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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Quoting Faux news .....it must be true , what's it's like been in a cult regards Worgeordie
  2. You sir are in a cult ,maybe you don't realise it or your too stupid to figure it out, saving up for a 100 K watch to show true support to to your leader ,the grifter, regards worgeordie
  3. The U.S.A. the only country I know that's had a soft landing after Covid, and whose economy is the envy of the World , low jobless rates,high ,very high stock markets ,could that have occured if Trump was in charge ,hell no. All you Trump cultists are going to be crying IF he wins and introduces the TARIFFS , across the board he promises ,he will the be a puppet of the 2025fivers who will bring in all their racial policies , and you are going to be looking for someone to make America great again , after Trump xxxxs it all up, which he will . Now IF the Trump looses ,if its a landslide for Kamala ,he will still say he won...thats a given ,will this lead to another Civil war in America ?, he has so divided America , Our politicians in UK ,are just stupid and do stupid things but Donald is a dangerous man ,and has already shown what he will do ,like on Jan 6 ..... God save America ....and its not Donald J Trump .. regards worgeordie
  4. Why do you do this to yourself George ,the last time to Pattaya you said it was a sh itehole and would never be coming back ,and here you are again ..you must like punishment , Philippines not good enough for you, what about Malaysia , things might be better for you if you stopped earwigging regards worgeordie
  5. I have lived through 36 smoky seasons here and it's not 6 months as one poster says , I am 79 now does that mean I could live to 120 if I lived that time in clean air, just happy if I make it to 80 ,that will be enough for me. regards worgeordie
  6. I have a big calendar hung on the wall near the breakfast table with all the important dates on , birthdays,hospital visits, 90 day reports ,and renewal date , as I don't have a smartphone, plus the batteries never run out on a paper calendar...never miss a date ,don't pay no 2000 B regards Worgeordie
  7. Been like this at Chiang Mai for a few years now ,Ching rai just catching up , not a problem ,unless you use Bangkok Bank ,then you have to get statement from head office Bangkok ,can take up to 7 days, they say. regards Worgeordie
  8. They would have to be careful ,he would be eating all the profits,if left alone in there...it's all showmanship ,with no policies. regards worgeordie
  9. By a whisker ...... remember someone saying that ,then all the undecided voters come to their senses and vote for Harris , they just don't want a leader that <deleted>z his pants like a baby... regards worgeordie
  10. Do you realise you are in a cult .....no free thinking person would want Trump to be their president, the man is a rapist,has been found guilty of multiple felonies ,is selling the suit off his back to the cult, criticizes China but is getting all his cheap rubbish there to sell to his cult members,psst want to buy a Bible ...what about some Crypto .....I pity the cultists that bought the Trump media shares @ what 60 dollars , what's the stock trading at now ..... he's a grifter ,a narcissist,and not fit to be the President . regards worgeordie
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  12. Trump is knackered , really showing his age now , which is why he is cancelling so many rally's ,speaking engagements ,sleepy Donald , he really is cattle trucked ,too old to go to prison ,i hope not... just like all these rich @rseholes , that get caught he will be attending court with crutches,or a wheelchair ,neck brace ,looking for sympathy, poor old Donald... regards worgeordie
  13. For the Magas , she didn't "weave" in her answers ,and gave answers that you could actually comprehend .she owned him ,although all on Faux news supported him , but HE knew the truth ,Trump will not be very happy , regards Worgeordie
  14. Maybe because you are in Mae Hong Son , or one of the Islands , or deepest Issan, who knows.... ask them . regards worgeordie
  15. Why do they keep messing with the forum ,don't like comments on the left, regards worgeordie
  16. When it was formed ,it was a good idea ,a common market, Countries been able to trade with each other with less restrictions but then it morphed little by little into what it is today ,making rules for all members ,letting members from the poorest countries flood into the richest ,that was a very bad idea..... regards worgeordie
  17. Good luck you are going to need it , don't count your chickens till they hatch, report back in a year or two ,lets know how its going.... regards Worgeordie
  18. None of them thought for even 1 second , something is not right , it smells to high heaven, but greed got the better of them and they handed over their hard earned cash , no sympathy for them at all.,greed prevailed over common sense. regards worgeordie
  19. I like it when reporters ask MAGA's questions , they all seem to be as thick as pigs <deleted> , the way they dress and act , like a misfits circus... it definitely is a cult , with Trump the grifter in command..there will be lines of the faithful outside Rikers Island just to visit him in jail. regards worgeordie
  20. Always cash , Worgeordie A.K.A. Johnny Cash , don't have a phone or want one, places like Makro ,Bic C , always have the amount of reckoned up ,have money ready to nearest amount ,hand money over get change ,pisses me off when someone in front of my ,pulls their phone out when told the amount , fiddles about with it ,then pays , defiantly takes longer . 99 % of people just pay what the cashier tells them ,they don't know value of goods their asked to pay for ,over the years the times I have been overcharged , from 20 B to 545 B , Makro is the worse ,when they ring up same item twice , BUT , I have never been undercharged for anything.... regards worgeordie
  21. When you met him , what did he smell like ?or did you not get that close.... How the hell would anyone on here know whether Trump resorted to crimes?????? Maybe because he has been convicted of 34 Felony charges regards worgeordie
  22. The Houthi's from Yemen are attacking ships in the Red Sea , just in the news , they attacked a British oil tanker... regards Worgeordie
  23. High profit.... Although goods coming from Europe will have to come around the Cape making transport costs higher... regards worgeordie
  24. ONLY If he wins the election ,which he won't ,so it's a moot point,,,, He will just spend the rest of his life ,with the rest of his family grifting of the MAGA,S ,after he has done his prison time of course ... regards worgeordie
  25. Good luck with that , you have 28 posts and you are reporting me for trolling , regards worgeordie
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