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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. @Old car dealer agree with bignok, if lady coming just to see you, then pop down to see her instead, and take in Phatthalung. Experience a different TH if haven't already. Unless she's just heading to Patts to work, then as stated by other, no airport at Phatthalung, so she'll need to plan accordingly.
  2. Actually .. I apparently eat fairly healthy, now, relative to others. Never was a deep fried food eater. Olive & peanut oil when indulging. Sugar wise, most eaten is good ol' white table sugar, or brown if cookies or brownies, and actually the best sugar, even low in calories, if one counts those. I'd rather eat a beef or pork tenderloin, giving up a bit of fat flavor, for tenderness, so a leaner, healthier cut of meat. Prefer seafood over land critters, sometime healthier. All in moderation. My weak area, since in TH, is veggies, so take a multi vit to supplement that. Pre-TH, it was the amount of food I ate compared to now, that amazes me, looking back. Still fairly healthy, though more dining out...a lot more. But burned it off also working & playing hard. Almost no alcohol, past 15 yrs, and apparently a major difference to most other expats, or so implied from reading forum. Never was a buffet fan, though did my share of, and pigged out when did, so avoid, unless extreme quality, and luckily, that's rare or expensive.
  3. Doesn't the same happen in Thailand? With the non-chinese expats that use agents simply but can't afford to take over since they barely exist here on their pittance of their retirement that they can't even make the financials for visa.
  4. Pence is not stranger to telling porkies himself, especially during covid:
  5. Reading comprehension of my post would avoid you asking for research. Obviously many, most don't read or watch what I link, and I'm not going to waste time repeating myself. Re-read what I've posted slowly & carefully, as I don't think I need to add any more to be understood. I'll do me, which seems to work just fine, you do you ... ENJOY
  6. Geez, would you all just leave already. That would be a big improvement in you life ... or not.
  7. Again, you keep repeating the same false spin. They could service them, no problem, but unfortunately, needed to quite often.
  8. Haven't a clue, sorry, can't help, never bought. Never crossed my mind to have here. You first ????
  9. Pedal bike, 0 impact, or stationary if concerned about having an oops. Also these type seem to be the ticket for many:
  10. Finally, someone with taste buds, and mirrors our beans at home a bit ???? Add some Tomato sauce, Siracha, bbq sauce & seasonings.
  11. Pepsi (diet) over coke for my Rum & Coke, when I use to indulge. Now it's Mojitos or Mochitos, using Schweppes lemon/lime, when lazy, more times than not.
  12. 7/12 ? Can charge when every you want, though since having solar, we charge during daytime, such as now. No limit to when we use our car. Charging while sleeping certainly wouldn't be an inconvenience.
  13. And overnight if on the grid (7.4kWh) @Dmitry2222
  14. Nah ... nobody drains battery to 0% 2 hours, usually less and mine is done, 30-100% (72v/50Ah) DECO SUSU (mine) SUSU - Updated battery:
  15. Agree, and my blood sugar level has always been extreme high end of normal. Knockin' on 69 yrs old, pastry & ice cream junkie, and so far, not diabetic ... ???? Every doc has told me to cut back. But table/white sugar, mostly used at bakeries, and some brown sugar, is the better of the sugars, relative. That might explain it, and as stated, avoid sugar drinks and alcohol. Mostly home cooking, so overly processed food intake is at a minimum. Either very lucky, or from my experience, sugar itself, in my diet, is not the demon it's made out to be. YMMV ... with your types of sugar & genetics.
  16. @GammaGlobulin Amazon has it for 7200 baht $84+$118 (S&H&duty) but make sure it's 220v or whatever offered for UK, EU, SEA
  17. They're a bit silly priced here, compared to US (<$100 USD), UK or EU. Saw the 3L mini Duo 7 in 1 on LAZ for 10k. Large enough for us, then they go up in price for 5 or 7L. Almost bought it, but we have so many appliances already, only advantage really for us would be the pressure cooker, for beans and meat (beef stew or Massamans). So gave it a pass. If just starting to stock kitchen with appliance, it does cut out the need for most, oven or stove top cooking. As I stated, doesn't do rice well. Instant Pot 3L other size & prices You want the 'Duo 7 in 1' as newest version I believe
  18. The ones supplied by MG, and installed for free are more than enough for us, and considering most is done by emergency charger/cord, using solar, that's saying quite a bit. Even if one has to pay 4.5-5 baht a kWh at home, that's a bargain compared to 39+ baht a liter, at the petrol pump. 200 vs 1000 baht to go 360 kms for us, IF, we used the grid to charge. And no waiting a petrol station to fill up every week or so, no silly oil changes every 10k kms or tune-ups to concern ourselves with.
  19. Wasted time & effect, if you don't have a snowball's chance in hell. He certainly can't run on his record. I'm waiting on biden to drop out, and harris to be their candidate. Even saw an op-ed that implied if running against harris, (in primary) if it happened, would be considered racist ????
  20. 5 yrs of French 2 yrs of Latin 2 yrs of Spanish ... actually was fluent though forgot most The sciences come in handy, and of course math, though with calculators today, most don't use in their head, or even know the equations. History, actually enjoyed, and like knowing, but useless. Reading & writing, obviously needed. Art & Music, nice to know, but useless. Social Science & POD (Problems of Democracy), interesting, and great to know, but useless, and apparently, nobody pays attention, IF, still taught, which I doubt, as seems most Yanks, don't even know how the govt works. Actually think they directly elect the President. Or understand Congress (House/Senate) & SCOTUS. Damn embarrassing actually.
  21. Only part I'll agree with, and excessive sugar is a bit relative, in relation to what else you are eating. And types of sugar, natural or added that is in those.
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