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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. I was playing golf a while ago, and there was a group of Thai men ahead of us - about the same age as 'Boy' I would have said. As one bloke said - "They just never grow up do they?"
  2. Good to see you planning ahead Morch - I agree with you except for one thing - I will not wait until it bites me on the rrrrse before deciding what to do. I have all my money held overseas and I have a budget for 10+ years that includes bringing extra in money to Thailand. There is no way I will accept not knowing if I can bring an extra 2 million Baht into Thailand, on top of the normal 1 Million Baht, in order to buy a car and furniture or whatever. I want certainty that I will not be forced to pay income taxes on the 3 Million Baht I bring into Thailand. And I want absolute certainty that if I do decide to buy a property in the future, that I will not be forced to pay income taxes that money either.
  3. Yes you are right - DTAs do not work like some poeple say. But your example is the 'worst case' scenario - we will not know where we stand until the Thai RD perovides it clarifications and exemptions.
  4. No it is not. Thailand has DTAs with 61 countries and that is not how DTAs work. DTAs mean you can CLAIM exemptions and allowances on 'taxable income'. Some forms of money are exempt (eg. some Pensions) and some allowance can be CLAIMED for taxes already paid. Meaning you can CLAIM this amount of taxes paid (after proving it) against the taxes due in Thailand. Taxes in most western countries starts much much higher than the 150K Baht thrteshold in Thailand. DTAs are not the 'fix all' solution that some people are claiming - that is utter BS. Wait until the Thai RD releases all its clarifications and exemptions - then we will all know where we stand and what money being remitted into Thailand will be liable for income taxes.
  5. Dont forget the costs of translaters for all the written and verbal communications. Any appeal against the Thai RD decision/sa, and any legal appeal to a Court, must be 100% in Thai. The Thai RD will not accept any document in any other language and anything subm,itted to a Thai Court must be translated and certified by a Court approved tranbslater. Plus they will only communicate with me in the Thai language, so if somehow I get to a Court, they will only speak Thai. That will probably cost a small fortune too. So all up it will cost a medium fortune. No worries - I am super rich and can afford to do it. Leave it with me boys
  6. Thai RD tax guide from 2023 in English - 080966Ins94.pdf (rd.go.th) 1. The Thai RD has no idea what any money remitted into Thailand is from. They will/can know, but they do not know what it is from - pensions, savings, investments, drugs, whatever. It is up to the person receiving the money to advise them what the source of that money was - either by doing a tax return, or by answering their enquiries as to why you received X Million Baht from overseas in 2024, 2025, 2026, etc., but you did not lodge a tax return. 2. The Thai taxation system is an 'honour syetem' - you do not have to lodge a tax return if you or accountant determine that you have no income taxes payable. However, if you are later found/decided to be wrong - you could be severely financially 'punished', and you could also be subject to detention, jail, deportation, etc. This is not the Immigration Dept - there are no 'agents' and no 'payments' and the punishments can be severe. 3. Until 1 January 2024, any money brought into Thailand that was technically 'taxable', but had been earned prior to 2024, was not subjected to income tax - it was exempted. Only 'taxable income' brought into Thailand in the year it was earned, was taxable. Many wealthy Thai tax residents used this exemption to invest overseas, and then brig back the profist a few years later tax exempt. That is the rule that has been changed - but that change 'technically' means that all money remitted into Thailand is taxable - because - refer to paragraph 1. Until the Thai RD provides their full list of clarifications of what is taxable and what is is exempted, then we only know that 'technically' all money remitted into Thailand is 'taxable'. It is not until the Thai RD provides those clarifications and exemptions, then we will all know what is taxable, what is not, and therefore what each of us will decide to do. My plan, while waiting, is to bring forward any remittances I can, before end December 2023 (anything brought into Thailand in 2023 is not technically taxable). Then in 2024, I will only bring into Thailand what is absolutely necessary, while I wait to see how things go. If I have to pay income taxes to Thailand on money I bring into Thailand to spend in Thailand (unless a very small amount) we will be leaving Thailand. If I do not, then we will stay. There are several countries nearby that are far more 'friendly' to Expats - including those that only tax money made by Expats in their country - not money brought into the country by Expats. Obviously that would be stupid to stop Expats, who have come to live in your country, bringing money into your country to spend in your country - and on that money they spend they pay all 'point of sale taxes' (VAT). This IMO is where hopefully the Thai RD will realise they need to fix this problem, and will figure out how how to solve it. They are after those Tax Residents that have been sending money overseas to invest, and then bringing money back and paying no taxes on the profits made on that money. The vast majority of Expats dont send money overseas - we only bring money into Thailand.
  7. Mate - just do not argue with them - there are more cognitively dissonant people here than at a rabid political rallly in USA. You will be wasting your time - just like I have, so many times. Post advice - but dont 'over' defend it.
  8. Mate - just do not argue with them - there are more cognitively dissonant people here than at a rabid political rallly in USA. You will be wasting your time - just like I have, so many times. Post advice - but dont 'over' defend it.
  9. If only the media could publish what the name of the garage was - maybe things like this would not happen so often. Maybe people could decide to not go to that garage and so he goes broke and the dangerous problem is 'fixed'. All the other garage owners realise they cannot hide behind dinosaur laws that prevent public 'shaming'. Then when he opens a new garage, he makes sure all work done is of a higher quality and is checked. And he no longer employs unqualified untrained cheap 'imported' workers. What ............ Hello ....... Opps Sorry - I fell asleep just then - hope I did not say anythiong untoward.
  10. So what did you buy that was approved to give you back the VAT at the airport as you were leaving?
  11. In April Melbourne can have nice sunny hot or warm days, and cold windy raining days. And it can have them all on the same day at that time of year. It all depends on the wind direction - from north is hot/warm (deserts), from south (antarctic) is cold. The BOM website is Government run and is as accurate as they can be. Melbourne Forecast (bom.gov.au)
  12. I was watching some of funny short vids on youtube. There was a female Gorilla who was 'twerking' at the boss Gorilla. and he was just not interested. It was hilarious - she just could not get his attention - he would turn away, so she would move and try again, and he turned away again, etc etc. It was so funny - but then, when I thought about it a bit more .......
  13. That was an expensive lesson - and I have no doubt that he will remember it. Having said that, I am a little dubious - but to say why could be deemed racist.
  14. I think that the soon to be ex-headman will be seeking revenge due to loss of face (and job/money). If I was the guy involved (and Thai) I would be looking to move and/or getting a weapon to defend myself when he comes looking for me in the future. One day in the very far future, Thailand will be a much more civilised country, where only the very bad ones in the very bad places, will be pulling out guns in an argument. Doing this at a public religious event at a temple - says volumes about Thailand. I am sure the potential Chinese tourists will just love seeing this.
  15. Thailand will never become a true democracy until Laws like this are expunged. The main problem is that the Law can be extremely broad in its definition and application, and that allows these sorts of Laws to be used to shut down criticism and dissent. Until the people of Thailand can express their opinions publicly (within reason), Thailand will remain a 3rd world country pretending to be 1st world.
  16. Ditto - plus she grows a lot of our vegies in backyard and sells/gives away some too - just enough, not too much. She wanted a chicken or 2 - no thanks darling - too noisy and a lot of work.
  17. Thanks Mike much appreciated. Being organised and planning ahead pays off in the long run - well doine mate. I hope that if things go OK and we dont have to leave - but I am thinking and planning if it is not OK, and hopefully I can get to the position you are in and the annual process is sorted.
  18. There is a lot of very good advice already (and some not so good) - so I will just add something. Get a paternity test done to ensure the child is yours. Dont get offended - just do it and make sure. If the test comes back positive that gives you personal certainty about everything you do - and it could be very helpful later. If the test come back negative, then you know the truth and you can make your decisions knowing that is the case. Do not tell her/anyone about the test or the results - untill is in yours and the kid's best interests to do so. Best wishes mate - and I must say, it is great that you are not 'walking away' - that says a lot about you, and that is all good.
  19. I like the option of moving the gear into a place you are renting - storage fees here are often very high and not so good (damage from weather and insects/mice etc.) Yes removalist companies exist here - I have never used one so cannot recommend anyone.
  20. Thailand is caught between a rock and a hard place. Their current low interest rates which are about half the global average is not attractive to foreign currency investors, hence why more currency is leaving Thailand than is entering. However, the very high Public and Govt Debt to GDP ratios, means if they upped interest rates, this would have a very negative impact on economic growth. Probably the wisest thing for BOT to do is stay still and wait for the world rates to drop.
  21. Yes indeed - once they start getting 'rowdy' the best course of action is to finish up and quietly leave. Dont just move tables - that can easily be taken the wrong way.
  22. Just nod back and all will be good - and do the same when you walk in front of somone (but just a nod). Thais do that because that is how the social system works here and you can either go along with it, or get in there and get involved. Fascinating people - both their good points and their bad ones too.
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