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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Buy RE, to lease out, near a hospital, as docs are never unemployed.
  2. I noticed how bad one of the local 'zebra' has lost its stripes, almost all, as fairly non existent. I tooted the MB horn yesterday to let 2 gals know I was 'coming thru' ... ???? Lead gal stopped her almost non existent forward movement, looked at me, as what I wanted. Since the E-motorcycle makes virtually no noise. Other gal, stationary in the street, taking photos, surfside area. Lead gal had big smile & chucked, since dog in front basket, and nodded, thankfully that I tooted. Realizing she was being a bit of an airhead. Just as I passed them, it hit me ... damn, I just failed to yield for pedestrian in the crosswalk ... ???? Though at their speed, don't think that would be considered, walking across the street, as they were more like, playing tourist in the street. Also when I took notice in the mirror, how little 'zebra' was left. Thailand does have a horrendous pedestrian death count, almost daily. Noticed 6 the other day, 4 a day or so before that, on a twitter account that tracks such things.
  3. Accord ... performance & comforts https://www.zigwheels.co.th/en/compare-cars/honda-accord-vs-honda-cr-v
  4. No probs. Delivered to the house. Then I ordered another basket, to keep the dog from committing suicide, and he delivered that also. His shop being 75 kms away. Assembly (receiving) factory at Nakhon Pathom, and he actually went and picked it up, instead of waiting for their delivery schedule. Which would have been weeks later. He didn't have the model I wanted, as I did my 'shopping' at his shop, so test road at factory when in the area, and made sure he got the sale, which they actually encouraged anyway. Giving me a much later date for delivery, as they didn't have any extra in stock. He picked it up as soon as it was available, instead of waiting for their next delivery to the area. 2 shops 'nearby', Hua Hin & Pranburi, which I'm about an hour south of.
  5. If buyer e-MB just for yourself, no intention of pillion rider or larger (non-toy/pocket dog), then you may want to consider an e-bike. Although, they can be a wee bit silly priced themselves, same or much more than e-MB. I actually enjoy riding my e-bike as much, sometimes more than the MB. Bit more 'versatile', meaning I can get away with more traffic violations. Nobody pays attention to bicycle running stop signs or red traffic signal, along with driving on wrong side of the road, or 'wide' walkways. No need to wear a helmet, as I rarely go fast than my pedal speed anyway, which is about 25 kph, at best. And yes, I know the risk. I converted my heavy, slow Schwinn Streamliner to electric, with a kit & battery from AliExpress & Lazada. Made a better & cheaper one than any offered from a vendor. 1000w & 48v/30Ah battery, though the 30Ah is a bit suspect. Motor was rated top speed of 55 kph, will do 40. Battery wise, I'm only good for about 15-20 kms, full electric, and more than enough for my needs. I didn't connect the PAS option, as knew I wouldn't use it. Connect & use that, and basically unlimited range. Have another pedal bike if I get the urge.
  6. I've researched & purchased. Quite happy with mine. DECO / SUSU model (not pictured). Dealers scattered around Thailand. Got mine from EV Pranburi, and excellent customer service. More thoughts on them here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1248998-pros-and-cons-foragainst-honda-wave-v-honda-click/page/2/#comment-17173335
  7. No real desire myself, to get vax'd. Don't seem to have them little suckers where I am, well, that I noticed. I just do the same as for other 'bugs' out there. Social distance, and avoid where the little ones are or cover up if putting myself on the buffet table or rather under. Lived in Udon Thani when I had it. PKK surfside, even rural, haven't noticed one yet. Ae mozzy that is.
  8. Sure the Thais are much happier a Makro is there now. I certainly would be if living or working in the area. Krung Thep gets better every day ????
  9. Hope that's true. Just like covid, you can get dengue multiple times ???? 3 more Dengue strains for me, though don't care for the 1 strain ... no thanks.
  10. If I could take the flag off, for free, I would, as I really hate that on the car. Actually don't and didn't even notice it, until you mentioned it. ????
  11. NO, the ones I mention, take the murdering overseas. If not personally doing the killing, sell arms to anyone who wants to.
  12. Where do you think they couldn't sell? Do you really think Thais know the MG history, and probably a good thing that they don't. More so, like myself, they bought the MG because it was built by SAIC, if doing any research. If the MG ZS was built by UK MG from days past, before SAIC's ownership, I wouldn't of even bothered to peek at it. SAIC is the only reason we bought it. Chinese name gets way more respect from me than most others at the moment. Only problem is pricing in Thailand, or I'd own one of those tinker cars for around town ???? GWM like MG will be everywhere in Thailand the next couple years. On the tinker cars ... I like the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, but 400k is a stretch for specs, or even the much better specs of the Baojun E300 Plus / 300 km range. I wish they would price the E300 under 500k. I have no desire to spend 1 mill for a 2nd / around town car, as what most are priced at with decent specs. Especially since the ZS doesn't have 30k kms on the clock, and may be a long time before it sees 40k, as I don't drive it much of late. Maybe rainy season it will get some use ????
  13. Please tell me which country that produces cars isn't murderous, as it isn't the USA, UK, OZ or any NATO member country. Do you read the world news ?
  14. Had it once, and I guess it's like any flu, feel like c r a p, and everything hurts, to some degree. Like the flu/dengue/covid, simply effects everyone a bit different. Actually, the only time I was ever sick in Thailand / 20+ yrs, so no complaints so far. Did knock me for a loop for a few days. Dengue is year round, though does have it's season, when more mozzies about. And yes, as someone stated, I agree, more scarier than covid, but not nearly as profitable, that's for sure. IMHO also.
  15. 'wow' effect ... I think not. Just another day. Someone offs themself due to a failure of whatever. Does anyone care. Not even news worthy as 1000's do it everyday worldwide. As long as they don't take anyone with them, enjoy the afterlife, if you think there is one.
  16. Nobody can say it isn't. I'll ask the next 150 ish yr old cowboy I see ... they'll know.
  17. Also the 90 day pulse check, TM47 does require current address and if filled out, and address changed & notices, may be asked 'why ?' ... ???? I haven't filled one out in a few years, as IO prints it off, and staples the 'next report notice' in my passport.
  18. Reckon they'd stamp your visa void ... give you the standard 7 days to pack up & leave. If not qualifying for different visa.
  19. Technically, I guess divorce would void your visa ... only if you told Imm, which I wouldn't bother. Though if planning on staying, when visa does expire ... plan early. Money for retirement visa needs to be in bank for 2 or 3 months prior to applying, unless your DD is enough. If leaving Thailand, nobody will care.
  20. Never a problem with ThaiPost EMS DHL & FedEx, I personally would avoid, and they probably use ThaiPost anyway to ship things, so 1 or 2 people less to handle your PP. Anyone notice any inter-province DHL or FedEx trucks or planes ? ???? I used to drive / truck 'air freight' every day, from Philly to Harrisburg PA, USA. Even did special runs, air freight again, from Philly to Miami. It isn't always what you think. And at that express AF premium price ????.
  21. I start of asking 'how many will die tonight?' wife finished last night ... 'you happy now ?' Yes, still talking about 1883 ????
  22. Planning is everything. Those who don't ... oh well ???? Quite enjoyed / enjoying my 20+ years living here. If thinking about it, may regret not leaving the USA sooner. But don't stress over 'should have, would have, could have' scenarios. This part of the OP's post, would fall under the uncommon common sense, many don't seem to have, then cry when it hits the fan ... ???? "but if you are leaving a secure job, and you are say under 50 with not much money ....dont do it" OP commenting negatively, on something has no 1st hand knowledge of. Only from the 'stories' of folks he may or may not know, who have failed, vs the millions that have succeeded at it. hmm .... nuff said.
  23. As opposed to the fog, easily forgotten alcohol & ganga nights ... ???? The anti cannabis folks always use ganga as the entry drug to worse drugs, as their argument to keep illegal. Sorry, but don't know anyone that started with ganga. Alcohol was always the entry drug for everyone I know, and legal.
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