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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. did you quit smoking, or just buy socks ... ???? Stay on top of that, BE SAFE
  2. Betrayed 4 Surprised by 1 ... 1st wife I'm a quick learner ????
  3. Try the US Census ... and don't handpick which 'white version' you quote. "In the 2020 Census, 204.3 million people identified as White alone (61.6% of all people living in the U.S.). Together with the 31.1 million people who identified as  White in combination with another race group, the White alone or in combination population comprised 235.4 million people (71% of the total population)." Larger criminal, assaults & robs smaller victim. That's the only story here. Race, sex, religion, sexual preference has nothing to do with it. Moral of the story ... Don't take the subway at 4 am unarmed.
  4. ... for all kinds of reasons / excuses, except their poor choice or lack of research / preparation before settling in a foreign country. Somehow you rarely hear... "I really F'd up, and didn't .... before picking that place to live in" Go figure
  5. Op-ed / news-blips, scare mongering to increase sales ... ???? Worked for airlines almost 15+ yrs and never once had to have a psgr carried off a plane for any reason. Last 15 flights I was on, I wore flip flops, no socks and survived ... damn miracle. Praise Jesus - my co-pilot Once again ... liking my odds "1 in 6000" How many people get DVT from long haul flights? "The final report of phase I of the WHO research into global hazards of travel (WRIGHT) project concludes that the absolute risk of venous thromboembolism among healthy individuals for a flight of more than four hours was 1 in 6000. Pathophysiological studies, it says, support these findings." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1906644/
  6. Same as every attack ... it's on file. If & when the public ID's the perp, then the debate can start again to why was he not in jail.
  7. Don't think OP is looking to move to Thailand and live in a tent for 4 months ... ????
  8. But do they live there because of the racial demographics, or because all what the want is there. Many are 'stuck' in neighborhoods, because of their economics. Choice to stay is up to them, they can use it as an excuse, or choose to leave to better themselves. Those that I know that move up & out, don't look at demographic of where they are going, but quality of life. Don't care who their neighbors are. But I never hung around with a lot of racist.
  9. One of the things I liked, and lacking in Thailand. I do miss some of the 'finer' things USA had to offer in abundance.
  10. Great city. One of my best holidays was spent there, and I'm not a big city fan. Amazing place.
  11. No difference if it was another Brit killed in Thailand, as the local UK rags would be spewing the same. Foreigners preyed on by locals. Same same, not different. Usually comes down to 'somebody wants something someone else has' and just a crime of opportunity. Nothing to do with race.
  12. Mapping segregation by the MSM = division & distraction ... ... hook line & sinker ... nuff said
  13. If people that reply, actually read the article linked in OP, since referring to 'employment' a few times, then the article seems to be targeted toward working people who simply want to relocate and continue to work. Nothing to do with 'best place to retire', which case a different top 10 would show up. The whole article lacks info and comes off as nothing but 'click bait'. As do must. IMHO
  14. Then it comes down to her not planning safe transport to & from. Next time maybe she'll think about giving the late evening rapper's concert a pass.
  15. Just a scumbag, taking advantage of a situation. Probably had nothing to do with race or his 'unemployment' status, as apparently, crime is his occupation or hobby. When they catch him, he'll have a long rap sheet, and the only question then will be, 'why was he not in jail, or put down already'
  16. Agree, they should be safe, but apparently they are not, so adapt to your environment. This was not a commute to work, and if she can afford to go to a 'rapper concert', then she can afford a taxi. Choices make a difference in life. Don't want to get bit, don't swim in shark infested waters.
  17. Just imagine if she was armed and could actually protect herself ... ???? Lived in the USA 45 ish years, went anywhere at anytime, always felt safe. Always carried my own protection, though never needed it. Taking the subway at 4am, not the best choice, if not prepared for the scum that lurk there. 'Attorney' ... waiting for the lawsuit to be filed, and million $$$ pay out to her for making the wrong choice. Agree, she shouldn't have to make that choice. BUT ... Then don't live in a crime ridden city that doesn't allow you to protect yourself, or plan different transport in the wee AM hours. Falls under 'common sense'
  18. Feel free to argue with yourself, just leave me out of it. As 'I' stated, never a problem finding street food. It's everywhere. Your experience, expectations, ability to find may differ. Have a nice day
  19. If taxation is your main concern, then trading within the SET, there are no taxes. Not sure if foreigner can trade though, or what additional paperwork needed, or what reported back to homeland. Used wife's (Thai) ID to trade in SET.
  20. Don't know what needs reviving. I have no problem finding street food in Krung Thep, and I'm usually not looking for it. It's literally everywhere people need & want it to be.
  21. No. Only placed I know having restrictions / test and or vax'd is Samui & Phuket. I think, though possibly other islands. Nothing on the mainland that I'm aware of.
  22. Surely that person would know the policy of the 12k+ hotels in Thailand.
  23. Days past ... Simply to kill time at curbside bar on Soi 4, while GF is doing her thing, shopping, hair, visiting with family ... you get to view the eye candy / Thai life stroll by for a few hours. Especially in afternoon when 2 for 1 ????
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