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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Again ... You really should try one, if you haven't ... If in TH. The Chicken GraPao Spaghettis is nice also, as not a fan of white rice. Try to restrict my 7-11 munching, to when we're actually 'on the road' while O&A. Same w/KFC, as located at the PTT Parks which we frequent while out, for the CS. Partial to a few of their meal & sandwich offerings. Along with the sweets, but know most aren't the healthiest choice, though some no worse than other vendors & restaurants. That's why many things taste so good, extra of things we should be eating in moderation. At home, I rarely eat pork burger, bologna, chips and such, as I know I'll be eating when O&A. Hate eating the same things repeatedly. Again the beauty of food courts, plenty to choose from, and other vendors close by or in the malls. Most having street vendors close by also, if not just outside the door. Parking & access to public trans, really does make life easy & tasty, on the cheap. All non thinking, stress free, and rarely disappointed. If so, it didn't cost much, and always nice to try something new or regional.
  2. Here's some interesting numbers, world deaths 2019-2023, inclusive. Using 2019 as a baseline, before the virus took off. Take note, the vaccines came on board at the end of 2020. So we have the base, 'excess deaths' unvaccinated and excess deaths after vaccine available. year / deaths / excess over 2019 2019 / 57.94M / baseline 2020 / 63.17M / 5.23 excess deaths 2021 / 69.25M / 11.31 when vaccines distributed 2022 / 67.10M / 9.16 2023 / 61.00M / 3.06 getting back closer to baseline Read into those numbers what, as have my opinion Source for 2019/2020/2021 #s, simply googled 'world death #s' for 2022 & 2023 and all ball park enough.
  3. Yea, thought that was pretty cool myself. I flat out told them, restore my credit, and you'll get paid. Easily a 10 yr customer, never late, never minimum payments. Bunch of Visas, Gold AmExpr, which had a 10k line credit, almost max'd, along with CC limits. They simply wouldn't budge. Can't think of a better customer rating before that. More surprising, after the initial call, they didn't bother me for repayment. Did sell to 2nd market, and I got 1 call from any of them, simply told them not to call again. If they did, I'd file legal action. Most past the statue of limitations, and my home address was in Pennsylvania, where only the govt can repo or garnish earnings. They all would have been paid within 6 - 12 month, as I never carried CC debt long. After house revamped, I always refinanced against the house and paid them off. Their records should have showed my excellent payment history. Mind boggling their thinking. They of course dinged my credit, which I no longer needed anymore, as my 4th and final rental unit, and I was starting to be flush in cash.
  4. Agree with part 2, and your wife ... avoid getting yesterday's leftovers, and wait till the rush is dying down. Food courts offer AC (usually) good food, selection, value in a clean environment. Added plus of parking usually since most at malls, or close to public trans.
  5. Fire blankets for EV fires. Fire fighting 101 ... deprive it oxygen. Never was rocket science ... YT has plenty of vids showing fire blankets. Now just waiting for the .. "what if" comments
  6. I'd go with Kamala, for R&R. Kata if wanting a bit busier. Patong is over OTT for me. The very southern end of the Cape, around NaiHarn & Yanui is nice also
  7. Your either blind, and don't live in TH. As you appear to be clueless. Salaries (minimum wage) has increased steadily in the past 8 years, so no, those lower end folks weren't making 10k a month, 10 yrs ago. 300 baht a day X 22 days = 6600 baht. I'd say minimum wage as increased 3-4 times since I've been here, as remember giving my workers 150 baht a day, and was the going rate in 2000/2001 out in the village, Now it's 400-500 baht a day, for help around the house, as the wife pay by the hour. Even though minimum is less, she can't find anyone for less than 400 a day. And far from a physical or mental stress day, tinkering around the house & garden. 2013, workers got a big boost of 39+% increase in minimum wage. held for a few year, then started increasing again.
  8. It is what it is. Who wants to buy food, then have no table available. I rarely if ever eat alone, so one of us sits, while the other fetches food. Not sure I'd leave anything on a table and walk away. Better simply to time your dining a bit off hours, which we usual do, as food courts do get packed at rush hour, and for me, too annoying or worth the hassle.
  9. That's just silly. Many businesses close early, before 1900 hrs, or open late, so when are they suppose to get deliveries or ship. That's a pretty small window to operate.
  10. Full on RV is to expensive ... already posted this, and would use low key van or truck converted, or again, just a nice scooter, 750cc or 900cc
  11. Too many variables. Am I retired w/$5k a month, or working. 24 yrs ago, I was working, shy of 50k a year, but only a 2 day work week, with 5 days off to do whatever. Last 10 years in USA, all I did was pretty much travel, party and scuba dive. If there now, I'd probably be nomadic, and check out all the national park and nature there was to see, Either in a converted van or truck, or simply a nice scooter. If the country wasn't so big, might even do on an ebike, as PAS mode makes it easy when you don't feel like pedaling. If I'm allowed to have buy in money, then a sailboat sounds good, as crossed my mind a couple times. Options abound.
  12. $5k a month should be easy to live on. You're leaving a lot of info out. I'm actually not even seeing the point of the post. Are you in the USA, or plan on going there. $5k a month, 60k a year, assuming net (tax free or paid). First you're single, then have a husband, which is it? Although just another mouth to feed, so not that much difference. $500-1000 ... rent & utilities, or $1000-2000 ... rent & utilities, you still have $3000 to feed yourself on $100 a day ... not seeing any problems
  13. Good start for me, as nice dessert after an in house Puerto Rican Haven't popped in for a few months, it's a work of art, besides delicious ...
  14. If you got here, (if here at all), in Feb 2021, then your USD cost hasn't changed as offset the inflation. Only due to the exchange rate, which doesn't negate inflation for those born here, or got here when it when you got 40-45 baht to the 1 USD, like me, and many others. Along with most things being at least half the price they are now, so yea, i've seen 100% to 300% inflation across the board almost, if not much more for some things. Especially the essential foods, eggs, meats, seafoods & veggies as I mentioned earlier, since arriving, 2000. Use to get three -0- eggs for 5 baht, now you get 1. chicken, pork, beef & seafood price all about tripled, or more. Milk has more than doubled Butter at least 4X as much and smaller packaging, as stated earlier. Buy bulk now to help offset that. Aside from food, hotels have gone up 50-100% since 2020/20, and hear people complaining about airfares. Not sure how you say there's no inflation as that 20% jump in exchange rate from Feb 2021, surely isn't covering those increases. And no, I don't think it will go much much higher, and actually surprised it as remained about 35 to 1 USD as long as it has. Mind you, I'm not complaining.
  15. Sadly there's way too much money to be made by special interest groups to push their agenda in a very aggressive way. BLM proved that, made 100's of millions, and the result was the complete opposite. For the cause anyway. Got their 15 minute of recognition, statues, air time, but created an ever larger divide and resentment toward them, in their tactics. Same happening now with the alphabet folks. Shame really as it casts a shadow on some issues that should, could and would have been addressed, and probably in a quicker, favorable way. Shoot themselves in the foot, but organizers are raking in the money, but sacrificing the message.
  16. All look tasty, though most I wouldn't order, as seem to be a challenge to even each. Aside from probably some silly pricing for the selfie with and impractical burger that won't fit in your mouth.
  17. I find people and interaction to be the same, worldwide. All the good, bad & ugly of it. Slight culture difference, very slight, and Thai gals seem accepting any age difference a bit more ... if you're not a smelly, fat, alcoholic slob
  18. EV vs ICEV ... 25 vs 1500+ per 100k vehicles source
  19. Stuffed Puerto Rican (Cuban wo/ Swiss) Cooked the pork & pickled the cucumbers
  20. NO ... don't plan much in advance, booking wise, as weather & seas will affect your schedule. Ferries cancel to the islands quite often if rough, and it is the season for rough. With that, use extreme care 'in' the surf, know what a rip is, and how to get out of it. First timer, I could easily spend 5 days at Ao Nang, Railay, Krabi town, Lanta & Phi Phi each. Really depends on your interest, budget, and or time restraint. ENJOY
  21. A bit premature, as still not law yet ... is it, or did I miss the memo ? "To mark Pride Month and Thailnd’s milestone of being the first Southeast Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage"
  22. Again, where do you come up with this crap. I simply stated ... "minute minority crying" ... defined as a small amount of the total. "weak minded' ... you and 2 other posters do nothing but create things in you mind and repeat them over & over. They're still not true, no matter how many times you repeat them. BYE BYE
  23. I didn't post about gays, (my original post). I posted about a silly headline. Somehow, that went way over your head. Then you brought your usual silliness into the thread.
  24. You really don't read my posts, do you. Your replies aren't even close to applicable. Have a nice day
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