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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. ???????????? https://www.thairath.co.th/news/local/central/2658221?fbclid=IwAR3Vo0QmvPTlRgS7H8Pxb-xQ6ktzeA26BhfnJoNJmmMLula6HDGwccyssQM
  2. THANKS for posting. Comparing specs, liking our ZS even more now ????
  3. OP ... women don't have penises ????
  4. I see you are till having a very hard time understanding the concept of topics about the UK are irrelevant to Thailand. But hey ... TROLL ON
  5. Yea, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the new models' pricing.
  6. @Menken 'back went out' ? Seeking a chiropractor ? For an adjustment or 3 if needed ? And yes, the exercises work, strengthening the muscles that support the spine. Dr Oat ... if wanting a Chiro ... excellent ???? (Healing Arts Center, 21/1 Sukhumvit Soi 24)
  7. Need to search better, as that's what mine are, and bought here/TH, and I know I didn't pay 10k for them, or would. Due for any set soon anyway, but not that soon that I'd be helpful.
  8. Slower traffic to the left lanes, except when passing is and always was the law, here/TH and most countries. Right or left depending on the country, here left obviously since RHD country. Nothing specifically stating scooters much use left lane, I think. Except on motorways/inter province/divided hwys, can pass on left if safe. Don't think it would matter what lane this guy was. Obviously wasn't paying attention.
  9. So you just believe, God basically started everything, and it now just runs on auto pilot, the good and the bad. Do you believe in a heaven & hell (afterlife) ? Do you believe in prayer, and being answered ? If answered (saved from terminal illness), God's miracle ? if not answered, 'works in mysterious ways' BS ? If God created everything, who or what created God, or are we going with the 'always was, always will be' theory. And there is no other or need to be, it's just is. All of which, none can be proved or disproved. Just the Christian Bible is so wacked, you'd have to be total idiot to believe any of that. No need to attempt to disprove that, it does that all by itself.
  10. @Yellowtail Damn Google ... giving me false info ???? ... Although I'd never trust or buy anything from VW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal#:~:text=In April 2017%2C a US,conspiracy on 3 May 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_controversies
  11. That's why we didn't keep our MG ZS ICE, as much as we loved it (red), and wanted to keep it. Did depreciate more than we expected, a wee bit, and if we were buying just to buy something newer, different, an ICE Pick-up for example, then we would have kept it. But since going EV, I knew we would never use it, and the ฿฿฿ looks better under my pillow than ZS under the carport. My wife was really surprised I bought the electric MB, as the Honda Wave sat in the carport for years, basically driving to fuel up, and put air in the tires. Only kept as spare transport, JIC. Occasionally run to 7-11 if feeling really lazy. Seem to use the E-MB almost daily, weather permitting, when having the ZS ICE, and still use a few times a week after getting the ZS EV. Dog and myself just enjoy riding it. Most people aren't out & about that much, so range isn't a factor, just an excuse. For the amount of money saved, if out & about a couple times a year, then the patience is well rewarded, and you really do need to stop for a break after 3 hrs on the road. We'll be O&A a lot come rainy season, and half our yearly kms or more, are on the road, since everything we need on a daily basis is very close to house. Retired, so no school or work runs. Advantage of charging w/Solar, so really silly not to have an EV. ICE vehicle sales as a whole were down last year, and more so this year already. EVs getting ordered & registered ???? Can't wait for the day when I'm on the scooter, and don't curse the ahole in front of us, with the POS diesel we have to smell, or just regular fueled ICE exhaust. And the same people complain about the air pollution.
  12. Good luck with that ... ... wonder how many banks the FDIC have already stepped in on, that aren't making the news. Not sure I trust this info: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/list-of-failed-banks/ Would love to see a run on the banks, just for the drama, but it would hurt far too many in the short term. Another middle class major reset in the making ? ????
  13. Agree with title, it's mind boggling, and why I never ask a question or will ask (rare) but, someone I know who actually has experience and can answer. First place I go for info is Google, and sometimes, before I reply, to make sure I'm current. To add to OP, so many reply, without reading the OP or links provided, just to the title, and simply come off as silly or really ignorant. I make note of that when I'm doing (to the title), as author may be on my ignore list and didn't see to OP, or I disagree with half of the actual post.
  14. I learned all I needed, to realize it's a farce. Agnostic - Christian - Agnostic - Atheist When ignorant, nothing made sense, then became an ignorant Christian, and it all seemed to make sense. Then thought about it, and actually researched this Jesus guy and not even sure he existed. Not believing, and now everything DOES make sense. Belief in God is control, nothing else, nothing more, especially in religion. People see the light when they find GOD. I saw the light, when I stopped believing.
  15. Now you're getting silly. Why create a life, to simply have it die, before born, just after born, or suffer for years. @thaibeachlovers Yes .. it's nature, that's all it is. For anyone, think to come up with that idea, is about as F'd up as can be. And I'm supposed to believe and worship that ? Don't think so. That's an A$$hole, and we'll have words if God's real ????
  16. And there's the spin, if it's good, God created, did it, if not, then it's something else, 'works in mysterious ways', and now, 'it's nature'. Did not God create everything ? Sounding like a movie script ... this scene I love, classic by Byrne, and @ 2:10, ????
  17. Incorrect again. Was never religious. Although belief in GOD and Jesus, go hand in hand in Christianity. Religions are a total joke, and I can't believe anyone attempts to follow their silliness, as almost impossible, and why they/ALL members of are hypocrites ... IMHO I'm not seeing the good works of GOD, if exists, then the Devil is kicking his A$$ in human's world. Aside from people killing people for sport, and the constant wars for profit, someone please explain creating cancer for kids to suffer with while wasting away to death. Do that, and you'll convert me. Good Luck
  18. All my Detroit cars were 2nd hand, and OK, as found after a while, I could pick a good car. But when wife #1 wanted a new car, it was Datsun for dependability, since more hers, and never let her down. When I wanted a new work truck, again, Nissan, for dependability. Although I did have a F-100, that never let me down. Had plenty of Detroit cars, but not for over the road trips, and always had a Jap car for that. Last Detroit car I owned before coming to TH was Ford Escort, and damn if it wasn't almost a twin of my Mazda 323 ... go figure. Actually last production that Mazda put out of the Escort with their engine, as Ford starting putting theirs in. Went threw all the Detroit Big 3, especially GMs. Stuck with Datsun/Nissan (Maxima) & Mazda (323/Escort) for my dependable autos. Actually VW Van was 1st car, POS, but fun. Scooters, the same, Honda, with lots of miles riding. Friends-Harleys, not so many miles riding ???? Nortons & Triumph scooters didn't fare too well either in the states. Looked nice, like the MGs & Triumphs cars, but don't go too far from home with them.
  19. As was the UK's, Euro manufacturers, when Japanese competition hit. USA manufacturers threw in the towel and just had them make cars for them, and their best sellers at that. China filling what Japan doesn't make now on the worldwide market, for basically all brands. Good products sell. Bad product sell, only till people wise up, then go elsewhere. Actually my brother could and did service his MGBs & Triumphs, but just got tired of the constant break downs, stranded & fixing. Whole family is mechanically inclined, and not much I haven't done to an auto myself; swapped engines, trans, rears & even painted one car. Poverty does that, as silly price mechanics who don't know what they're doing aren't worth paying.
  20. @MichaelJohn Agree with the above. Why we asked for large deposit (non refundable after 90days) when selling our house, or it stays on the market. So many with no money came, saw, want, failed to get financing ... bye bye.
  21. Self destructed long time ago, via no QC, and put out some real krap, well, what ever was exported to USA. Not a single one would be considered a quality, dependable vehicle. Can't speak for what was sold in UK. But MG, Triumph, Jaguar, Mini, all mechanical failures in the USA. Made the Detroit krap look good ????
  22. Never seen an EV fire, though seen more than enough ICE fires. They got LFP tech pretty much down to a science now. They even have high temp resistant, and puncture proof (Blade) batteries. No worries from me, and consider EVs much safer all the way around. I'd much rather be in a serious EV crash, than an ICE crash. If you have a nose that works, I'm sure you'd notice an EV's fumes if it was thinking about igniting, along with plenty of time to exit, carefully. Save the old, scary vids for ignorant people. Most product failures in the 21st century are 'user error', or you shouldn't have bought the POS to begin with if you did any research.
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