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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Russians will tell you that they invaded Russia because of the Nazis there. It can be challenging for Russian propaganda repeaters to keep up.
  2. No! Washington offered Zelinsky to go into exile. The Ukrainians led this. The US infected by a minority of vile Putin loving isolationist republican extremists that weirdly have seized much more power than the people they represent are on the verge of gifting Putin a victory. In any case if Ukraine makes it to the US elections, then there is great hope that Trump will lose.
  3. The US is apparently the only country not in favor of helping Hamas win.
  4. It's disgusting that you are clearly demonizing the word Zionist. I assume you're for a Palestinian political liberation movement that leads to a state of their own, right? So why would you deride the Zionist movement which is about the same thing for the Jewish people? Perhaps you only opposed the extremist right wing faction of Zionism, as do I.
  5. Do you really think that kind of inflammatory bait is helpful in any way?
  6. I want to add that I think there are some things we can do now to be defensive about this. For example, I am transferring large amounts of money before the end of this year that will mean no transfers needed in 2024. Also I think it would be crazy to buy a condo here starting next year until much more is known. Cheers.
  7. I do agree there is no need to panic or to begin the process of leaving Thailand because of tax, but there is no way that you or even "experts" know how this is going to shake out yet. We'll need to wait. As far as how Thailand Revenue is going to deal with US or UK taxation specifics, keep in mind if they start going after expat foreign sourced "income" they'll need to be dealing with taxation peculiarities of every nation in the world that has tax resident expats here. How will they cope? My guess is that they won't even try to have the bandwidth for that. Which might mean they'll leave us alone OR it might mean they'll interpret income without any regard to home country details and force us to try to prove differently. Or something in between. I definitely wouldn't go for a Thai tax ID number yet unless or until they demand that we do.
  8. That's one example that is simple. A thornier example. Withdrawals from US traditional IRA accounts are fully taxed as income in the US. I determined they are not seen that way in Colombia. I have no idea how Thailand would view that. As I said US social security is not fully taxed. It's based on a formula which can reduce the tax to zero. Will Thailand respect that formula? Again this is not simple.
  9. It can actually be complicated to define what is income.
  10. Only over a certain level in a formula mixed with any other income if any. In my case not at all.
  11. That's his theory which is blindly believed by a lot of pro Putin westerners but you can find 100 other scholars who think he's full of crap. But I agree everyone should be exposed to his view to understand the debate.
  12. You're wrong. The majority of older people have a nest egg much bigger than that. The typical U.S. social security check is much less than the income requirements here. It's easy to live in Thailand for under 1000 USD a month depending on location and less than that if you buy a condo. I believe that you believe what you wrote, but you're quite simply misinformed.
  13. For retirement based on bank account. Income required for that is ZERO baht.
  14. Maybe they want to practice their English (or Russian)?
  15. The government of Poland is concerned. Is that the west?
  16. You're the one playing the maga BS game. Don't involve me with that! It's become clear to me that you're just playing a T game here. BYE!
  17. I wouldn't say anything about most countries. There is no way you know that. You're just talking out of your ___. Anyway I've never been interested in Brazil but I am interested in Mexico. Expats need to do their own research to understand how things will impact them personally. I could be wrong but I think pension income is exempt there. A good example of this is Colombia which is regarded as rather tax unfriendly to expats. I did extensive research of this and found I would be required to file but social security could be fully deducted. Meaning a hassle but zero tax.
  18. Absurd comparison. Expats here get nothing like that. Nothing to do with maga which is of course total idiocy.
  19. Unpopular and dumb. Taxation without representation and any rights of a citizen.
  20. Now that's total BS. I pay for Medicare Part B and get nothing for it. I'm uninsurable so when I do deal with the health system here I'm usually massively overcharged f-rang tax. During Covid f-rangs were explicitly discriminated against for a very long time in getting vaccines. On non immigrant visa here, we have almost no rights. Yes, of course money earned in Thailand should be taxed. But I think being taxed on foreign sourced income as expats is a very unfair.
  21. If Putin is allowed by the obnoxious isolationist US republicans to win in Ukraine, I would bet the house that they won't stop there.
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