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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. You just met one. Financial necessity.
  2. It's not simply translation. There is typically a highly emotional connection and attraction along with the communication barrier. For example, jealousy, hormones, puppy love... That makes any initial problem much harder to work out if you're relying on a translator and can't really express your feelings or get your partner to sit in front of the phone. This is real life, not school.
  3. If you eat well the liklihood of disease decreases.
  4. Unlikely. Usually the communication barrier is unsurmountable.
  5. I'm not really looking for anything...
  6. Not if you can't maintain an erection...
  7. He did not mention age, just digital nomads and tourists. They do however, tend to be younger. It's possible for an older established expat to be a digital nomad, and not have a pension or be retired 🤷🏻‍♂️ Anyhow, I will stop hijacking the room now and let the Op get back to the business of the thread, which was an expats dining group.
  8. It seems like "oriented" groups fizzle out for some reason. Maybe it's similar to looking in a mirror.
  9. Digital Nomads are actually quite social, BUT only within the chosen group, thus: Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, currently ages 26–41. These individuals were shaped by digital communication technologies and are known for their intrinsic desire for a sense of communal, democratic innovation where one is always expected to share new ideas and work as a team player. The only reason I somewhat understand them is because I grew up in the SF Bay Area where the culture thrives. Also, it's the "entitled generation", but that start more towards 1996-2000, Generation Z. That said, I think everybody should be invited to the group, no exclusions. In the odd event diffrrent groups did show up together which would be interesting, although unlikely.
  10. There are so many restaurants in CM that I would not bother looking one up on a map and taking a special trip there. Just walk around the most popular areas. The food does differ, but not usually enough to make a big deal of it. I rarely care about or remember restaurant names.
  11. Please watch this video. The guy found a woman in asia but needed to move in with her family. He was actually homeless. Sound familiar?
  12. I NEVER saw police patrolling on foot when I lived in Pattaya, except on walking street.
  13. I don't agree with the garbage comment, but a lot of Trump supporters ARE lower working class. Not really "poor" people, but people who are scraping by in manual labor type jobs. I'm not sure what they see in Trump. Could be a mix between his stance on immigration and vibe of not preferring foreigners or people of color. It could also be seeing an uber successful white guy running who does not fit in with either political party well. By extension, they see someone more like themselves who has made it. That's far from true, however. Trump is 'George Will' white and lower blue collar stuff is not something he has done or will ever know (garbage truck stunts aside), that is.
  14. I'm talking about my sex drive, not partners or relationships.
  15. Why force something your body no longer wants to do? I lost almost all interest at about 53. That would be mental interest that went away along with the physical. For me, the two are intertwined. It's still something I can do and enjoy, it's just far less often because I'm usually not interested. I heard that some guys mentally are still there like you say, but the body is not. Can't tell you much about that, but it does not sound pleasant.
  16. They had items out towards the gangway. People were looking at items and wandering into the crowd thinking they were somehow still in the store if I remember correctly.
  17. Can you watch this video please. It talks about the poverty that may come with your date.
  18. It's best to remain under the radar until you absolutely have to act or are pressed for time. That's a useful tip for anything here really, including getting bank accounts, tax numbers, etc. The less known you are, the better off you are. Only get involved if it brings some benefit to you or helps someone out in some way.
  19. Interesting that you don't want digital nomads... They seem to have a specific vibe that curiously does not mix with the locals or typical retirees/expats well (a millenial thing 🤷🏻‍♂️). I saw this in a condo building and also the co-working space cafe's in town. They are able to carve out a defined "space" without getting involved in the surroundings an odd manner. The Op is looking for something similar to the Soiree' my neighbor held a few years back. One thing I would make perfectly clear in advance [based on that experience) is, who is paying? Is it a host treat, dutch, or strict pay for what you order? It's not hard or impolite. When you give the invite or directions you specify a cover charge or indicate seperate bills. Would save some headaches (or worse) at the end of the evening. [Insert a picture of my drunk neighbor banging on my window for money after everyone has left here].
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