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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. Has he killed as many as Mao or Stalin? Both still alive in my lifetime. Accusations of drivel go both ways.
  2. I'd say that it'd be well nigh impossible to find any adult in the US that does not have a bias one way or another. The jury selection may take longer than the trial!
  3. I've been listening to some of the actual statements from that meeting, and the discussion about it on Al Jazeera. Israel wants a condemnation of Iran from the security council, but given the way the Russian spokesman destroyed the western members for their hypocricy ( not condemning israel for it's attack on Iranian territory ) the israelis can whistle in the wind if they think they will get that. I doubt the Chinese will allow it either. It's ironic in the extreme that israel is asking the UN to support them, when they have disregarded any UN resolutions they don't like, and America is going to find out that they don't rule the UN after all, LOL.
  4. As I have the opinion that netanyahu is trying to deflect attention from Gaza, IMO he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I doubt any western news is about Gaza any more, and the colluding western nation "leaders" have been happy to rant about Iran instead. However he may come to regret it, or at least I certainly hope so.
  5. Who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter depends on which side one is. Do israelis consider Begin to be a terrorist, which the British did? Given they made him PM I doubt it.
  6. He can't be, IMO. Neither is the US, and they are going to be sidelined in the ME if they keep supporting israel unconditionally. The US may think they have the ME leaders in their pocket, but the people will have other ideas, IMO.
  7. The security council meeting was VERY interesting. I just about choked on my breakfast when the israeli representative complained that Iran had violated the UN charter for many years, and again when he complained that the attack was a violation of international law, overlooking that the attack was in response to the attack by israel on Iranian territory in Damascus. In this situation, Iran had the right under the UN charter article 51 to respond to the attack. Russia is lovin' it, as they are rubbing the faces of the western countries that refused to condemn that illegal attack on sovereign Iranian territory in their hypocrisy.
  8. Yeah, that thing. We all know what it is, but can't say it on here.
  9. As I write this the israeli war ( lol ) cabinet is discussing how to strike back. Biden could stop it but I'm not holding my breath on that ( he must be in despair as he sees the election slipping away from him ). So, israel retaliates and IMO Iran sends twice as many drones and missiles which overwhelm israeli air defenses and cause some real damage, to which israel ups the response and round and round we go to a full on ME war, oil prices go through the roof, western economies collapse, we are in depression that makes the 1930s look like a recession. IMO there is a ( very ) small window before it all turns to <deleted>, but that depends on Biden stopping escalation NOW. Do I have any confidence of that happening- none at all.
  10. Blinken is a waste of space IMO. Far as I know he has achieved nothing that he said he wanted, especially no escalation of the conflict. Also, he is obviously an israel supporter. It'd be a waste of jet fuel to send him, IMO.
  11. IMO there will be a WW3, but it won't last long and the unlucky survivors will likely wish they had died.
  12. so what? It will work as well in Saudi as in israel. Saudis have been buying US military hardware for decades.
  13. IMO followed by Iranian attacks against YOUR country along with every western country that supports America or israel. Won't be a direct attack on the countries, but citizens traveling will likely be targets, as with all western shipping. Next stop, WW3.
  14. That 100% record hasn't stopped loads of wars since, have you forgotten Ukraine already? It has stopped WW3 so far, but that is because of MAD.
  15. Hopefully the Saudis would. They probably have loads of American anti aircraft weapons to use.
  16. BREAKING NEWS! Iran potentially triggers World War 3 IMO that headline is incorrect. It should be "Israel potentially triggers World War 3" which it did when it attacked Iranian sovereign territory in Damascus, which IMO was a declaration of war.
  17. Agree 100%. It's always the same when it's possible that Islamics were involved. Seems there are a lot of people that hate Muslims, on here.
  18. NO, I'm referring to the parents that want their male child to have it's genitals removed or drugged to prevent puberty so he can look like a girl. Female genital mutilation is cultural not religious and of course I'm against it. Circumcision is as good a thing as cutting the tails off millions of lambs every year. Done for a very good reason, and I'm happy my mother had it done.
  19. During my lifetime there have been tyrants that make him look like a boy scout, and almost all died of natural causes. If looking for the axis of evil, there is plenty of evil on the planet and some of it is closer to you than you might like to admit. I can even think of an evil man that has the support of a great many world leaders, but if we want justice in this existence, we'll be waiting for it a very long time ( as it's never going to happen ).
  20. To the person that gave that post a laugh, I wonder what goes through your mind when you put a laugh emoji on something that is nothing to do with me. I doubt you are going to explain so I'll give you an emoji myself.
  21. I just want to say that I don't have an opinion as to whether OJ did it or not, but the entire furore seems based on him being a black man. Had he been a white man, would there have been the same verdict? I'm aware of too many innocent people being falsely convicted to have much faith in the judicial system getting it right.
  22. LOL. I suggest you watch the VDO I posted. The gloves look as stiff as my <deleted> these days.
  23. You know the great thing about U Tube is that we can see for ourselves. Stiff from dried blood? Really? Those rubber gloves are not thick. I used them every work day for over 2 decades to know.
  24. I saw him trying to put it on and I disagree with you. It definitely looked too small to me. They'd have to be very thick rubber gloves to make a difference, like so thick the opposition lawyers would have said something about it.
  25. How about exterminating all tyrannical people, even ones that wear different headware than turbans? I'd go along with that.
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