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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yea, unless designed to run on E85, no benefit might be realized. In a short period of time, I think all grades E85 & 91/95 will be the same. Noticed they dropped 91 & 95 by 3 baht, but only dropped E85 by 1,8 baht. Continue that, and they'll be priced the same shortly. Scamming, price gouging F's ... come on EV, can't get here quick enough. Good thing they froze diesel at 30 ...
  2. If you want to waste time & energy .... ????
  3. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/m-cuisine-poached-egg-i528110658.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.1.5f1a8e10RynujL
  4. If don't have a microwave, this would be you next option, and really impossible to screw things up when steaming. First link I saw, might find one locally: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/legend-4-pan-non-stick-i1586378270-s4303438775.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:16450510680!!!!!c!!4303438775!145244106&gclid=CjwKCAjwq5-WBhB7EiwAl-HEkieqh6u1rfK5wJL85ojCPjZhPBGCZqTkRI6nXSBwgsoF2BtKl4SZMhoC8ecQAvD_BwE
  5. The time starts at the last 'payment' (?) ... "The statue of limitations in Thailand states that commercial debts need to be recovered within 2 years of delivery. Loans need to be recovered within 10 years" https://www.aaacoth.com/thailand-debt-collection/#:~:text=The statue of limitations in,ensure you get your cash. In the USA, as always, 50 state, 50 sets of rules. Some states can take your house for a $1 debt (force sale to collect), why many banks are registered in DE, use to be able to charge highest CC interest rate. PA, where I always kept an address, nobody but the Fed Govt can garnish your income, or force a sale of your home to collect, an unsecured debt (CC). Of course if they find the 'asset', ex: car, then they can repo it. Secured loan, bank can foreclose on you home or car, have you evicted, then sell to recover. Cars routinely get repo'd if found.
  6. Sorry to disappoint, but my Nike were 'Made in Thailand', along with my damn expensive sandals. Comfy though. Wife makes all my clothes ... so no slave/sweat shop labor there, though she may disagree. Home built with mostly Thai materials & labor. Possibly all, as I don't read labels for materials. For appliances, I'm an Electrolux fan, and factories in Thailand, so don't go there. LG & ASUS, so Korea & Taiwan for those. Solar & new car will be Chinese, though the battery ESS is Thai (assembled at least). No options with those, for same quality & price, and surely they weren't made/assembled with slave labor. Try again .... ????
  7. I left USA, because of their governance, for TH, yea, let that one sink in, and TBH, if AQI was better in China, I would have seriously considered retiring there instead of here. Buy one of them tinker cars for more than 1/2 price off that they sell here for ... beep beep Though Thailand is a nice place to wind down the years, and close enough to China for the benefits of good trading partners. Far better than any other place I can think of in Asia or EU. Beside, TH can feed itself, if it ever hits the fan.
  8. Your correct, let's just keep it 21st century. US, UK & NATO invading & occupying sovereign countries for a decade or so, along with a few regime changes. And China is the bad guy in the world. That's pretty funny. Some folks need to check their moral compass.
  9. Not the house, but the land they are sitting on. Construction, materials and wages up a bit, but nothing like the 'asking' prices of land. Also location location location, village land prices up a bit, but nothing like metro or tourist area prices. If you don't mind having 'attached' neighbors, why not a townhouse as opposed to a condo ? More bang for your baht per m², no perks, by no association fees either, or controls.
  10. You didn't seriously state that, did you ? There's still more than a few history books that haven't be scrubbed yet. I'll agree they work together and share the same values, though sad, they don't have any moral value to them IMHO
  11. You don't have to go at all, unless you want a 'residence letter' from Imm. Your landlord will file a TM30. Just make sure you are both on the same 'page/date' so he doesn't get fined anywhere down the line for not reporting timely, within 24 hrs of your lease. Simply enough.
  12. Good luck with that one ... ???? While you actively support China's regime & economy, waiting for that never to happen.
  13. Agree, and there is literally, nothing they can do. After a certain time period, she will not even be obligated to repay the debt. Technically, they wouldn't even be able to continue to harrass her trying to recover the debt. Wife went through this, due to ex's bills she co-signed for. I researched the law, told her what to tell them/creditors, and they gave up, knowing she wasn't ignorant of the law. She has assets now, they couldn't touch if they tried.
  14. That was an issue 35 yrs ago. You wouldn't believe how many people wanted to rent my properties on Sec 8. Supply not even close to the demand, way back then, so can't image how it is now.
  15. Do you buy their products, or products with their parts in them ? Almost impossible not to. Then you seem to support everything you oppose about them.
  16. What other country (G20) doesn't use the same type of tactics. How many regime changes has US, UK, NATO sponsored. What western country doesn't export their trash and pollution elsewhere. Casting stones in glass houses comes to mind.
  17. It would make for an interesting trip. Especially if they could actually maintain a 200 ish kph speed, safely.
  18. She's been silenced. Guessing she has records tucked away safely, IMHO, and the only reason she is still alive.
  19. Years past maybe, as they filled in most of the canals, hence part of their yearly flooding problem. Still have a few major canals though, and a great day out visiting all the markets along them. Always try to visit one with every visit to Krung Thep. Make it really interesting, and if possible, take the bus to or from, and a boat the other direction. I doesn't get much better. https://www.google.co.th/maps/search/floating+market+locations+bangkok/@13.7421492,100.3568747,11z/data=!3m1!4b1
  20. A few of y'all need to unplug from MSM. Thailand & China together ... how would that ever be a bad thing. ... Make enemies with the worlds #1 manufacturing country ???? ... Top tech and producer of alternative energy components for home and vehicles. Compare prices here for solar & EVs to your home country. ... Top supplier of raw materials so Taiwan can make all those components, chips that keep the world functioning. Without China the cost of everything would be way beyond what you are all crying about now.
  21. 350 a day X 23 days a month = ฿8k Excuses excuse, barring an unexpected oops, I find people make their own way, and succeed quite well when applying themselves. Others that wait for something to happen ... oh well
  22. S. FL / Keys, Caribbean and Mexico was my playground for 20 yrs. Close and fairly inexpensive. Bars & diving. SEA wasn't even a consideration for a holiday, as too far & expensive to get there. After actually getting here, nah, not a holiday destination. I dove twice, Phuket & PP, first 2 visits, and haven't dove since. Mediocre at best, world class, not even close.
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