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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. If you look at the photo of the bike in the road the area is very dark like it is night time not during the daytime
  2. Pattaya is only for the scum of society. Be nice if they did clean it up but very unlikely that they will.
  3. If it occurred at 10am how come it is dark? Surely it should be 10pm
  4. Any poll like this one is ridiculous so a silly answer is appropriate
  5. No one as they will lose
  6. Maybe he saw the news as to what is happening in the UK and had second thoughts of returning?
  7. But Pattaya is a family friendly location, surely this cant be true?
  8. In other words people who want to have their country properly regulated with law and order. Yes, that seems to be the general explanation.
  9. Nice story, ever tried publishing it?
  10. It is only sensible if you provide a reason as to why you would want to know how many elephants are on the island. This is something you did not elaborate on.
  11. Define "Far Right"? The phrase is thrown around a lot and from the context it is used it I assume it means anyone who wants their country to remain a suitable place for its people and not be taken over by people from other countries that do not have or want to have or share the values of the indigenous people, in this case the British.
  12. Cant help you there but question why would you want to know the answer? Are you concerned that obese people are being mistaken for elephants and counted in the number?
  13. If what you say is true, and I have no reason to disbelieve you, why don't you go to Japan and live there?
  14. Whilst there are a lot of the police in the UK which being kind are not fit for purpose, most of the problems for the police come from the people in charge of the areas and country. A softly softly approach combined with certain religions being untouchable does not help anyone.
  15. It wont increase tourism. It will increase gang and criminal activity. Maybe they should read the notice at Poi Pet when you leave Thailand.
  16. Wont be easy getting them but look at the online shopping like Lazada you may find some there. Alternatively you may want to try exercising to lose the excess.
  17. We have a Samsung machine and it has never really been a problem for the 8 years we have had it.
  18. Are they going to build a new area and call it Pattaya? The existing one is way beyond redemption.
  19. Why don't you upgrade one of them, the one obviously in the best condition and use it for storing photos if you take photos?
  20. I didn't want to be too hard but yes I agree
  21. If the contents are important to you or whoever you are sending them to, then I would use someone like DHL
  22. I assume you are wanting to use Wi-Fi when you are out and about. If only at home or connecting with another Wi-Fi connected person you dont need a SIM. If you use it for connections to people or services that are not Wi-Fi then yes you do. Assuming you need a package just remember one thing, the maximum speeds they quote you will n all probability never ever get. They specify the speed of the network but when others are connected to it the speed is shared amongst all users.
  23. Ask in the bank as they can, within limits, increase the amount per transaction you can get.
  24. Give it enough time and you will be able to walk to Hua Hin
  25. Dont say that or you will spark gang warfare over who has the most corrupt city
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