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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I agree with everything except the alcoholic. I never experienced that in the ones I took away to the beach. An alcoholic can't get by without for a day let alone a fortnight, unless they are recovering alcoholics. Sure, some do drink too much, but not all by far.
  2. So true. We only really, really, really want what we can't have ( anymore ).
  3. Agree, The "real thing" in a western country was but a pale shadow of even the most average BG experience I had in LOS.
  4. I am envious of anyone that is in Thailand with all that opportunity for a good time with a real girl. Beats my reality by several million %.
  5. Western men are suckers for the Thai BG experience because even a fake experience is better than anything they will ever experience back in their real world.
  6. I never found a Thai girl with a western sense of humour, but they'd be reduced to rolling around the bed laughing at those stupid ( to me ) Thai comedy reality shows with the katoey. I also never found one that had a romantic gene.
  7. I didn't like that book, but only because of the way it was written. The information in it is priceless for anyone wanting to enjoy Thai BGs. It did open my eyes to the way Thai men treat their GFs, and explained a lot. Also went a long way to explaining why my wife fell out of love with me- I treated her too well, as if she was a western woman. She didn't respect me for that, rather as someone to exploit.
  8. I'm convinced that many of the BGs that I took on holiday did enjoy being with me, but their plans were to make some money and then go back to real life. The occasional one that I made a mistake with proved that the ones that did enjoy being with me really did so, as no one acts that well over an extended period of time. One night stands can be faked, but not for a month, IMO. I'm pleased to say that the good ones outnumbered the bad, and remain as happy memories.
  9. So you would ruin the perfect memory by marrying her, which gives you only a 50% chance of staying together. Sometimes the memory is better than the reality. No one ever stays the same. My perfect girl that I married turned into the psycho from hell that I eventually divorced, so I speak from experience. Just enjoy the moment, as such will not happen very often, if ever again.
  10. Regardless if evolution is proven or not proven, this thread is about God, and some of us believe that however the universe works it was created by a force that can be described as "God". To even deny the possibility of God is to claim that one actually "knows" everything, which is impossible. If we can not prove that something is impossible, it must be possible, ergo to say that God does not exist must be an opinion, and not a fact.
  11. I disagree. Sadly, if everyone could do whatever they like, there would be anarchy. Sadly, society has to be forced to behave, as there are too many bad people out there. In the olden days religion was the force that controlled society, and now it's politics. Perhaps when AI gets good enough, the computer will control us- it's not as though we don't already worship the computer, given society's submission to the machine ( and it's not even intelligent yet ).
  12. You can't have been doing it right then. When I finally found a woman that did it right it was absolutely, fantastically wonderful. I admit that such women are probably as rare as hen's teeth though.
  13. If science can't explain it, should we not at the least admit that God could exist. It's not very scientific to deny something when no proof exists to "prove" that something does not exist. Are you claiming that it's possible for any human to know everything? I hope not. Ergo, if we don't not know everything, then anything is possible that we do not know of, including God. To just deny the existence of God, IMO implies an agenda at work. While the Christian religion may not be to everyone's satisfaction, Just as democracy is not a very good political system but it's better than the alternatives, Christianity as is practiced now ( not as during the inquisition ), is IMO better than the alternatives ( eg honour killings or stoning women to death for adultery etc ).
  14. I could talk about women and their ability to warp men's minds all day, but this isn't the thread to do it on, other than to say ( if I were to ascribe human failings to God, which I don't ) was God playing a bad joke on men when he gave us sexual desire ALL the time? Most male animals ( other than human animals ) only get aroused when the female is "on heat", but we get turned on just by the sight of a pretty female.
  15. Is that a serious question? I'm pretty sure I don't have to say what we did, but it is what guys do when they don't have access to a vagina, anywhere.
  16. If you can't see it, then that's down to you. I could try and explain, but it would take too much time and I think it would fall on deaf ears anyway. To see the evidence of God all around us, one has to be open minded to the possibility that there is more to life the universe and everything than can be explained by our primitive science.
  17. Far as I know the state pays for maintenance on the buildings, but the amount the royals earn the country in tourism would make that worth while. Get rid of the royals, and all the pomp and circumstance goes away too. No changing of the Guard, no Household cavalry etc. Be interesting to see how much tourism falls if all that happens.
  18. I believe I mentioned that it can be used when surrendering, but is not in and of itself a symbol of surrender. For that, holding hands in the air is appropriate.
  19. The idea that the PM would also be the head of state where I lives fills me with horror. That she can be removed if she goes too far is a comfort.
  20. Good news. I hope he gets the maximum sentence.
  21. Loads of cases never come to court because "settled out of court". As for the amount, I think it was excessive, but I wasn't in the room to know why. Perhaps they looked at the Michael Jackson case where a payment was made to make a claim go away, and the suspect IMO reneged in hopes of more, so they had to give enough to make sure that didn't happen. BTW anyone that followed the Jackson case knows why it's better to pay to stay out of the IMO circus of trial by media.
  22. You can believe or not believe whatever you choose, but you don't get to tell us what to do or believe.

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