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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. You do not need a ticket out of the country. If you want to buy a round trip ticket that is you choice. If you returned to the country in January you would need a new visa or get a 30 day visa exempt entry if you qualify for one.
  2. That means you cannot buy the insurance to use here while still in the country. You will be outside the country and when you return that is when you can use the insurance.
  3. It is based upon the permit to stay you get when entering the country not your planned stay.
  4. If you have a valid visa or re-entry permit a return or onward ticket is non required.
  5. You will only need 2 months of covid 19 insurance. See: https://www.tipinsure.com/CovidRegional/product_detail
  6. Many embassies and official consulates do not issue the COE until a few days before your departure date. If there was a problem with it they would contact you about it.
  7. He could apply for the non-o visa at immigration as soon as he has the 800k baht it in the bank. As I wrote before it only needs the 800k baht in the bank on the day he applies. It will need to be in the bank for 2 months when he appies for the one year extension during the 30 days of the 90 day permit to stay he will get from the visa.
  8. He would be applying for non-o visa at immigration that will give a 90 day permit to stay from the day it is applied for. To apply for the non-o visa he would need 800k baht in a Thai bank on the day he applies or proof of 65k baht income from his home country embassy if they do them. Then he could apply for a one year extension of stay based upon retirement. The 800k baht would have to be in the bank for 2 months on the day he applies. His extension would start on the day the 90 days ends.
  9. A. He will be banned from entering the country for 3 years if he leaves before 3 years of overstay. B. I am not aware of any agency that can fix it. These are the overstay rules since 2016. If caught with the ovestay the ban will be 10 years
  10. You will still have a 30 day under consideration period. Not sure but I think Chiang Mai immigration is starting it the day your extension ends now. How long do you plan on being out of the country?
  11. A Non-OA visa is only for those 50 or over and and is a multiple entry visa valid for one year from the date of issued and allows unlimited one year entries for that year. A non-o visa only allows a 90 day entry and can be issued for various reasons. Being 50 or over for retirement is one of them.
  12. It may of had the 40/400k before but it did not mention the covid 19 insurance.
  13. What it states is bit a confusing in what is says. In particular this and statement. "Copy of evidence stating that applicants have insurance as per stipulated by the Office of Insurance Commission and health insurance of Thailand which covers COVID-19 related medical expenses, both inpatient and outpatient, no less than 100,000 USD for the whole period of your stay in Thailand." It also has this link after that. https://longstay.tgia.org/ When you look at the insurance companies info it still shows the 40/400k baht insurance on LMG's info.
  14. You can have OA visa that was originally issued for retirement and apply for a extension of the permit to stay it allowed based upon marriage. Doing the extension based upon marriage does not change the reason for it being issued.
  15. There is no OA visa based upon marriage. You apparently have extended the one year entry it allowed based upon marriage to a Thai. No insurance is required for a extension based upon marriage. If you were to apply for a extension based upon retirement you would need to prove you have insurance.
  16. Yes The airline will only want so see a ticket out of the country to meet the requirements.
  17. It is still the same 40k/400k baht insurance requirement. The only thing new is the $100,000 covid 19 insurance that has been required for entry for about a year and a half.
  18. 5.1 A letter from the bank confirming your account is valid must be issued on the day you apply for the non-o visa. 5.2 A update of your bank showing the balance in your account is 800k baht or more on the day you apply. 5.3 That would not need to be updated on the day you apply. If your bank book shows the 800k baht was transfer came from outside the country other proof may not be needed. 5.3 would not be needed if the money has been in the bank for a long time (2 months or more). That would not be needed if you have recently entered the country. It is mostly a Bangkok immigration requirement done to prevent people from traveling to there to apply for the visa there instead of their local office.
  19. Don't forget to get get a new re-entry permit to keep the 60 day valid along with the remainder of your extension. Best to only get a single re-entry permit. A multiple entry would be a complete waste since it will expire before you could use it again.
  20. Nothing new really. It was proposed and approved by the cabinet in principle months ago. It will only affect new OA visas issued after the 1st of September.
  21. Just wait a while longer to it to be delivered. There have been report of taking up to 6 to 8 weeks to get the receipt in the mail from CW,
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