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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Just reminded of one, from reading another thread ???? Bessie Smith's gravesite, finally got a headstone, paid for by Janis Joplin, was located at a cemetery down the street from my hometown house, actually right behind a friend house. Regular spot, the cemetery, for us, young teens to get drunk, out of the limelight, and PoPo, to avoid another overnight in their krappy accommodations.
  2. Yes, mind boggling, imagining the carnage, and lack of medical facilities. Not exactly any M.A.S.H. units in those days. Slicing & dicing without anesthesia, if even lucky enough to be taken off the battlefield. Haven't been, but when I see photos of Arlington Cemetery, and seems to go on forever, and just a fraction of the dead from silly wars. Add to that all the grieving family & friends .. that's a bit thought provoking. Even for my insensitive uncompassionate self ... ????
  3. Also do that, when convenient for 'me' to do it, as hate people tailgating me, and guess that's why they do it. If in traffic, then to guy behind is really going get p.o.'d, as I'll slow way down for a safe distance to the vehicle in front of me. Till he backs off or passes me another way.
  4. If every country simply worried about themselves, I would be a better world. IMHO Unfortunately, the elite, want to control everything & anything they think they can profit from. Think: ... central banking ... arms sales ... FTA ... Kyoto BS ... etc etc etc
  5. oops, need to proof more often ... should read March 2023 Steady progression of usage350-763kWh: August 2022, higher only because of exporting (153kWh), which ceased mid month, w/new digital meter.
  6. An older movie I could watch again, as most I don't care for... ... Shenandoah w/James Stewart https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059711/?ref_=vp_vi_tt
  7. True ... depending where you live, or which nanny state. You will eventually have to register with an internet server, who will require a proper id and or ph#. Thus, you are basically no longer incognito, though it may or may not, take a court order to access that info. VPNs ... well, don't be surprised, if the VPN service you are using, isn't owned and operated by the very same folks you are trying to avoid
  8. Depends what you use to register, not only on AN, but your devices. I avoid anything requesting a ph #, and use mail accounts with no personal info. Goes beyond just your AN registration though, and you IP address, server registration information. Almost impossible to be totally incognito. If someone know how & where to look.
  9. Think induction cooker ... why they / SS pans have the heavy bottom plate.
  10. Hershey PA, the whole town smells like chocolate, street lights are/were shaped like Hershey Kisses. Used to run AirFreight (by truck) PHL-MDT (Harrisburg), and yea, a lot of air freight isn't by air, even PHL-MIA, which I loved doing. Anyway, while killing 8ish hours at MDT area, I'd do local deliveries & pick ups, and loved going to Hershey, as it seemed every loading dock had a box of candies (rejects) and help yourself. If you ever asked for directions, most people tell you near a bar, restaurant, shopping mall as reference. Me, chocolate factory, or in Lititz, Lancaster, Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery, or the Amish Apple fritters bakery, or another confectionary factory/Wilbur Chocolate. Depending where I went to that day, means another kg added on, but also another smile.
  11. Good movie: Law Abiding Citizen: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1197624/
  12. As is yours, and proves my point. Bush & Blair, no charges and walk free. A2D .... Have a Nice Day
  13. Way too many to list, famous is relative. Elvis's childhood home ... maybe. Growing up in Philly, PA, so much history 1st Bank, 1st Library Ben Franklin home/grave Thomas Paine Betsy Ross Carpenter's Hall/Liberty Bell Valley Forge Gettysburg Hershey's Chocolate Brandywine Valley Dupont's Gunpowder Factory of days past That's just local stull, within a few hours of driving. National Parks and Dive sites USCGC Duane in FL waters was quite memorable. lovely & challenging (advanced divers only) Niagara, ... real waterfalls, not downhill streams as in TH, with few exceptions.
  14. Not avoiding, just feel no need to comment on the legitimacy of an organization I have no respect for. How many resolutions have Israel ignored. Bush & Blair/Iraq & Afghan, how many did their fake policy/war kill. NO CHARGES filed.
  15. Yikes ... I know epi pens are expensive here, but the alternative ... ????
  16. From link, illegal to own, even as a novelty, but kids can own toy guns ... ... hmm, all makes sense to me ???? "NSW drugs laws state that it is an offence to "sell, supply or display for sale a bong… or the component parts, whether or not [it] is intended to be used to administer a prohibited drug".
  17. Read the older Yank lasses head to the Caribbean for the same ... ❤️
  18. UN & ICC is a failure, and to political to be taken seriously. Fodder for MSM serving the ignorant masses.
  19. As if the USA or UK, or any NATO nation (exempt Germany & France*) presiding is much of a difference: Iraq - Afghanistan, as 2 y'all conveniently forgot. Egypt, Syria, Libya as a couple other for your selective memory loss. The hypocrisy is mind boggling. * both against Iraq & Afghan invasion & occupation.
  20. As were all mine, most ROR, or minimal bail, usually local, so bail usual just enough to cover small fine, JIC, you no show.
  21. Thailand being almost self sufficient, doesn't need a foreign policy. Better not to have one, as don't get caught up in other countries' silliness. TH can feed itself, probably energize itself without tourist & develop more solar & hydro. China's manufacturing and they don't really need anyone else.
  22. 9 misdemeanors 1 felony .. carrying concealed firearm, no permit, as FL not recognizing out of state (PA) permits at the time. All adjudicated with no conviction, all expunged after 1 yr probation, if any sentence at all. Most small fines, later expunged. Have no criminal record.
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