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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Pull in carport, turn off car, exit car, now the charging process: ... open charging port door - plug in ... all of 10 seconds ... unlock car, stop charging - unplug ... maybe 30-45 seconds, as need to wait for app to load, to stop charging.
  2. Only Govt flags, 'Stars & Stripes', state and or local govt flags should be allowed at govt and public buildings/schools. They're govt owned properties, not billboards for people's special interest.
  3. Trump is another dinosaur, and out of touch with some realities, as are many ignorant people. Paraphrased from link, Trump's misconceptions: "Electric vehicles "Nobody wants to buy" electric vehicles. False. "They (Electric vehicles) don't go far" before needing to be charged. Half true. Most EVs on the road today travel 200 to 300 miles, with some going well over 300, before needing a charge. Many EVs now can go nearly as far as ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles before needing to refuel. "They (Electric vehicles) are very expensive." Mostly false, depending on the vehicle. "They require far fewer jobs to make. Michigan you're going to get so screwed." Mostly true. The claim of fewer jobs to build electric vehicles is believed to be true, but has not been proven yet. "They ordered a hit job on Michigan manufacturing with this insane electric vehicle mandate." Mostly false. In fact, the global auto market is moving to electric vehicles and will be a majority of vehicles sold in the next 20 years or so. The Detroit Three could be out of business. In addition, automakers have invested billions in Michigan and other parts of the U.S. to lay the groundwork for local electric vehicle production. "If we build all the charging booths that are necessary, the country would go bankrupt. It costs, like, $3 trillion." False."
  4. Watched Dune 1 last night, and a long way to nowhere. So Dune 2 will be leaving me hanging also, awaiting Dune 3, and hopefully with a bit more anticipation of. I'll watch 2 when available, but I certainly wouldn't waste 100 baht, on either, as simply a time killer, since nothing else really available. Was more curious about what the high rating was about (8 ?) ... still wondering
  5. I am ... but just disagree with the final conclusion, no matter what the chart says. Is it really humans causing it, or simply the natural progression. Humans are such as small number, and take up such a small part of the planet, along with the contribution. Really is minute, and I just don't believe it is the cause, as too small of a contribution. No matter what they try to tell us. source
  6. If so, I would have died decades ago. Smoking itself, yes, that will kill you, and definitely messes with your circulatory system. Not sure if cigs & ganga have the same negative effect, but being realistic; ... smoke, cough, smoke, cough ... your body is telling you something Whether you listen or not ... well, som nam naa
  7. What orifices are they pulling all these silly numbers from ? No wonder nobody believes anything in the 'news/comic section' of media reports. Cow farts, human breathing ... now hotels Not the millions of residences, but the hotels
  8. @GammaGlobulin Do you write in a 'word' app, and then copy/paste to the forum. May explain the double spacing, instead of some form of consolidated paragraphs. My writing crime is ... Ellipsis points. Use to force people to pause, think what they read, or about to read, instead of a simple comma. Doesn't seem to work, as reading comprehension of many members is quite poor, considering some of the replies I receive. And repetitive by multiple posters, and does seem to represent they are simply replying to the messenger, instead of the message. Or they are simply speed reading, and inject what the perceive I'd state, instead of what I stated. Such are forums when you develop ... a fan club Tell 'em Jimi ... "Now if a 6 turned out to be 9 I don't mind, I don't mind" TROLL ON ... my club members ... TROLL ON
  9. Mine's pretty poor at the moment. Just walking the dog a couple times a day, keeping the joints & muscles moving. That will change in the next week or so, as nursing a sore back muscle, that finally loosening up. Get back to riding my bike, pedal or stationary in the early AM, and some basic floor exercises. I've loss some weight, down to 75 kgs, almost the same as when I was 21 yrs old, but my chest and arms seemed to have migrated to my waistline. At this weight, I should have a flatter stomach and no love handles Need to get the metabolism back up and them stomach crunches going again. Temps is best excuse I can come up with, draining my motivation. Not a very good one 😂
  10. Also seems like their solution is making things worse, and interfering with the natural correction mother nature does by itself, without human help/hinderance "In 2020, a three-year study at the University of Plymouth which looked at the Maldives and the Marshall Islands, found that tides move sediment to create a higher elevation, a morphological response that could help low-lying islands adjust to sea level rise and keep the islands habitable. The research also reported that sea walls were compromising the islands’ ability to adjust to rising sea levels and that island drowning is an inevitable outcome for islands with coastal structures like sea walls" Loss of fresh groundwater & bleaching of the reefs ... hmm Couldn't possibly be caused by the increased use of ground water by the tourist industry (poor water management), along with added pollution killing the reefs Blame it on rising temps & seas, as never the govt's or human greed's fault.
  11. Well that certainly reads like they haven't a clue, why, or how to, if even possible (it isn't) to stop what may or may not be a problem. BUT ... need a concerted effort now to combat climate change, when they don't know why it might be warming, or how to stop it. I did post a thread much earlier, that some are looking at, for a cause of things heating up, but more so, total disaster before climate change or global warming would be an issue.
  12. silly post, again, as pointed out, congestion, construction & speed limits wouldn't allow 120 kph, along with traffic signals & intersection. I do wonder sometimes if you've ever been to TH. I can tell you I drive from PKK, 100 kms south of HH, to Bangkok with no problems, with our 50kWh (46.3 usable) battery pack. I do stop & top up, unnecessarily before getting to my destination, as prefer to not need to top up again, until out of the metro area, whether further beyond, or returning home. Also makes it easier to calculate, if returning home, to arrive @ 20%, and recharge at home with solar. Which has worked consistently of late. So the first 250-275 kms to BKK is on solar, and the last top up, back to 100% is also done with solar. So 500-550 of those kms are on solar, for additional savings.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/reel/7098139546970238
  14. If no internet available in the area, then good chance phone signal isn't so great either, so phone hotspot might not help. Check AIS & Dtac site for their service areas, and see what's available. Wife has AIS, and myself, Dtac, just for that reason, as we go out & about to some very rural areas. One usually works, and Dtac seems to be more consistently working when AIS is weak or non-existent.
  15. The MG MAXUS 9 (van) is pretty awesome and very plush inside, with nice specs. Actually negative for me, as my purpose for a van would be to convert to a RV. So wasted money to buy plush, to then take out. So no Renault dealers in Th MG MAXUS 9 Specs (drivetrain):
  16. Not sure if it still is, but ... Driving against traffic on shoulder was legal .. IF SAFE .. which gave me a chuckle when I read it. I guess if you have an oops, they deem it wasnt' 'safe' and cite you for reckless driving. And yes, I also drive against traffic when 'safe' Actually did it twice yesterday on the MB. Short distance to the U-turn, instead of the proper U-turn >1 km away, at a traffic signal. They do have a couple signs ... "Do NOT drive against traffic" ... at a few choice locations, as many people do there, and not the safest place to do. I've seen people cited at those locations. Mainly since there is no shoulder, and they are actually driving in the slow or parking lane. Potential head on, if having an oops.
  17. If ever a reminder why, last night reassured me, the decision to live in TH, is perfect for me. Why do I live in Thailand ? OK, not Hawaii, but Philly area, as couldn't find the other 'why do you' thread for TH. Top few reasons, all financial: ... don't have to pay 1000's of $$$ of yearly RE tax to live in a house I already own. ... can have a custom built house, 5 kms / 3 miles from the surf for less than $56,000 USD / ฿2 million THB ... 8kWh solar system w/20kWh back up battery (off grid) costing only $12,500 instead of $35,000-$50,000 in Philly area. ... Can buy an excellent EV for $25,000, instead of $35,000, which gets charged with solar, so no petrol/energy cost at all. ... and last by not least, Healthcare is accessible & inexpensive Last night, went to after hours clinic at local Gov't Hospital. Talk to doc, and we decided to get a CT Scan of whole abdomen. Which was done within the hour, and cost $481 USD - ฿17,300 THB vs cost for same in Philly area. Without paying any yearly premium for health insurance. Cheaper to self insure, unless you have major health issues. IF ... I still lived in Philly area ... Medicare Plan B (2023 cost) is more than I can spend over here for excellent care and procedures, exams, and with not deductibles, after paying the silly premiums. Meds here cost less than the deductibles for Doc visit to get script and the deductible for the overpriced meds you have to pay. 10-20 yrs of Plan B, I can't get that sick here, and I've been here 23+ years. No RE Taxes, no silly healthcare cost, big ticket items cheaper, all leaves a lot of extra pocket money at the end of the month. Spend on ME ME ME, instead of giving to Gov't & Insurance companies & Big Pharma. Same CT SCAN cost back in (Philly area), Philadelphia, PA, USA Nurse called this AM to inform me, no immediate action needed, no issues concerning CT Scan, with exception of my prostate, which I knew (enlarged), they didn't know, since never in their records. Ultrasound of prostate was done elsewhere during yearly check ups. Aside from being a bit large, no problems in the past, except those nightly P breaks while trying to sleep. Appointment for the 6 March to discuss CT Scan results & prostate. Must not be too important, or I'd be back in today or tomorrow. Actually surprised I'm that healthy. Just nursing a pulled muscle in my back that is taking too long to behave itself. GET THOSE YEARLY CHECK UPS ... CATCH SH!T EARLY .. ... OR, get warm & fussy feeling, knowing you're fairly healthy.
  18. Most are franchises owned/leased by locals, employing more locals. Usually no concern about expired products.
  19. Do you want to be the pot or the kettle ?
  20. I would have to spring for the extra 48k and get a NETA V, and kind of like them, although haven't sat in one, but specs & dimension would win me over any entry level ICEV in TH. Only familiar with Vios (now Varis) or Mazda 2, and wouldn't think of buying one again. Celerio NETA V if still discounted
  21. Reading comprehension seems to be an issue with a few members....
  22. Reply in reference to the OP stating ICEV cost half what an EV cost, in which only the very basic ICEV is priced below 499k baht. Guess they're fine if that's all somebody wants or can afford. Just wife, dog & myself need a lot more room & power. I doubt if the Celerio could have gone up a couple hills we've gone up, or carry what we need when out and about. Besides I can't even get in the dame thing, comfortably. And can't imagine driving on the highway in one for over an hour. I thought the Vios & Mazda 2 were POS on the road, but fine locally. The comparisons people are making are just silly, and this one in OP, besides silly is simply false. Celerio vs VW ... haven't a clue, but I'd never own a VW, any VW. Can't believe a damn thing they say.
  23. Considering the convenience, and price of 1 liter of petrol to get you a chain store, 7-11s fit the bill for a few baht, if that, if just picking up a few items, snack or daily basics.
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