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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If no answer from AN members, simply ask the dive shop you are interested in using.
  2. Has it been accurate in the past ? I personally wouldn't take much stock in rate forecasting, much further than 1 week. Though I certainly do like their forecast. Getting back to 40 would be great ... for me anyway.
  3. Not implying it does, and you apparently don't read my posts, as I've stated numerous times, 'their body, their choice'. Shame that I don't get the same courtesy. I can be both, not a fan of abortion, and fan of personal choice. People on AN really do have some major reading comprehension issues. It's really starting to get annoying ... ????
  4. I wouldn't buy brand new Leaf ... period. Especially if not from an Nissan dealer, not matter what the discount. I wouldn't buy any new car unless from manufacturer showroom. I've been researching EVs for a long time, and I don't think anyone can tell me anything I don't already know. Research is over and ZS on order a while ago. That decision is not going to change, as there is nothing available in TH that interests me, and I've just about seen everything, that did peak my interest. Already own a ZS, so there will be no surprises.
  5. You do realize that WLTP & NEDC test at different speeds, 47 & 34 respectfully, if memory serves. And as I stated, those having MGs here, are getting those numbers +/- 'around town'. Those #s match my driving style around town, so I expect to get very close to them. All I need is a bit < 300 km, to visit daughter in Krung Thep, as 3-4 hrs on the road per day is more than enough for us. I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. Leaf is 545k more than the MG ZS. 955k vs 1.499m. https://www.renaultgroup.com/en/news-on-air/news/the-wltp-a-standard-that-car-drivers-can-understand/#:~:text=The average speed during WLTP,are adapted to each vehicle
  6. It will scratch, and our installer didn't use all tint from the same production line. Daytime no problem, night time looking in, due to light colored interior walls, you could tell, 3 different shades, slightly off, but off. Looking out day time, because of the tree line, you couldn't tell the difference. All looked the same
  7. All heat, UV blocking was in the 90+%, forget exactly but nothing to be concerned about. Now the light tint is as good as the darker. Pet peeve of mine also is unnatural or too dark viewing out windows. Stick with shades of grey, if offered options.
  8. Strongly recommend you get pre-tinted glass, screw the film. Made that mistake with house #2.
  9. Most I know, friends, Yanks, Brits, and 1 Aussie, had well planned retirements when arriving here, and didn't fall into any of the above traps. Other 'acquaintances', apparently didn't plan well, and or fell into above mentioned misfortunes. Have already left. Sadly, being the youngster on the block, when I got here, a few have passed away, and couple others on borrowed time, in their 80s +/-. Not many left, from early days, 5 maybe. 3 my age, going strong, 2 in that 80's bracket.
  10. Simply Gmap where you are, then 'nearby' & 'hospital' Pick one, or tell us where you are, and we can make suggestion to you. Any can do an X-ray, well, should be able to. What exactly does shoulder mean ? Minor fracture, or broke through ?
  11. Damn embarrassing, they can't keep up ???? wife 45 yrs old & kid 23 yrs old
  12. Thanks for pointing that out. With the extra money saved by buying the MG with still more useable battery, maybe buy another and have his & her EPs in the driveway. Or a MG truck & a motorcycle. Better yet, practical me, a solar system (mine cost 345K), and still have 400k left in the pocket, AND .... free at home charging & no monthly electric bills from PEA. Can it get any better. I really can think of a lot better things to spend 729k on, instead of a same spec'd vehicle as MG. Choices ... those would, actually are mine. Others may go a different route. And I'm happy for them, if they are. It's a beautiful world. For clarity, went with the ZS, not the EP, so only have 549k extra in the pocket to play with. ZS - 955K SS - 345k 1,300,000 vs 1,500,000 for Leaf 200k in pocket & free electric for house & car ???? Current PEA bill is 3k a month 3k X 8yrs = 288k 4k X 8yrs = 384k 5k X 8yrs = 480k Not buying the Leaf would turn out to be a great investment. IMHO
  13. No, it can not be equally applied. I stated nothing wrong with nepo... IF.. qualified (enough) & honest people are filling the jobs. Those 2 eliminate the variants of corruption.
  14. Don't know, don't care, as no interest, though sure if you ask, Google will tell you.
  15. Getting spanked for Brexit certainly didn't help. I know more than a few that had to leave after the embassy stopped issuing income statements.
  16. Thailand actually puts one out, if you want to stay on topic ... ???? https://takanoauto.co.th/index
  17. Quick search, that's all I could find, or cared / bothered to. Have yet to need a seat belt or airbag in 50 yrs of driving. I trust my defensive driving skills and they have served me well.
  18. Understood and myself well aware of that info, and have posted the same myself, as a heads up to others. 99% of our driving with be knocking around town, within those speeds. So those numbers will be very accurate, as other owners of EVs have stated, and happy with their performance & range. If lots of highway driving at speed, EVs & ICEs both suffer greatly on energy efficiency. If one is truly worried about range, get a Celerio, 20 kpL, and 700 kms per fill up ????
  19. There's a vid on YT, (documented, real use) that's been posted before, and it took about 1+ hour longer, if memory serves, than Gmap estimate in an ICE. Actually damn impression, as someone chimed in, and stated he couldn't do in that time, last time he made the trip. That of course is driving straight through, if overnighting, then probably no real time difference. Again, I'll stick with real life, instead of speculation.
  20. Not seeing much of a difference, if safety is one of the primary concerns:
  21. Thought that deserved a reply, and didn't see it, until my notifications popped up, after got typing my last reply.
  22. I'll follow the advice and listen to the folks here that actually own MGs, ZS, EP, HS, EVs, along with one on YT that has owned and tested them, both in TH, and Norway, the MG EVs & other brands & models. Instead of the speculation of folks with little to no experience, who apparently don't know what they are talking about. Have a nice day ... PEACE OUT
  23. Then they should chime in. I can only speak of me and my experiences. I wait with baited breath ...
  24. Yes, a well made, with good track record, less expensive car. Yes do move on, but without me. Thai motor forum/EV. Not silly apple & oranges comparisons along with UK cars, and apparently CS issues in the UK.
  25. I'm in TH, not the UK, and if I had 1 mill USD extra in my pocket, I wouldn't be spending $110k of that on a car. I don't like spending $27k / ฿955k on the ZS. Considering our new house only contracted out for ฿1.1 mill to build. It's a car, a machine to go from point A to B. Other want to romanticize about them, and spend silly money for them, that's great .... for them. I have a different opinion.
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