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Everything posted by Denim

  1. And the one who did this ? Also attempted murder ?
  2. My sympathy it with the police officers trying to do their duty. Damned when they do nothing and damned when they try to carry out their duties. The issue of race and religion should be irrelevant here but is used to muddy the water and detract from the facts that the police were violently assaulted and reacted in kind. They are human beings not machines and given the gravity of the attack on the female officer it is not surprising what followed. The lawyer playing the racist card when it is not relevent only incites an increase in racist sentiments. in my opinion the muslim community violently over reacted before knowing all the facts. As for his ridiculous statement that it was an assasination attempt ............ beyond contempt and risible Doubtless there will be more videos to follow plus accounts of what exactly happened to warrent the police being called in the first place
  3. Bum guns ? Food and drink in plastic bags tied with rubber bands that can be tricky to unpick if you don't want the contents on your lap. Women with big feet and adams apples ?
  4. Without the tator.
  5. I'm already desparing for the present without which the future looks like burnt toast already
  6. Find out their nationality then get tell the owners who rent them out that if they rent out to this nationality again the bikes will be confiscated and put in a crusher. Sorted.
  7. You can get a view of flying ping pong balls. That's bound to impress them.
  8. Same as mine , i guess because never mad busy. I do agree that it is ridiculous the amount of paperwork and signing involved but thankfully it is only one morning in every 365 days so I can live with it. At my immigration officers recommendation ( lovely helpful lady ) I got a stamp made up in my name to save time. So now when I get handed a stack of paper to sign and print I can just rattle through the printing part in a minute then start again with a fast signature. It does save a fair bit of time. As for all the silly repeat information needed......just have to live with it. If you get all your ducks in a row it goes smoothly enough. I actually think that applying for a mere visit visa for my wife from VS Global was a lot more work with some pretty questionable sharp practices. As for the questions ....Have you ever been a member of a terrorist organisation or do you plant to blow up parliament during your holiday ? Mad mad mad
  9. I have several Thai friends and no issues. Buy their kids small birthday gifts from time to time with no problems at all , usually something edible. More importantly is to chose your friends very carefully. That goes for everyone regardless of nationality etc.
  10. Agreed. We also do our own thing. She is in a folk dance troupe that performs at temples , weddings and government functions. I can't be bothered to go out much because everything I need is at home. We almost never dine out in the evenings unless friends are visiting or we are on a road trip. Disabled MIL lives next door so my wife and her sister do shifts taking care of her.
  11. At least getting raped is no longer a worry for her
  12. Plenty of gun shops around Phahurat in Bangkok. One after another.
  13. Seems to be getting bad everywhere. Some nutter in the UK recently killed his ex and 2 other women with a crossbow. This sort of thing was rare when I was younger. All too common now. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/british-police-arrest-man-suspicion-crossbow-murders-3-111874879
  14. Quite a lot barmy in fact.
  15. Am I missing something ? Joe Biden is currently 81 while trump is 78 ???
  16. Went to the disco there a few times in the old days. Even stayed there once. Used to frequent the Woodstock bar in the back corner of Nana Plaza for the food and the laid back vibe.
  17. Live and learn , just be more careful with who you talk to.
  18. Good luck with that. I tried a few times and my threads bombed in short order. Threads like ....' What made you come to Thailand ? ' or ' Why do guys marry bar girls ' are more regular than the menstrual cycle. But amazingly....they still get answers.
  19. If I remember correctly , I paid about 1000 baht for 8 shots. These are done over a month. Then there are the last ones 6 months later which I had done free back in the UK while on a home visit.
  20. I have sold several properties here and used various sites ( already mentioned by others ) but absolutely none of them were as good as a for sale sign on the front gate. All the internet adds I placed got nothing except calls from agents offering to help us sell for a 3% commission. All the properties were sold using a sign on the gate with contact phone number.
  21. At my local BigC yesterday there were younger people with full trolleys but no cash. They looked a bit bewildered to be told that only cash payments were being accepted. Several older customers meanwhile just carried on through quickly with our dirty old cash.
  22. A visit to the land of your birth is an exotic and expensive holiday , replete with reverse culture shock and a relief to get back ' home '.
  23. These agricultural vehicles should have speed limiters on them as it seems the temptation to drive pedal to the metal is just too much for some boy racers. Saw an almost accident today when a large new pick up with black everything , mag wheels included , came speeding up beind me in the mirror. I kept out of his way as he shot past on my right then attempted to undertake a lorry that was moving from the righthand lane to the left. This forced pickup into the dirt which threw up a big dust cloud. It was just lucky that at this part of the road the verge is flat with no ditch otherwise flipped for sure.
  24. Fried squid with cashew nuts and basil on a crust of toast . Hate it when the fridge is empty because monks scoffed my last eggs.
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