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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Reading comprehension .... site was linked in the OP, which I stated, and linked to. And Trump ... really, can no thread continue without him being mentioned. With that ... off topic enough, so why bother as suspect all will be deleted soon.
  2. You forgot to add the pork satay ... a little bit hung up on those 2 post, aren't you. Move on, or come up with some better material.
  3. Doesn't say much about me, but how some things are presented on the internet. You have to admit, tht is one silly A$$ headline. Unless you think CC affects different folks different ways ... that would be a bit telling about you. I really hope nobody is that ignorant or stupid.
  4. I agree to much of that. Damn fun folks, though can't say the same about the minute minority crying about their imagined lack of civil rights, with exception of same sex marriage still not allowed, even in some 1st world countries. No different than all the fun, sensible expats & tourist who enjoy life, without creating problems for the rest of us.
  5. Agree, long live that MMCC ... it's lovely ❤️
  6. One vendor gives you the option, different spec'd lead-acid, model dependent, or can swap out and order lithium ... Chemistry still ? mark, but contact before ordering, for those interested. ... "1. The 60V32AH Lead-acid battery-powered e rickshaw can run the range anxiety of 30km. If you wants use Lithium-Ion battery we also can supply for you." Of course an intelligent person would just order from a local DECO dealer, who offers removable / swappable batteries on some models. Comes with option of 1 or 2 batteries, and if wanting to extend your range, could actually buy extra batteries. It really isn't rocket science ... extra large fuel tanks on ICEV, extra large or more batteries for EV, if applicable. Although if I'm going that far, I'll just take the car
  7. Shh ... don't tell him most have 2 charging options at home. We need comic relief whenever it's available. If his wife is away from the house with the family Celerio ... he's stuck any way ... I see I haven't missed much by utilizing the ignore function of the forum. Does make for a quick read though.
  8. Disagree with that assessment, as O&A quite a bit, and off the beaten track, and no problems. There is little if any holes in the 'network' within 100 kms radius of most people's homes. If you top up before leaving the house, and on the return, then there is no issues with lack of CSs. Uncommon common sense really. Don't have to do the math in your head, use a calculator of the car will tell you ... go figure. When we return home, I top up 250 kms away, if needed, as like returning with about 20% battery reserve, so I top up at home with the solar. Saving almost ฿300 ... yay, free lunch.
  9. Just finished all 10 seasons of Stargate SG1. Some I remembered, but most seemed new, since so long ago. Got Boston Legal lined up for my next time killer binging. After I finish watching the current series and movies that I downloaded while watching SG1. Most season near or ended, as not a fan of waiting weekly for next installment. Happy viewing
  10. To the title ... just charge the idiots more, to make it worth it to put up with them. Supply & Demand ... the ignorant ones won't realize they have choices in life For those curious, that's beach in Spain, and photoshopped at that 😂
  11. Reading the reviews on Gmap, and seems to be a place for freelancers to hang out for offering very expensive services. Awaiting the ignorant drunks who are thinking with the wrong head.
  12. Real life experience vs MSM BS .... IMHO Seeing with my own eyes, is a bit more believable when it comes to MMCC ... IMHO
  13. Agree on both accounts. After seeing the vid, simply lost it, driving too fast for conditions. Thankfully on the 2nd, most of those scooters, don't make it too far from the villages. Spot checks in the metro areas are very effective in that aspect. Though most vocal members living or not living here, seem to think PoPo don't do anything positive. Would be nice to have a 2nd shift of traffic PoPo working, as night time enforcement is definitely a bit lax.
  14. There is no 'across the board inflation'. The last 5 years is a bit 'subjective' with covid dominating 3 of them. Comparing 2019 to 2024, doesn't mean 2024 to 2029 will be even close to the same inflation. Many members, the few that live here, live different lives, so see inflation differently. Those living more a Thai lifestyle, shopping, dining, Thai catering vendors, owning vs renting will see inflation different than those renting, avoiding Thai food, and eating, buying more western, import goods and food, along with different dining out preferences. Long piece of string, and some things have remained near the same prices, others I've 5-10-20% in just last week, month or year. Really depends on the item, what and where purchased, along with imported or local. Contracted home builder, 2022 was same price as 10 yrs ago. Made in TH cars, maybe 25% increase over the last 20+ years. EVs remain the same since 2019, or even come down in price, even though upgraded since. Food essentials; eggs, meats, seafood & veggies have skyrocketed in price. Is that really inflation, or price gouging by CP, and their new monopoly of chains. Fresh / wet markets, not the same inflation rate. Dining out Thai style, hasn't reflected those increases. All relative to where you shop. AND ... how savvy a shopper you are
  15. Just a proposal, or actual law yet ? Just another politician wanting his/her 15 second soundbite. Wait & see, as surely some politicians are vested in the business.
  16. On topic ... heavy rain during rainy season ... who would have guessed. Off topic, and peeked at 'Earth.org' for a sec, and after this headliner, (strangest ever) can't see returning to see what the site has on offer ...
  17. OP ... need to ask again, a more specific question, as Krabi & Phuket (town) are both cities (no beach) and provinces, with multiple beaches. Yet another new member with 1 post (5 of less) ... hmm ... is it just me thinking new postings now are to get post / traffic counts up. For others here or thinking about coming ... Only been to couple Krabi beaches, Ao Nang & Phi Phi (not all beaches on PP), actually been in, and not impressed. Quite enjoyed most of the popular Phuket beaches, when hardly any, or not so many tourist have been there. Wouldn't return to Phuket beaches, too touristy, too many, which increases the fecal count to the point of not wanting to go in.. During covid, they were simply bliss, and we were there quite often during the 2 high seasons of no tourist. Surprisingly Ao Nang still wasn't that nice. That said, we didn't stay at other Krabi beaches. Surely the Railay beaches are excellent without tourist, along with many others. Nong Thale side (west Krabi) were beautiful to look at, though not sure about the beach, sand & swimmability. It's all a bit relative, looking at, or swimming in, and amenities you desire when there. Both excellent, if not swimming in and can tolerate the crowds at the popular locations.
  18. Looking at the vid link posted, seems the same ol' story. Someone driving too fast for conditions (night, rain ?, wet road) and lost control, for what ever reason. If not driving too fast, almost every situation is controllable, even avoidable. SPEED KILLS ... again. R I P The new-blip in OP is totally ridiculous.
  19. That pretty much mirrors my life. Self employment, investing, not relying on employers. Then get out of Dodge. I'm 69 yrs old. First 23 yrs, party hardy. Second 23 decide how to and make as much as possible, still partying hardy. Last 23 years, enjoy the spoils of your work, and been here since 2001 permanently. Not so easy to do in today's USA, with the price of housing & healthcare. Self taught, self employment is about the only advantage I see in USA now, and caters to the well to do, who can't be bothered to do some things around their house. Some small investment to get started, but heavily regulated to do legally. More so than 40+ yrs ago, when I started. All it takes is drive & ambition to not be a slave to the system.
  20. UP2Whoever. I've painted 6 whole houses, in/out, and none needed repainting, and never added water to anything. Worked in a Sherwin William's paint store, (E. Winsor, NJ ? (Hightstown) customer sales, and water was never mentioned. Here/TH, I've seen them add 25% & up water to primers & paint ... "it goes on easier and covers more" ... yea, I can still the the block through the primer. Put a second coat ... 'that is the second coat' You're fired ... I'll do it You have to be there, as you can tell them not to put water in the paint, but the second you walk away ... nuff said.
  21. Damn ... that was a classic & the reply ... oh well "Bob's Your Uncle" Toyota finally getting smart. They should just give the EV department over to their Daihatsu division/partner, let them build 'em ... OK, joking aside, maybe just give them to Ranz to build, or not.
  22. If not spraying ... NO If spraying, and depending what, sprayer should have a viscosity # ?, forget exact as been so long ago. But the nozzle to spray a house, wall or fence will be quite different than a car. Car not forgiving at all. House in TH. just use a roller, unless huge areas & NO water. Sprayer can be a hassle, and not worth it for small areas. Cut in (molding) with a brush, and those foam ones come in quite handy, and once got the hang of it, you won't need masking tape. Probably already state, prepping the surface very important, than lack of prepping, and seem the norm. Raining season, so let whatever outdoor surface dry in a couple days of sun. Don't skimp on the primer, as a lot cheaper than paint. If contracted, tell painter not to add water, and pay for more paint. You won't regret it.
  23. I'm probably knocking on 1 million kms here, next year or 3, and I think people drive just fine here. I actually feel safer driving a MB here than in the USA. I've had way less accidents here, most my fault than USA. 2 scooter clipped me, very minor, in 23+ years. Much worse accidents in USA, that I was involved in. YMMV.
  24. Population of Sweden ... 10+Million 2X more motorbikes registered in Thailand than Sweden has people Thinking same thing ... ... night time ... raining ... getting passed by MB w/salang ... speed couldn't have been that fast, very bad bounce and or no helmet ? Lot's of assumptions with no info. CCTV .. if ever. Oh well, just another day in the TH ... R I P
  25. A couple pork tenderloins ... dog and myself almost polished off the one, taste testing ...
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