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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Being the daughter of a criminal isn't a crime. But she must understand that a serious Mossad investigation is warranted. So is, of course, the usual fruitful cooperation wth the relevant US agencies.
  2. That: "After six months of covert filming, ITV News uncovered that Active Club England has become one of Britain’s largest white supremacist groups, with at least eight branches nationwide. Secretly recorded meetings between October 2024 and February 2025 revealed a shift from racist "jokes" about Adolf Hitler to explicit discussions about weapons and the strategic pursuit of power."
  3. I recommend early extermination. An association of brainless thugs is an unnecessary risk for society.
  4. Some of theses have an axe to grind for LTR. In particular BH who, in every single one of his nonsensical videos, works himself up into some hissing fit against the LTR visa.
  5. Yes it seems they want to attract that have reached maturity overseas and can't be repatriated due to IT gouging. So, no worries, they'll fine tune for the rich Thai, while the good old foreign pensioner will be squeezed to the most obscene extent. My understanding is that to be remittnce tax exempt they will have to season their money in some dedicated local funds. Nothing I can truly understand, not my world.
  6. The two "sad" emoticons made me laugh...
  7. Yeah for certain things Donald may end up being a "useful idiot". I am sure Mossad are modelling scenarios based on his idiotic whims, but the "Gaza holiday resort" option only as the office joke of the month.
  8. I was diagnosed in 2018, with a tiny Gleason 3+3 lesion. I flatly refused the radical treatments my doctor proposed. Last month's MRI showed that my cancer wasn't any different from 7 years ago. Pr. Ablin , the discoverer of PSA has always vehemently opposed its use for screening, while he didn't deny that it was an excellent tool to monitor cancer treatment. Using a marker that gives a large proportion of false positives, as well as some false negatives, seems preposterous if not driven by the lure of profit, sadly. And this is even more so our days where MP-MRI is readily available.
  9. There is one place with really good pizza that serves wine and beer all day. It's name is something like "Rainy Season" , in Soi 8.
  10. How about introducing price control on ST, LT, and intimate massage services?
  11. Why do people still believe in posting bovine excrement on social media?
  12. We should get back in there and flatten every piece of infrastructure and housing until every hostage, or their murderers, are surrendered. Let the Raghead lovers fix up the place once this is over.
  13. They should also have a look at those dodgy dod charities. They have all been set up by doggy characters.
  14. Seems to be old news. https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/russias-sarmat-test-failure-implications-strategic-balance And these days Donald is more of threat than Putin..
  15. Isn't that enough? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=606335655443852&set=pb.100082022670381.-2207520000
  16. Slow business, let's hope that the rule changes will help the two orphan categories. We don't want the whole thing to fold.
  17. Barlow and Chambers got hanged for a lot less. And I couldn't object. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlow_and_Chambers_execution
  18. In Thai, breast is a metonymy, isn't?
  19. Nothing has changed since 1972...
  20. And you are here just to make friends, aren't you?
  21. They should not allow children in a playground.
  22. FYI, last week at Bangkok Bank I paid 4400 for 10 yearly statements of my two FCD accounts. Pricing is 500 when over a year old and 200 if within the current year. Even though I am [still] exempt I tidy up my paperwork. This will also be useful to show BOI that my liquid assets never fell under 100k [health self insurance requirement] when the time comes for extending my LTR visa.
  23. Because there is a deduction of 190 000 THB for seniors aged 65 or more.
  24. Netscape? Wasn't that an Internet browser of the sixties. As regards your question, I'd say "it depends". ISP could be throttling certain kind of traffic so the VPN could improve things, but if the problem is cause by your TV the VPN won't change a thing. But using a Roku device would work miracles.
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