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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Can do it yourself, as it's quite easy. I registered 3 of mine, couple years back, though didn't do the CAAT part, as cameras were detachable, and I had no desire to insure my drones. Quite a silly exercise if an experienced operator, or non professional. Fill in the blanks form. google 'Richard Barrow Drone registration', and should give more than enough info for you do to yourself.
  2. Yea, it's a bit porous. Absolutely nothing stopping anyone from walking in. Hard part is getting to Hwy 4 / main road and to the factories for work. That's where the trafficker is needed, unless already having someone in country to assist. More than a few factories / processing plants on the west side of hwy 4, if again, having an in.
  3. Yea, had to be fake if put out by The Lancet ???? Googled before posting: "The Lancet - Peer-reviewed journal Description: The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is among the world's oldest and best-known general medical journals."
  4. Haven't a clue or care about the author / messenger, but the 'research' was linked, and that's where the actually info was located.
  5. https://quebecherald.com/index.php/2021/12/01/mass-vaccination-fails-to-halt-covid-transmission-rates-study/ Mass vaccination fails to halt Covid transmission rates – study "Successful vaccine rollouts have failed to stop Covid transmission, with new data showing the prevalence of the virus increasing in fully jabbed individuals, according to a medical study in The Lancet. Examining new infections in Germany, researchers found that the rate of cases among fully vaccinated individuals aged 60 and older has risen from 16.9% in July to 58.9% in October. Offering a clear assessment that fully vaccinated people are increasingly becoming the source of Covid transmission, the study identified a similar situation in the UK.
  6. Not Patts, but if around Bangkok, then BkkEbike: https://www.bkkebike.com/e-bike-thailand I converted my Schwinn to an ebike, 1000w / 48v30Ah, and was easy enough to do. Not exactly inexpensive to do; Bike (had) 11k, motor 7250, battery 2890. Battery is iffy, suspect specs are off a bit, or mismatched with 1000w motor instead of 250 or 350w motor. Only get about 15 kms, all motor, no pedaling, before hitting about 30% reserve on battery. 15 kms plenty for my use though, and gets me to the surf and back home, with plenty to spare.
  7. You may want to research first, before replying... "Are nuclear submarines undetectable? Nicknamed the “Silent Service,” submarines are considered the most survivable nuclear weapons -delivery platform. They can stay submerged for weeks or even months at a time, and move relatively undetected while on patrol.Sep 24, 2564 BE"
  8. Quite the opposite, since I avoid people........period. Have a nice day = done with this conversation Be Safe
  9. Still assuming way too much. Have a nice day. Be Safe
  10. They would also be people, who can't or won't isolate themselves as I can. So their risk is irrelevant to mine. All comes down to who you believe, what you believe, and making personal choices for your on personal safety.
  11. You're assuming quite a bit. That I don't care ... I do, I just don't know anyone (confirmed) who has been infected with covid, let alone died of. Do now know of, not personally, (friend of friend) 2 dying of, but very old and were on last straw anyway. So any bug might have done them in. Take your 59%, and raise to 100%, 200% or 300%, and my risk factor from 0.03% is still less than 0.1% chance of. I'm still liking my odds. Yes, social distancing is a good thing, and never implied it wasn't, which I easily practice, since retired, don't need to be around anyone, except when shopping for food. Which case, they are (assuming vax'd) masked, face shielded, so my exposure risk is even less. Especially living semi-rural. I chose to enjoy life, instead of worrying about things that probably won't affect me, and if so, have little chance of dying from. Not saying it can't happen, but I also ride a motorcycle, taking the necessary precautions....I'm comfortable with. Not all that someone else would, as shorts, t-shirt & flip flops has been my norm for 40 yrs, while other prefer more protective attire. Same same, not a whole lot different. And my social distancing, keeps both of us safe, same as my defensive driving has done for 40 yrs.
  12. Universally applied to everything ... I like it Sooner or later, free thinking allows common sense to eventually sink in. Although, we'll have to agree to disagree on that ... ????
  13. 1975 ... was 21 yrs old and having way too much fun. If having same knowledge as now,, could have retired at 26 instead of 46 years old ????
  14. This is the only risk factor #s I'm concerned about, from Thailand's #s to worldmeter:
  15. And a nuke sub w/nuke warheads chillin' out in the Sea of China isn't 1st strike weapon ??? USA, I think, has 14 nuke subs (offiially), w/ballistic nuke missiles, at least 10 on each sub, that can deliver 3 warheads each. Potential of ~500 nukes to launch at any given time, any where ... from subs. Surely China has just as many or more. Good thing they friends, and war between them wouldn't be profitable to either. Unplug from MSM ... preparing for the never to happen war is good for profits, nothing more, nothing less.
  16. "What is the use of get 3 vaccines when one can still die from Covid?" ..... nuff said
  17. We see very few non Thai tourists. Plenty Bangkok'ers (Asian) and probably more than a few more from HH.
  18. A Centara not maintaining the their beachfront ... hmm Looking good to me. Hotel was recommended to me by another pet owner who stayed there.
  19. Jail for not wearing a mask ... ???? What next, death sentencing for sneezing. ???? I see 10-100 times more locals a day, walking around, not or improperly wearing a mask. Mind boggling some of the thinking now of days.
  20. That's where I live ... 'Ko Lak, A Mueang, PKK' ???? "group of 58 migrants were arrested crossing the border through a natural pathway in Ko Lak Subdistrict, Mueang Prachuap Khiri Khan."
  21. USA military (or anyone else) is in no position to up against China's, conventional war, or worse. Out numbered & out classed. Not that there would ever be a conflict between them anyway, as simply not profitable for either. They are only enemies in the MSM. Aside from that, quite friendly. Then again, they're in no position to go up against anyone. When's the last they had a win in the past 7 decades ... ????
  22. Never understood that nationalism thing. Especially the expats here or anywhere ... as if home country was so great ... begs the question, why aren't you there.
  23. Have to agree, and was leary about posting myself. Will agree it's unsightly on the walkways, especially if making it to the bottom of your footwear. Having a dog, and not picking up after it ... stay with me. Don't have a yard at the moment, so off to the park in the AM, and surf in the PM. Park, it's free fertilizer. She doesn't do her business on the walkways, or near the exercise equipment, and usually where nobody will even see. let alone step in. Surfside, if kids around playing, easy enough, shoe a hole, and push in & cover. Usually don't bother otherwise, as not a beach people sit on. Polluted bay next to small town. so polluted, I won't walk the dog on surfside fronting the town. Don't want her licking her paws after walking on that section of sand. One side of the bay is OK, though I wouldn't swim in it. Beside, anything she deposits, gets washed in before the next day, as I yet to see anything the next day, and we hit the same spot all the time. Along with the 20 ish soi dogs, who make their contributions, though usually in the grassy area just prior to the surf. Between the bike lane, and seawall, where most folks sit. The area most people walk through to get surfside ???? We go a few more meters before making any deposits. If in the city, Krung Thep, and no grass around, then walk along the sewer side of the road, and easy to knock anything into the grated curbside. Again, soi dogs make more than their share of contributions known. Picking up would equate to picking up a piece of trash at the land fill ???? With my back, I'm not bending over to pick anything up.
  24. He made couple vids about DECO motorcycles, and was nice reassurance with my choice to get, after watching his and a few others before buying. No regrets and would recommend DECO for anyone looking for something to scoot around town on. Especially if not ready to invest, a big jump, into EV cars. We just got a new ICE last year, so not in any hurry, and hopefully in couple years, prices will come down. The only one I like / EV, is the one in the vid, and we have the ICE version. Not ready to spend 600k again, just to go EV. Hard to justify.
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