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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. I do read, but I don't see how compassion and tolerance, which I have, towards mental illnesses should lead me to accept same sex marriage.
  2. And make them compete in the Paralympics. But seriously, if I was competing would they put me in a special category if I was suffering from some mental illness?
  3. I had to look up Keto. Now I can see how this diet can be great for a failing Gallbladder.
  4. The barbarians invaded the decadent Rome. History will soon repeat itself. A worthy warrior will not marry his brother in arms.
  5. Yep, they said they wouldn't touch Section 11something. Which leaves only MFP as reformists, even though I have some doubts.
  6. They have always been there, but now they have started this media campaign with the ultimate aim of evicting all whiteys.. It will probably culminate by mid next year when many will get caught in the tax law changes.
  7. Please don't burn your bridges and keep a decent home in Europe. Keep your health coverage alive, visa issues are trivial.
  8. They did happen, to people who provided support to a terrorist organisation, while Tsahal soldiers were risking their lives to build a durable peace in this area. They knew the were in a war zone where, even though IDF proceeds with utmost restraint as many of not most military expert would agree, collateral damage occurs.
  9. Ok, some of us oldies are bound to die soon, after a good life. But Genesis 13.12 and Genesis 19.29 teach what is going to happen to you.
  10. That's a wise decision. At your age I wouldn't bother either. BTW I have been diagnosed 6 years ago and I am under active surveillance.
  11. As OP mentioned, his Australian Doctor wants to enucleate his prostate to prevent urinary retention during the cancer radiotherapy.
  12. But that, she did to herself. She could have filed a claim at the police station and gone home quietly..
  13. The whole thing is a bit of a farce, but she, or her minders, is clever she comes up with PTSD as she hasn't anything tangible to show as damage. In most situations anywhere in the world this case wouldn't be worth a mention. It is blown out of proportion, or even set up, by some people who have an anti westerners agenda.
  14. Amazing she's faking; usually these girls don't bother.
  15. You can still buy them though, for a few baht more.
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