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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The ultimate irony would be to arrive in the promised land, only to find it no better than the one left behind. Anywhere can be great till one actually lives there. Even Thailand was better for me when I was visiting, than when I moved there to live.
  2. Some men like to imagine they don't pay.
  3. Livin' the dream, no doubt. I guess they never heard of Pattaya when they had the opportunity.
  4. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough before, but what I'm saying is that when robotics/ AI destroy enough jobs there won't be any pensions at all, unless from private company pension funds. There just won't be enough taxpayers to afford government pensions, IMO. I hope I'm not still living when it happens though.
  5. Neither did I which was why I used an agent. Worth every satang in peace of mind.
  6. I don't believe it exists, except in the fevered imaginings of certain people. It's impossible to have sex relations without a partner, and unless it involves rape, it's consensual, ergo one can have lots of sex only so long as one can find willing partners. If there are any that can convince women to have sex with them for the sixth time in one day, lucky them I say. Otherwise, sex every day is great, and I used to do so on every visit to Thailand, but when I returned to the boring western country I worked in it stopped and I didn't suffer for that. I can say without any hesitation that I've never in my entire life met any man that could be described as having "sex addiction" though most would have done the dance with any willing woman as often as possible.
  7. I doubt they would consider you as an individual. I do think they'd just stop paying overseas pensions. It wouldn't be as though they'd be keeping you in luxury back home either. Welcome to the breadline and work camps. It's all happened before in the 1930s.
  8. I wasn't aware that that was what you meant when you wrote the post I replied to. I thought you were talking about what people wrote on the forum.
  9. Enough people can't get work and the whole system collapses. You think that elderly expats will be given a pension overseas if there are thousands on the bread line back home?
  10. I never had a problem with a Thai bank, and I was pretty much left alone as long as I wasn't married.
  11. When enough people are obsolete, do you think you'll still be livin' the dream? Someone will have to give them money and that someone will probably be people that are working, or have assets.
  12. I had/ have zero interest in what "they" want. I'm sorry to hear that you think sex drive is lost after 70 years old. I still have the urge if not the opportunity. An agent makes immigration messing about meaningless, and hot hookers are worth it. I certainly hope that Thailand will never change, if it means that at least one place in the world hasn't gone woke.
  13. Unless it has the same standard of living at the same cost and ( mandatory ) has an equivalent vibrant farang bar scene, IMO it wouldn't be worth my time. I didn't love Thailand for the temples and the food.
  14. Everybody love a politician that gives them free stuff. Doesn't mean they are good rulers.
  15. IMO "sex obsession" is a woke construct designed to control men. I see nothing wrong in having as much sex as one wants so long as the partner is of legal age, it's consensual, and contraception is used.
  16. What else is life about if not perpetuation of the species- it's a genetic imperative? However, I was lucky enough to have the fun without the unfortunate consequence. From where I'm sitting, it'd be great to even have the opportunity to be obsessed. He's a lucky man indeed.
  17. I'd rather never date oversized, ugly and extremely bossy females, as just not worth the self loathing that follows. However, while I have paid for decent sex, even bad sex costs, though not necessarily in money.
  18. Some probably think it's better to claim to have sex, than to admit one never gets it.
  19. I'm amused that so many posters seems to have a need to assert that they never go to Pattaya. Anyone been in Thailand longer than a week probably knows that bar girls are available just about everywhere in LOS. Agree about the dress code. I only ever wore t shirt, shorts and flip flops, except at immigration, and if anyone didn't like it, that was their problem.
  20. Depends on the country. Far as I know, NZ has no fault divorce ( after a legal separation of 2 years ) with a mandatory 50/50 split of assets/ money acquired after marriage. If children involved she might get house to live in till they are old enough. Doesn't make any difference if legally married or not. After 2 or 3 years ( not sure of the exact time ) living together, the state considers legally married anyway.
  21. because when we grew up that's what we referred to adult females as.
  22. Sounds like NZ banks that no longer want to offer counter services, if one can even find one. Many banks have closed branch banks in small towns. IMO the ultimate goal is the cashless society- the corporate wet dream.
  23. One is able to get affordable ( even allowing for an age surcharge ) 1 year renewable health insurance from NZ that I used in Thailand. I assume it's possible in other countries, which negates the "can I afford health insurance in LOS" question. Otherwise one might consider that an earlier than desirable exit is preferable to living wherever we chose to leave. I had considered such, but not being able to get my pension in LOS meant I had to leave anyway when the savings ran out.
  24. Oh, if only other governments were as enlightened as Norway's. Of course the control loving will no doubt be wailing that it's the end of the world, but better to go out with a bang than a whimper, IMO. If I'd had my druthers that's the way it would have been from the beginning. Sweden- right on!
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