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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. All news is nothing but Op-Eds now, and all bias ... IMHO
  2. What's your excuse for previous administrations
  3. Depends how far that U-turn is away from the one they 'missed', but no shoulder. I would have moved to the left until I got to the U-turn. Actually, on something that lite, I would have simply 'jaywalked' it, as possibly the safer bet, illegal or not. Safety is more important. Looking at the OP photo, doesn't seem to be a lot of traffic.
  4. I did notice a mod/news posting admin members using, so guess it's save for us to use. Was actually surprised, as I've had RT links deleted before. Why I avoided many discussions, as what would be the point. Maybe the censorship of alternative thoughts have stopped. I consider MSM nothing but propaganda, so letting both sides get the POV out would be only fair, unless someone can prove what is posted is false. Why I add .... IMHO ... to many posts. As a disclaimer, so if not agreeing with my opinion, then you might want to do your own research. Last time I checked, we're allowed to express opinions. Avoids all the silly request for a 'link to' as my links didn't pass approval Irrelevant, since most comment without reading links anyway, as this thread is proof of. Also why I avoid many discussion, as trying to have one with ignorant people is quite futile.
  5. We could run our whole house on that, 10kWh ESS ... IF being more conservatives and not as wasteful as we are now, with the ACs. We only added a 2nd ESS to prolong the longevity of our system's ESS/back up battery. @sirineou We use about 6 or 7 kWh overnight (14 hrs), which now is only <35%, instead of 65% of battery, which will extend the life of the batteries considerably. Wake up now to 65-70% batteries, instead of 35%. That's with AC use overnight in the bedroom. One less thing for the wife to concern herself about after I crap out. Price depends on DIY or having installed, and what components; better/longer (honored) warranties-maybe.
  6. As I stated, don't need to watch another anti RU view of the past, as I live in the present. Get enough of the MSM Anti RU BS right here. That people don't, didn't watch the 'Putin interview', simply exemplifies the ignorance of people, and success of western propaganda. How could anyone not want to hear the other side's POV. Weighing both ... one makes a lot more sense, and agrees with simple common sense thinking than the other. Along with matching the facts of present day, before they can be re-written to match the propaganda spin.
  7. I'm pretty sure he/RU could have done that a long time ago. That would mean a total invasion & occupation of, and I think most countries have learned that just doesn't work out very well for anyone. .... Afghanistan ... RU & USA/NATO ... Iraq ... Vietnam ... list is endless, from the beginning of time; Roman Empire, British Empire, Spanish Armada, all military and political failures to control others. The indigenous usually fight back & win. USA & NATO are slowly, hopefully learning that...or not apparently. CH seems to be the only one that builds relationships for mutual benefits instead of invading/occupying or economically threatening other countries ... IMHO China is burdened with trying to feed it's citizens, hence the battle over the nearby seas/fishing rights.
  8. Unless they were getting reading to make a right hand or U-turn, that is definitely the wrong place to be. And I don't see any shoulder or intersection ahead .... you can't fix stupid.
  9. Buddha forbid an alternative thought is proposed ... ... who would want a peaceful world, there's no profit in that
  10. Just an observation ... ... don't think too much into it .., I don't
  11. Hard to disagree with his thoughts ... "Tucker Carlson reviews Putin interview and reveals what ‘radicalized’ him"
  12. ... oops "British aircraft carrier fails to leave port" The departure of the HMS Prince of Wales for NATO drills has been delayed, the UK Defense Ministry has said The HMS Prince of Wales has been unable to depart for the largest NATO exercise since the Cold War, the British Defense Ministry has said. This marks the second blunder involving a Royal Navy aircraft carrier within the space of one week. Its sister ship, the HMS Queen Elizabeth, was initially slated to spearhead the Nordic Response 2024 drills, which would gather some 40 NATO warships off Norway’s coast in March and serve as the naval component of the US-led military bloc’s broader Steadfast Defender 2024 exercise. However, the carrier’s participation in the wargames was canceled at the last minute on February 4 after the discovery of a problem with the starboard propeller shaft coupling."
  13. W T F are you smokin' ... I think my post was self explanatory, and simply suggest people watch the vid, as they may learn something other than the MSM / western propaganda spin. Although they could have simply learned that from simply Google searches. As most of what Putin said can be verified if researching. Reading comprehension, as y'all sure do read a lot into my posts that isn't there. HAVE A NICE DAY Oh yea, and the only countries I support are TH & CH, since they get all of the money I spend. Though not sure if I'd actually call that supporting them. More like taking advantage of what they offer for my own benefit.
  14. Plenty of places, as I'd be surprised if many govt hospital charge $500, if those are USD. I had one, and think it was around the 12k baht mark.
  15. Don't know where I stated that. The 20th Century is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. People living in the past, waste of time & brain cells. Nobody seems to learn from history, so what's the point.
  16. Please tell me how ... ... not Russian, don't pay taxes ... don't think I've ever bought a product from RU ... never visited ... don't send them money Don't support UA or USA either. Just happen to be a fan of freedom of speech, and against MSM, and western propaganda/BS ____________________________________________________________________________ " 7 hours ago, tgw said: I wonder what you think of Putin's opinion that Poland started WW2 by not giving territories to Hitler."
  17. That would depend if you are home during the say, and how much your system cost. 3kw invert w/6 panels doesn't add up to a lot.
  18. I quite enjoyed my single time there. UT has lots of pluses. Never warmed up to KK.
  19. Don't know, don't care, didn't watch vid. Is it just another person's opinion of the past ? No matter, it's irrelevant. Better things to do. Only thing that really matters is 21st Century, 2008, 2014, Minsk agreement, USA backed coup, Crimea, bombing of Donbas & other areas, all leading up to RU's decision of enough is enough. He said it more than a few times, he's been and is ready to talk peace. Takes 2 to have a conversation Don't care about RU, or UA. Doesn't affect my life at all, and sucks being them.
  20. Guess the DLT head at SN doesn't know how or can't be bothered, as it's just a paperwork verification thingy, from what I understand.
  21. Read the link, as that was my unscientific estimate, though I think quite accurate, as the car's metering of all things is quite accurate. Yes, MG uses CATL batteries, and BYD used their own of course, along with many other EV manufacturers.
  22. Would imagine they'd do a battery capacity test, to find out why, and if just one or 2 modules not up to par, then they'd probably replace those, and hopefully give you the option to upgrade any others, while they have it opened up. Degradation of >30% would be rare to lose over 8 years. As an example, our MG ZS EV, I estimate will lose <5% over our 8 year / 180k km warranty.
  23. Another day, another loaf ... ... point of posting, switched up the recipe, 50/50 bread/whole wheat. Like the flavor better, but not the denser loaf. Whole wheat sucking up the water, so next one, adding 15% more water, and hope that will compensate. In the past, used 400gr/100gr, and except for flavor, not much difference in density. Used this whole wheat flour (no bits, fine flour), 5kg @ ฿300, wife found onlne.
  24. Yea ... the little bastards do the same thing if using a camera. Sit perfectly still for minutes, but as soon as you raise the carmera .... gone And all you get is a snap of another one flying away ...
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