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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not enough info to form an opinion. Devil's advocate, and her being unconscious may have been of her own doing, on a regular basis, in which case ... ... oh well. Would the opinions be any different if it was some male alky always drinking himself to unconsciousness and dumped curbside out of a venue
  2. Yikes ... my morning 200ml of coffee (Americano, using 50gr of Arabica) cost <30 baht, and as good or better than most shops. And ... don't need to travel to have it. Day I spend 100 baht for a cup of coffee, shoot my butt ????
  3. I try not to recommend things I know nothing about, hence the 'haven't researched' the Cross comment, but they do look nice, and I see a lot of them when out & about.
  4. I've never needed more that $50k a yr in USA, or ฿400k in TH, and we live a very comfy lifestyle. Want for nothing. I do bring in about ฿1M a year now, and TBH, it's really hard to spend. We save about half of it, without trying, and still live very comfy. That's 3 newly built houses, and I'm on #5 new car in 20ish years. I really don't know what people spend so much on. Alcohol & hookers ?
  5. If sticking with ICEV, then that Toyota Cross is looking good. I haven't researched the spece, so ignorant on that aspect. If EV, my wife's choice was MG ZS, she's all of 150ish cm. I'm 175cm and works great for both of us. Both start @ <1M baht
  6. The same place used for all the other lithium batteries you use for other things, nobody seems to have a problem with. And newer better lithiums for EVs are LFP ... try to keep up.
  7. @carlyai You're over thinking it, and trying to use what the bike has. Drilling holes may compromise tubing strength. Just get some kind of tubing clamp with screw mount. My battery isn't in a hard case, and I actually zip tied to the frame ???? Something this will make life easier:
  8. $1M USD = ฿34,208,500 or 42.7 yrs @ ฿800k a year or 85 yrs @ ฿400k a year WOW ... no more use of agents @ USA, $50k for 20 years. How much more do people need to live on.
  9. Looks like a normal costal or anywhere rain day to me ???? It's called rainy season for a reason.
  10. ... here’s what you need to know it's longer than the usual 3 day weekend
  11. Must have heard about the pending drought, and simply saving water. I can wear the same pants & shirt for a week or so, since only wearing when leaving the house. Au naturel when at home, as hate wearing clothes. OP ... Obvious some mental issues ... or ... morning skinny dip, and someone made off with his clothes.
  12. Politics ... don't really involve me, not different than when I lived in USA, as I kind of ignore it ... just the entertainment factor is good Stupid visas ... find visas very easy, as long as people aren't skint Stupid movies and music ... like anywhere, that's an elective to watch or listen to, TIT Terrible drivers ... most are quite capable, and I really don't have a problem with them. That those on scooters tend to kill themselves, that their problem.
  13. No fear, just went with what was available, after a bit of research. At the time, MG was about the only brand <฿1M, that interest me. I was actually leaning toward the EP @ ฿771k but wife wasn't having any of it, and glad she didn't, as really liking the ZS. Shorter length and high seating position is a plus for me. Other brands, after we ordered starting to enter the market, were all a bit new, and no dealer network, with little model track record. Happy with our choice, and MG Super Chargers may come in handy, once the number of EVs to CS ratio increases. Though by that time, I think we'll be winding down on our O&As. One more planned next month, then not sure about the remaining months before smog season hits. Think we'll just concentrate on visiting the kid in Krung Thep and knock around there a bit. Haven't done much up there in a while.
  14. Depends on the EV and their IP rating. I personally won't be driving through any floor board high water, or over low side of rubber tire, no matter who says it's OK to. MG ZS 2022 now has an IP69K rating, (the highest rating) up from previous 67. Really can't get too much higher, unless straight waterproof/submerged for so long ????
  15. That's understandable, as it opens w/Calif, USA, and right to some guy & an older Tesla. Kind of irrelevant for folks living in TH. I'm surprised I even watched the little that I did, only because it wasn't an EV hit piece that so many post, I think.
  16. They have a Lords of War 2 on the table, and will be good to see Cage back in a straight role, instead of always being cast as a wacko.
  17. Vid is working on older cars, older tech, and USA labor prices. So much changes in a year or so. Did confirm that the Leaf has had some battery issues. I FF thru most of it, so can't comment too much. Nice to know 3rd party shops are available though, probably will be here in 5+ years, though think I would stick to the dealers if having an oops. Due to labor cost in USA, I never took mine to a shop or dealer, and why over the years, I learned how to tear 'em apart & put them back 'em back together. Cost $75-$100 just to drive in and have a mechanic tell you what's wrong it ????
  18. Out & About / over the road, non local driving requiring use of CSs (Charging Stations). Although the first & last 250 kms, are charged at home. More of course, as home is ฿0 / solar, or if using grid <฿4 for us. Charging stations, as noted above, are ฿7.5, and did include in totals, 2 way, subtracted from petrol cost/savings & total if just doing local driving, using grid. By not going O&A, you would be spared all the negatives the anti EV'ers cry about ... that don't own an EV ???? Along with never having to wait & pay at the petrol station. As long as you could charge at home. Neta V @ ฿549k MG EP @ ฿771K
  19. What MG did you drive (MG3) and what year. Looked at MG3 back in 2012 ish, and went with the Mazda 2 instead. That's actually how we got the 2020 MG ZS, as popped into MG, to check out any upgrading of the MG3. Just a wee bit, but while there, peeked at the ZS (ignorant of), took if for a short test ride, bit of research, returned & bought it. Gave the M2 to daughter.
  20. Same with us, contacting Hua Hin dealer (100 kms away), before local dealer opened was care free. Wife and reps had each other's ph# on their contact list. Calling the serv. dept. to schedule oil changes no problem. Our dash cam in ICE version krapped out, out of warranty, and replaced for free. ???? Local, same excellent service, prompt oil changes, schedule & service performed on time. Always ask if we want it washed, when done. As stated prior, EV check up @ 10k was done before I finished my coffee ???? Toyota, & Mitsubishi @ Udon Thani, and Mazda @ UT & Hua Hin, were always make an appointment, drop off, and 'we'll get to it as soon as we can'. Hours later, come pick it up. All 4, excellent service, only difference, MG very timely. All honest, estimates & cost the same when done. Always a ph call, if anything found before servicing. N/A to MG, as low kms and no surprises. Mazda @ Pranburi ... may want to not use, as didn't experience good service there. Daughter does not speak highly of Mazda @ Pathum Than/hwy 3214.
  21. Don't have grandkids, but age gap between daughter & myself, and she could easily have been a grandkid, or great grand kid, if self & offspring had kids at 20 yrs old. What about you? Do you spend a lot of time thinking about this question, too? ... No Do you have any thoughts concerning your granddaughter's life and wellbeing twenty, fifty, and eighty years from now? ... No, she's pretty savvy, out of Uni, and on her way to early retirement. Chip of the ol' block. Do you think she will still be living in Thailand? ... Probably, as quite settled in now @ Krung Thep with some RE holdings, working & self employed. Till retirement, though by that time, the rest of the world will be a real sh!thole. She'll live in an era of many good & not so good changes. Good ... should have some amazing medical breakthroughs. Hopefully allowed, as we all know, it's more profitable to treat illnesses than cure them. ... Tech advancement should be amazing, though simply adding to the dumbing down and control of the masses. Bad ... more censorship, more monitoring, more loss of freedoms, and when total digital currency arrives, then every faucet of their lives will be controlled by Big Brother. UP THE REVOLUTION
  22. Cost of 9 month of EV driving, while having solar for that whole time. MG ZS EV, using previously owned MG ZS ICE, (14kp/L using 91) for cost comparison. Actually savings for us, using our Solar for local driving and CSs while O&A Using Petrol price of ฿38.08 / L Using CS price of 7.5kWh 9 month total ... 14.5 kms Local ... 10k kms ... ฿0 O&A ... 4.5k kms ... ฿4,883 IF using Petrol cost ... ฿39,440 - 4,883 = ฿34,557 Saved Savings if not having solar, are still impressive. Local driving of 14.5k kms @ ฿4kWh = ฿7460 vs ฿39,440. ฿32,000 / ฿3,500 a month saved, that's a lot of beer. While O&A, never a problem find a CS. Never a Q at a charging station, though we try to avoid weekend long drives. The few that we've done, and no problems, no Qs. An added plus of having a MG, is using their CS network, limited to MG card members only. All CSs, MG Super Chargers, or PEA (our other preference) have been conveniently located along our routes. No searching necessary. Using their apps, PlugShare site or Charge Loma app provides plenty of almost up to date info. Even Gmaps is starting to show way more CS than just a month ago. One service check up @ 10k kms, free, and was literally done, before I finished my coffee in the waiting room. Dealer dependent on wait time. HAPPY TRAVELS
  23. Some final thoughts on ICEV vs EV. Are they for everyone ... NO Do we love ours ... YES The operating cost savings and fact we're not contributing to the local air pollution, along with the excellent performance, is well worth the extra ฿200k over the ICEV price, especially considering the added cost of the components. Price 50kWh of quality ESS for a solar system, and ฿200k is a bargain. Along with a better performing, longer lasting motor, needing minimal maintenance. More savings. Just the added performance is worth the extra buy in price, as driving is fun again, and not just going from point A - B. Savings if not having solar, are still impressive. 14.5k kms @ 4kWh = ฿7460 vs ฿39,440. ฿32,000 / ฿3,500 a month saved, that's a lot of beer. Put the money in your pocket, or give it to Big Oil. UP2U Are we saving the planet, no, but it doesn't need saving, humans do. Are they more eco friendly, probably, BUT, not as long as govt continue to energize the grid with fossil fuels. EVs are not for the impatient folks when out on the road, but how often do most go O&A ? But for some reason, those same people have no problem waiting around every week to top up the tank at the petrol station & then pay a premium price for that privilege. Let that sink in, take as long as you need. Don't hurt yourself. PEACE OUT
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