contraindicating reactions to the vaccine as specified within the manufacturer's package insert and (b) any adverse events present on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Vaccine Injury Table [4]. Healthcare providers and manufacturers are also encouraged to report any other adverse event they consider to be clinically important." ... "From 2000 to 2004, approximately 60% of all domestic reports came from either HCP or vaccine manufacturers and approximately 8% came from vaccine recipients or their parent/guardian; during 2006–2011 these proportions increased slightly to 64% and 10%, respectively, and approximately 4% came from State Vaccine Safety Coordinators (CDC unpublished) (source) Also, most adverse events are NOT reported ... ... ""Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. " (source)
  13. If you have to ask ... ... then you have answered it yourself ...
  14. More illegal immigrants & no ID voting is the way to go for the Dem party ... IMHO Does explain a lot ...
  15. That's a stretch, but hey, anything for yet another reminder. I've never seen 44 written that way. What else can they make up for a silly excuse to keep something in the news, every day, week, month. I may not agree with someone use of 'freedom of expression', but nothing worse, than not having that right. Tyranny rules when it is restricted ... IMHO
  16. Safe & Effective vaccine ... a bit of an oxymoron IMHO Safe .... "600,000 vaccine adverse events reported by adults aged 18 and older" Effective ... ... doesn't stop getting covid ... doesn't stop spreading covid Here's a bit of an observation. When I quote the VAERS numbers, pointing the vaccine may not be a safe & effective as we were told, I'm chastised and told the numbers are irrelevant, meaningless. But, when the numbers can show the right, red states or REPs in a negative view, well hell, they are accurate and prove some point they/the left are trying to make. Go figure ... Makes you wonder, (well, not me), who controls the MSM and the narrative that's allowed ?
  17. I've never owned a car that made it to 250k kms, so if the MG makes it to only half, the extremely conservative 2500 cycles, we'll be thrilled. Well, I'll be dead, but the wife will be knockin' on 70 yrs old. Though more like 90 yrs old, as she'll be putting on 5k kms a year instead of 20k kms a year. Although, at 20k kms a year, we save ฿47,800 by not buying petrol alone, more if all kms are local. So in <20 years, the car will have paid for itself. In less then 2.5 yrs, the added cost of EV vs ICEV version, will have been recovered. One of the best ROI on a depreciating product we've ever bought, along with simply being a joy to drive, over any ICEV that I've owned. There is no negative for us, owning the MG, and stated once or 20 times, would never own another low tech, low performing, vibrating noisy, smelly ICEV. Really can't stress any stronger the benefits of owning an EV instead of ICEV, especially if you have solar, as the saving and ROI are even greater. as long as an EV fits into your lifestyle. Or you could simply remain bias & ignorant, and continue to give your money to the fossil fuel conglomerates .... UP2U On topic as always ... EVs in TH, are a bargain compared to other countries, as long as the govt incentives and tax free import duties last. Add in a possibly more aggressive price war, and one has to wonder what y'all are waiting for. Charging network and pricing of, is excellent compared to other countries, or so we read. It's your baht, keep it, or give it to the billionaires ... UP2U
  18. Don't know where you buy your roti, but our vendor bought roti, whether desert or side dish, is always served on some type of paper, never direct contact on any plastic/styrofoam container. "Dissolved in cooking oil" ... what orifice did you pull that from, as cooking oil, isn't mentioned at all in the study. Also no mention of 'expanded' polystyrene. Did you read the study ? Or just the headline. From the link: "In this research, PS NPs with a diameter of 100 nanometers were used to simulate nanoplastic exposure." Another lets take a guess and come up with results we like. Also, I noted, there is no mention of roti/food contamination from contact with. Just the waste products of, may get into the environment.
  19. Yes, but to have a fuel used, that has a direct link to all kinds of health diseases & issues, when there is simple alternatives, even just better petroleum products is just wrong on every level.
  20. Yea, Yanks don't, or didn't 24 yrs ago, put an egg on a burger, and I've never seen it even offered, anywhere in USA. I still would never, and I thought it was an Aussie thing.
  21. SAIC's ICEV division might be taking a big hit, layoffs (firings) due to poor sales of, and move more toward making EVs. GM & VW, accounting for a huge part of that:
  22. Not really, but if you so say ... ... that one wasn't the first one that popped in my mind.
  23. Your quite the optimist, although the current generation or 2 will out live most of us.
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