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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Lol!
  2. I moved to Ekkamai against my will at the start of covid as my wife switched jobs. It has been ok, but ever since the wealthy tourists returned, all I see are broke Russians, Backpackers (I don't mind them), and suspicious Westerners with baby strollers who don't even seem to have enough for a bus ticket to Pattaya. Just today I saw an almost shirtless couple in their Mid-30's taking every seat at the Gateway Ekkamai with their 2 children and being politely told by staff to move if they didn't order anything. The wife was complaining how badly they are being treated, while the useless hubby had face of a millennial saying nothing but probably thinking.... "How dare they!". How do these people scrape money for a ticket to Thailand one wonders. The saving grace of that armpit of Bangkok is probably lonely Japanese women waiting for their hubby the get back from work and an occasional retired guy with a smile on his face enjoying Thailand. Those old guys always put a smile on my face too. The rest probably think how they made it in this hooker central posting selfies from their AirBnb condo. The only place worse I can think of is On Nut. '
  3. The motorbikes are not allowed on that bridge, yet I see many ignoring the law all the time.
  4. Thailand does not care about you waiting for a student visa approval, hence such rules do not exist.
  5. That is true. Coming back, however, is another issue.
  6. Don't wanna sound drunk, but.....
  7. Why bargirl English for a noble cause?
  8. This thread should keep going in the next 83 days as it will be another failed prediction designed only to pump and dump short term. Me, I will be watching the Tether collapse.
  9. Someone already gave you an answer and then you started mocking him and I don't know... bragging about your soon to be ex-wife and in-laws? If your in-laws were so great they would have built their own house on their land and gifted it to the married couple. That's my ex-wife's parents did and so do a lot of other families that are supposedly "well off" and don't want to take the advantage of Farang mug. As others have said.... you have no investment.
  10. Your in-laws are great people and so is your wife. Why make a silly thread then?
  11. Excellent. Shows that Canadians actually do have some ???????? US citizens have been scammed out of billions. Most complain on twitter or off themselves
  12. Lol.... might as well drink pepsi
  13. On a side note, my wife had an interview for Canadian tourist visa. We gave the lady who interviewed us 1000 dollars and $20 Tim Horton's gift card.
  14. Just open SBC account and put the money there. If that bank fails the no amount of deposit insurance would cover you anyway. I don't even understand why people worry about this stuff.
  15. I "expect" many fellow posters will be crying as Thailand becomes even more unaffordable. 2 baht Chang beer hike here we come!
  16. Such positions are rarely hired from inside Thailand.
  17. I don't think so bud. One has to wonder why would you promote a scam site.
  18. You provided zero value with execthread and just embarrassed yourself. The site has zero relation to Thailand and it also seems to be a scam. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/execthread.com Google shows 19 reviews with an average rating of 2.5/5. More than 60% of these reviews were negative, with many customers using terms like “scam” to describe it. Some reviewers claimed that the job opportunities they found on the ExecThread website were outdated or completely irrelevant to their industry.
  19. Yes, yes.... so predictable. There is always the one with a "friend". So, please do employ the OP's wife, I am sure it is super duper easy. And it's CFO, not CEO lol. It is 100% cultural thing. You have a friend, I have the first hand experience with my wife who has been dealing with local and international companies for 20 years.
  20. I am also a realist and I think you'll be fired soon
  21. I imagine my wife n different scenarios and sometimes we masterbathe ensemble
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