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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Whatever, they don't deny that climate is changing.
  2. I do wish you'd stop saying "climate deniers" as it's IMO BS. No one I've ever heard/ read says that climate isn't changing. What they do say is that it isn't caused by human action or it can't be changed by such as electric cars and "renewable energy". I'm with the latter.
  3. 1. Lost most while overseas for 40 years. The few I have left are far away, so don't count. 2. none 3. no structure in my day, but I like that. Prefer making every day different in some degree. 4. my job consists of preparing for when I die, but it keeps me busy enough. 5. I have passion for many things, though no longer the same as when was visiting LOS twice a year or living there. Eg, I now have a passion for Japanese anime movies ( given the price of them here one needs to be passionate to indulge in that hobby ) One must adapt to circumstances or drink/ drug oneself to death, IMO.
  4. LOL. I'll take fake happiness over waking up alone every day.
  5. IMO either we die all in a nuclear WW3 or we overpopulate/ pollute ourselves to extinction. Have a nice day.
  6. Yes, the simpler the life, the less the problems. Sadly, I never saw that when I was young and went for an adventurous life over saving for old age. It was a great ride while it lasted, but everything ends.
  7. As always, the "right thing" is conditional on many many things, politically, and India is an ally of the US, but not to my knowledge in a formal alliance such as NATO, so is free to do as they see fit. As you wish on leaving it there.
  8. Probably not enough. Cost is phenomenal.
  9. Why would they? China is an ally of Russia and India has no political interest in the Ukraine far as I know. Perhaps the next thing you want will be for Thailand to condemn Russia too.
  10. BS. I travelled on Thai trains and most journeys were perfectly fine. At least they have a proper public rail passenger system unlike NZ. However I never hung out of an opened door to take a photo.
  11. Oh the joy. Start the celebrations, wave the welcome flags. Sarcasm alert.
  12. I think I achieved a lot in life, and as I near the end I'd just like the same deal my parents got, but rents have increased so much that no one on a pension has a show of living in a proper house any more. That makes me bitter, because I did everything I was supposed to do- got qualified and worked hard, behaved myself, saved money, bought a house, got married, but still ended up with dirty end of the stick. Because I have to live in proximity to idle youths that have no respect for anyone else and are "annoying" I'm PO. Not a recipe for positivity about life.
  13. I have a wish list that includes a job interview with one of those "special" young people- you know- tatts all over, unable to count mentally, likes to party to annoyingly loud noise, thinks social media is important, doesn't like to get up early to go to work, wants lots of time off, probably fail a drug test, thinks they should start at management level and get a large salary. I live in proximity to a few of them, but they don't have to work as the taxpayer gives them money to party on.
  14. So well known I have no clue who he is, LOL. Perhaps you could give us a hint.
  15. Yes, and let's remember what happened to the Greeks. They got defeated by the Romans. IMO we are in the same era and our civilization is in it's end times. Most civilizations rot from within before they end.
  16. Were the girls Asian? When I lived in Singapore way back in the 70s the locals used to take loads of photos of themselves in places, eg I'd go to the botanical gardens and the locals were taking photos of each other, but none of the gardens and flowers. I never got what that was about. That of course was when film cost to develop and print. Since digital, the selfie and such as you wrote about has increased. My wife took loads of photos of herself and the food when we ate in a restaurant and posted them on facethingy.
  17. LOL. Vinyl never went away. Many stores still sell proper audio equipment including record players. I have about 200 vinyl records in store, but the only time I play them now is to convert them to digital so I can carry them on a flash drive.
  18. and can anyone prove he wasn't burning personal papers? Hardly proof a court of law would accept, but as pointed out, the committee isn't wasn't a court of law and has had no power to convict.
  19. I never said she had to provide proof, but without proof she could say anything she likes and it won't mean a thing.
  20. Isn't China already sanctioned, and isn't India an ally of the US?
  21. I saw that on Al Jazeera news this morning. Many missiles were intercepted ( at least one intercepted missile destroyed a Ukrainian house and damaged more ), but some got through to destroy more electrical infrastructure.
  22. No one doubts the bravery or the desire of Ukrainian soldiers to defeat the Russians, but IMO the outcome depends on whether the GOP will continue to give a blank cheque to supporting them. Next year will tell us about that.
  23. I don't get the point of anti tank mines, though anything is helpful. What they need are anti air and anti ship missile systems to prevent the Chinese actually landing tanks on Taiwan.

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