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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. I found a snake in the letter box outside the house. It was just a common golden tree snake.
  2. Many electrical boxes that I have seen have not been locked. Safety is a four letter word obviously.
  3. I hope your wife make a full and quick recovery. I lost my wife a few years back from cancer so I know just how bad it is and how hard on families. All the best to the both of you for the future.
  4. I use Cyber Ghost and that connects to the fastest one available. I can of course change it if I have a specific need to but otherwise it works just fine
  5. Maybe not everywhere but in the UK they mostly send it to the assay office for testing. I guess that way they have some come back if it is gold but not of the standard they expected.
  6. Whatever you are on I would stop taking it. I know though you are joking.
  7. Try it outside of Thailand and see what they say. I have tried it just to see the reaction and it is the same every time, "we will need to have the content verified before we can offer you a price".
  8. Maybe a good idea not to come back to Thailand if the lack of a bath triggers you. What would it be next?
  9. And some identification for himself
  10. You have to be joking in the last sentence.
  11. Well if they had a gold quality stamp, then any gold bought in Thailand could be sold anywhere in the world. Just think if you have bought gold in Thailand and for whatever reason left the country and are not coming back. Before a shop will buy it you would have to get the stamp from the assessment office in the country you intend to sell it.
  12. Not an answer to this topic but related. Why doesn't Thailand have a certified Assay office which provides a stamp for the Carat of the gold?
  13. The Chinese always move slowly but end up taking over everything. That is the way they work. If Thailand wants to remain Thailand then stop all the Chines owned businesses starting up. Just look at countries where China has a major say in the countries affairs. All of them have accepted large quantities of money, cant pay it back so China gets more control. I don't know if similar such events are happening in Thailand but I would say keep them at arms length
  14. You stated it was in effect poor and not very good. I would say overall it was less than you would normally expect from a 7-11
  15. Like you I always give a tip wherever I go. If I am getting something as a service, restaurant or the like i tip.
  16. Obviously more than you do. A drop in any event could be due to a number of reasons. It could be tourists blindly accept everything they are told without doing their own research, it could be that the number of tourists to a particular area known for scams are not visiting there. It could also be less people visiting. If you cant understand that there are numerous factors that could affect this statistic then I cant explain it to you.
  17. It has the air of entitlement. If you want to enjoy a culture you need to attempt to assimilate to the culture. If you don't want to bother learning a little of their language but expect them to communicate with you then go go back to your home country where I assume the people can understand you
  18. Directly you didnt but you thought the service was sub-standard and they should have smiled if nothing else.
  19. My apologies for mis-reading your post. It was aimed at the OP
  20. We need to see the ratio of scams to population before any definitive reply can be made.
  21. There are people on here who believe they are experts in everything.
  22. No, a nice pair of shoes by Jimmy Choo is what you need instead of these.
  23. Some have stronger venom than others. Avoid all of them if you can. If you have to pick one up use its tail. The claws can be nasty but the tail carries the vemon.
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