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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. For all that money, not impressive at all. I'm sure, hope anyway, fit & finish is very nice, more comforts & options. Must be using all the energy & power for options, because it isn't going toward performance. Liking our ZS even more, for less than 1/3 the price. Might have to top up more often on the highway, and a bit slower, but that 2 mill in pocket, pays for the house & solar system. 2 stats questionable, but close enough, match or better on different sites.
  2. @TorBKK "With the viewpoint makeover now taking place behind the statue of Prince Narathip" https://royalcoastreview.com/2022/11/cha-am-beach-viewpoint-getting-a-big-makeover/ https://www.google.com/maps/search/prince+narathip/@12.7950102,99.9824331,158a,35y,96.93h,45t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!2m7!3m6!1sprince+narathip!2sCha-Am+Beach!3s0x30fd1ca836223eed:0x92726b8942251552!4m2!1d99.9874748!2d12.8031885
  3. Happen to see my first one today, very nice. Impression fuel economy. Our very thirsty ZS got 11 kp/L on the highway. 10 or less around town ????
  4. That's your comeback .. thank you for confirming what I stated. all things being equal, of course one would assume more is breathed in directly from the nose & mouth but it certainly did NOT state, it won't come in through the eyes. quite the opposite. " whereas infectious particles that enter through our eyes have to take a more roundabout route" Take the expressway or the scenic route, you still end up at the same destination.
  5. Does anyone need a credible source for that. Basic human biology. Do I need a source to confirm the sun comes up in the east & sets in the west. Eyes, tears, tear duct nasal cavity ... did you not pay attention in class. Here's a visual:
  6. Since your eyes drain down into you nostril cavity, any covid infected droplets in your eyes, then simply bypass the mask, and are breathed in. Again, making mask without eye protection...useless.
  7. Don't mind watering the plants, fruits/veggies, lawn & pretty flowers ... .... but the freakin 'dead' compost ????
  8. Good, if you didn't notice. Park the car in the garage, running, close the door have seat and crack open a beer .... ENJOY.
  9. Yes, I know. I wish people would stop trying to explain common sense things to me. It's the weather and the el nino & la nina are part of the ever change weather. Comes in waves, some long, some not so long. Just as there was a steady rise in NOAA data, and now leveling off. What's next ???? NOBDOY KNOW But the doom & gloom crowd always stop and quote the negative, forget to add, since 2014....2015 temps have leveled. And the extreme negative forecast is: ... 3.4mm ... that is so scary, don't build surfside if you plan on living more than 100 years more ... 1.5C next 100 yrs... maybe ... I don't even need to buy sunscreen for that one
  10. ???????????? OK, not really funny, as some are there from unexpected circumstance beyond their control. But with some of the rents my brother has quoted back at that foreign land I used to live, USA, it is mind boggling how some can afford to rent. Use to be 25% of income for rent, now it seems 50-75% is needed, with the rest toward utilities & petrol to get to your rut. Don't want to be on that hamster wheel. If returning to states, think I'd go upscale on the RV instead of buying a house & paying RE Taxes, and simply live in National Parks or park close by, since free for us ol' folks. Not sure what charges would be for plugging in. All solar'd up, even a nice van conversion would work. Use free showers.
  11. I found the tent folks offer the insured value, maybe. Then compare that to what they are asking on FB Marketplace for your area, and you have a ballpark of H/L price.
  12. If haven't already, could ring up or msg Boy Blues Bar and ask. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063491892947
  13. And people go to CM and say they didn't notice any smog ... ... also didn't notice any hills in the distance ???? So you are one of those ... nuff said
  14. That's what it was worth to the person buying/selling. All that matters. Every gold shop posts the daily buy/sell rate.
  15. I'd call that old dated news, as from 2015 onward, temps have leveled off, on average. actually dipped, though not enough worth mentioning. Leveling off, on average is though. NOAA data, and we'll see what the future holds. Stay tuned, if you really care, and plan on living another 1 or 200 yrs. That 1.5 ish C seems to be on hold for now.
  16. Thank you ... even heavy for about 1 minute, so solar panel cleaned again, for 2nd time this month ???? Looks like an annoying, but welcomed on/off drizzle the rest of the day. I'll take it, as much better than the damn water bill we just got. ฿1228 ... that better be one productive garden.
  17. Lesson learned. As BM2 stated ... good advice.
  18. Since we rarely got out of the car when refueling, didn't realize there were that many inconsiderate people in the world ... silly me. They put the placard on your car, asking you to turn off ... nuff said I worked at gas station as a teen, bad enough you have to huff the petrol fumes, let alone the exhaust from cars. Really does make me wonder how some folks see themselves, when they interact with people every day. Are they really that consciously inconsiderate or just haven't a clue just how inconsiderate they are.
  19. Also have sold Thai gold back to shops, at a nice profit I might add. I think first purchase (2000) was 3k or 6k/baht, now it's 30+k. Last time bought/sold, think it was 10k & 12k.
  20. If buying, you wouldn't get much. Who would buy a used 18k ring here. Few Thais, just ignorant farangs. Only HiSo Thais bother with gemstones, and they wouldn't buy 2nd hand. You rarely see Thais with 18k ring or with stone settings. More into gold bands/rings, necklaces & bracelets. Obvious by any wall & display cases in the shops, as small part dedicated to rings w/settings. A lot of the customers, gold buying mindset is, IF I ever need to, I can always sell it for what I pay at least. Not with 18k, losing investment.
  21. I think that is more to avoid the sun, and looking like a outdoor laborer. Same when it's lovely outside, or headed to high temps 30C+ and they have a light jacket on.
  22. That's 1 runoff into the gulf solved, maybe. How about all the rest of them ? If swimming at HH beach, or most of gulf beaches fronting any development, prepare for an ear infection. IMHO I no longer bother, or if so, the head stays out of the water. And that Ban Krut or Thung Wua Laen. Anywhere near HH ... hell no, even locally at Ao Manao/PKK, lesson learned.
  23. Coffee shop is just OK, we prefer 'Srisanor Cafe' & Boutique Resort (close @ 1700 hrs) https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/Srisanor+Cafe'+%26+Boutique+Resort/@11.7974553,99.8008948,3a,75y,51.3h,95.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6DNPsyqF1GmHF9Fbnz1WDQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m19!1m9!3m8!1s0x30fe851811d261eb:0xfb40336de353a587!2sThe+Jam+Bar!8m2!3d11.7974692!4d99.8008738!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16s%2Fg%2F11qnsv5jcn!3m8!1s0x30fe8410730a5e77:0xbb6e1c1ecada64b4!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d11.7975345!4d99.8009476!16s%2Fg%2F11f3pk7_h6 Or Yai Coffee & Bread: https://www.google.com/maps/place/YAI+Coffee+%26+Bread/@11.7972192,99.7828044,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOcMaB7_22z7a6SZ8bd8-BA5t2QImSlpfhC2v4o!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOcMaB7_22z7a6SZ8bd8-BA5t2QImSlpfhC2v4o%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i4032!8i2268!4m6!3m5!1s0x30fe855824366a97:0x96c3c5ceb04db3e0!8m2!3d11.7972192!4d99.7828044!16s%2Fg%2F11nmfykt19 Coffee shops seem to be our 'tourist attractions' ???????????? Being Wat'd, park & waterfall'd out. Same same, not different or special ???? Besides, some coffee shops have better waterfalls ????
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