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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I wouldn't even know who advertises on CBS. I only boycott products from the USA and Israel ... so far ... and the UK. Had to add a 3rd, so I can call them the "Axis of Evil" On topic ... tough lawsuit to win, unless stated fired for diversity. Going to be a hard one to prove, as many get replaced for younger, less paid employees.
  2. So, no romantics in retirement. How about we just enjoy each others company, make each other laugh. Cherished raising the wee one together, though I did retire early. At 66, govt retirement age, I would have passed on the child thing, regrettably. Some of my best 18 years, and still loving my daughter. Pre retirement, enjoyed the same as here, one nighters, one week/month 'meetings', to present wife, long term living together, 8 yrs, then finally marrying, 10+yrs so far. Great 18 year relationship. 5 yrs of being single before that. USA, the courtship & marriages were much shorter,4 & 3 years. Except for the daughter, very little has changed pre or after retirement, in the relationship department. Aside from meeting someone I prefer to end my days with. Hence my longest relationship. After divorce first short term Thai wife, as with all, never thought I'd get marred again. I apparently prefer being in a relationship, vs being single, though being single is fun also. Gets old though. Before meeting present wife, my thinking was reversed, as first 3 marriages got old very quick. Obviously the wrong ones for the ... 'till death do you part', thingy for me. Pre #4 wife, I couldn't even imagine any prior relationship I would consider raising a kid with.
  3. Do most people know they can provide all the pros of marriage with different legal paperwork, so if still smoking weed, they would choose that route, or marriage. I did, can, could, smoke weed responsibly, so that wouldn't be a priority. Along with irrelevant, for those that didn't smoke weed anyway.
  4. Have any photography experience ? Other interchangeable body and lens equipment, or is this all new to you ?
  5. Do you already have Sony lenses, another body, or is this a first buy in the Sony line ? What your main interest or use going to be ? Have you also considered APS-C bodies ? The viewfinder in the center of the body is enough to turn me off that model.
  6. Mitsubishi fan, have owned 9, since 2000, no issues with any
  7. Yank bashing at it's best, and supposedly by a Yank ... ... next Hate even replying, as yet another _ _ _ _ _ to the count. When will they, silly threads stop ? I open 3 pages now when visiting ... ... TH Motor forum, see if an new posts ... Alternate Renewable forum, same ... 1st page of current, and can't even get pass that without some new silly thread. Rarely go pass the 1st any more, as what's the point.
  8. hmm ... can't say many would motivate to go to TH 1- Elephants ... guess they never saw them at a zoo before. They're cool critters, abused as all hell, but use to have one stroll by the house weekly. No seeing the attraction 2- Beaches ... maybe outer islands, but TH's are far from worth traveling to see 3- Temples ... first 10 are interesting, but enough already. Who visits churches or Mosques in other countries 4- Food ... That #1, though hit & miss (same worldwide), and have had excellent Thai food in USA 5- Culture ... maybe 2, interesting Asian flare if you don't bother with ChinaTown in you own metro areas at home. 6- Markets/Shopping ... definitely #2, as some nice malls & markets about, but worth traveling for. 7- Traditional Massages ... hell no 8- Beautiful Nature ... #3 9- Friendly People ... not seeing any difference from my other travels 10- Travel Affordability ... you get what you pay, but saying that, considerably cheaper, or at least have the option to go inexpensive if wanting. Self rating 4 & 5* hotels don't count. 3 of 10, and definitely not worth the cost or time it takes to get to TH from the Americas.
  9. Just a heads up, for all scooters owners, not just E-MBs. Rolled the DECO SUSU model out of the carport as usual, slight incline, squeeze hand brake ... ... and nothing, keeps rolling. Other hand brake working as usual. Notice the discoloration of brake fluid reservoir isn't just dirt. Obvious leaking. Do our morning cruise, a bit slower than usual. Stop at 2 PTT station, one tells me DOT 3 not for motorbikes, no have DOT 4, (I'm ignorant), and the other has no stock of anything, including oils ... WTF So order DOT 3 online after quick web search for info and can of. Seems DOT 4 is for higher performing, hard braking bikes (higher boiling point). So order, it arrives, and pop off the reservoir top' metal plate, with phasic plate below that, with rubber gasket, misaligned below that, hence the leak due to improper seating. The plastic plate, fits 'into' the rubber gasket to ensure proper seating. refill, tighten down plates. Too easy. Check the other brake reservoir. Plates & gasket seated properly, and still full up. Now have about 490ml of brake fluid on hand from the 500ml can of. Also good for the car, if ever needed, though that may be a few 100k kms, since we rarely use the brakes. EV having regen slowing down to a crawl, before brakes needing to be applied. So check your brake reservoir on your scooter, if not see through. QC isn't always 100%, as someone obviously wasn't paying attention on the line that day. BE SAFE
  10. In our house, very confident not a problem, as I double checked everything. Use extreme caution in rentals or hotels. Never grab a handle to turn water on. Knocking around town, I don't touch anything with open hand. If anything, rest the back of my and on step railings, and avoid all illuminated signs when raining or ground wet. Was walking on walkway after a rain on Phuket, and a dog a few meters in front of us got zapped/killed. Don't know if it was just stepping in the puddle, or it actually touch the 'illuminated sidewalk sign w/wheels". Scared the sh!t out of me, as I was walking with my daughter and she could have easily touched the sign. Rest of the journey was in the street. Very eye opening how dangerous it can be here.
  11. Disagree completely. Did you not see the baked bean thread. You can pay 420 or 125 for the same tin of. Some times it's the same doc, just different locations. Hemorrhoids, 50k, same doc said next time, go to XXXX hosp., I'll do there for less than half price. Bumrugrad will / did charge me 1000 baht for skin cancer check, simply looked at my skin. Told me to come back to take one or 2 off. I was the only person there ... really, come back. Put some damn liquid nitro on it. My skin doc at Udon Thani, froze 3, charge me 300 baht. Later visit for check up, didn't find any ... "how much ?" "-0-, I didn't do anything" Basic eye surgery, (wife) 1 hosp 5-10k, another 40-50k. Colonoscopy or endoscopy ... 10-12k each (no extra charge per polyp) ... other hosp ... 25-35k, each, plus per charge for polyp removal. 2 stents places, 210k all in, 1/2 day ICU, other hosp ... 500k & up, w/2 night stay, for 1 stent CT Scan, 17,300 baht ... other hosp 30k & up Yearly check up, 8k vs 30k, same tests/exams. Basic, not extremely high tech procedures, Takes talent, but we're not talking brain or open heart surgery.
  12. First Cheesecake that ever turn out good. Only cooked it 30 mins, using this recipe Converted to grams ...
  13. Really depends on what you want, or want to avoid as a woman. You didn't provide much info. Honestly can't think of any place I've been or would go, that would matter which sex you are. Simple common sense would ensure a pleasant experience. More info may help with suggestions.
  14. It's all relative, and depends on your description of 'visitor'. Local, international, weekender, repeat. Personally can't imaging a whole lot of repeat, international visits to Phuket. Patts has the advantage of cheaper, east to get about, since much smaller, using baht buses, and less than 2 hrs from Bangkok metro if no traffc.
  15. That might be location dependent, or not wishing to pay a bit more, for off hours services. Local hospital has an evening clinic for GP service/consultation, though he is a kidney specialist, but will refer you to whomever is needed, and within a week, I believe. I was overdue for full abdominal ultrasound (usually done yearly or so), but wanted a few other things checked. So he suggested a CT Scan instead. Sounds better, a call to radiology, it was done immediately. Returned following week for results. Same in Bangkok, I found a doc for colonoscopy & endoscopy, at most popular hospital, that had an 6 ish month Q during regular hours. Paid a bit more for off house, and was done within a week. Stopped going to private hospitals for their overpriced, same, if not less care. Not happy with most private hospital (3) results, except no long Qs, but you pay for that convenience. I'll stick with govt hospitals, and think about 4 different ones so far.
  16. Hard to compare a city / Patts, to a province / Phuket, with so much more to see and beaches to visit. Main issue with both is simply too many people & congestion. Even when we visited Phuket regularly, 10+ years ago, there were simply too many people/cars/taxies/no parking. Even self driving, I'd rent a MB, to explore, so I could park somewhere. Why we stopped visiting till recently. Phuket was bliss during covid, but last visit (June 2023), and totally packed again, and that's off season. Might visit again, during next pandemic
  17. Yes, many major protest, and not just EU, but you won't see them on MSM, unless part of their spin. Sad you need to go to platforms like X for 'free expression'. News & updates from people actually there. Not from the controlled sources ... when entertainment mirrors reality ...
  18. It is as I expect it, very good. The query should be, 'why is healthcare so bad in 1st world countries?'
  19. I do, as it's my most important document, so why would I leave it anywhere unsecured. Safest with me. I'd state it's the law, but that would start a long discussion / debate, for another thread. I do think most will accept copies, or so I read, of which I do have on my phone, along with next pulse check, for times I do leave it at home, when wife is there. Not an inconvenience to carry, as I carry my wallet & loose money, along with plastic sleeve it is in, and even my yellow & bank book, when out of the house with wife. All tidy in my bag, which stays in the car or MB, if not carrying. All much more convenient than the hassle or replacing all those. Will I ever need it, though rarely visit touristy areas where one might be aske for it. That said, 23+ years, and I've been asked for it once, I think. I use my pink ID when asked for ID for any reason, very rare, but keeps fingers out of my passport, and when renewed, the old one (10 yrs old) still looks brand new.
  20. Shop wisely ... smile more ... ... not that I would pay even those silly prices for a crappy can of beans.
  21. Of the 2, Nestle' for the same reason, keep crunch longer. Although, switched brands recently, last 4 bags worth to this brand on LAZ. Also cut way back on my carbs/grains intake. Save on shipping by purchasing 2 bags at a time.
  22. PKK province, Muang, the first 140 meters is free, if needed. We are 155 meters from the main line, on a mapped soi, but not hard surfaced. They didn't charge us extra, just spaced the poles out a bit further. Helps to smile when chit chatting with them. I guess they charge by poles, every 20 meters. I think each office is different, and guessing there is a 'free limit' ... but ... if they can scam you, then they will. Udon Thani (2 different districts) had a completely different 'pricing' policy. Damn expensive if you let them get away with it. Water was a different story, and 50k baht, but it is 'our' line, and any additional houses added to it, need our permission, and we can charge them to hook up to. We allowed 1 house to use, but won't in the future, for fear of loss pressure.
  23. Geez, I used to give my tuk tuk driver 500 baht a night, though it usually turned into a long night, 1900-midnight +. Once a month, for forum meet up. Then I'd spring for that late night munch. Use to crack me up, as his wife would call after midnight every time, and ask 'when you coming home ?' ... 'when farang is done" And that was 15 years ago.
  24. I hope his driving ability is better than his math skills
  25. Agree ... there's accidents, just that, and then there are preventable accidents. Drunks & speed / too fast for conditions fall in the latter. As he states, that's why there's laws. I guess he is in the 'it's not my problem' crowd, until of course it is, then he'll be the first to say ... 'how could that happen, why didn't someone do something if they know?" Now he knows how & why sh!t happens.
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