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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Choeng Doi has a copy shop. There is a self serve copier right at the entrance.
  2. Which has not - is not - will never work. Reminds me of the 'War on Drugs' - another useless, never win, waste of lives.
  3. Because they go to a University this automatically makes them smart ? Have you looked at the state of the school system in America ?
  4. Ford-speak for ... NO !!! 555
  5. As is your outlandish belief that some how - with Covid vaccines alone - all the previous vaccine clinical trials lasting years are not required. You know who holds such beliefs - stooges for Big Pharma, nodding heads for Big Gov't, and ... well ...
  6. I am no tourist, and I do not wear a mask anyplace. Been to CNX Ram, Bangkok Hospital CNX, 7-11. Lotus ... I could go on and on. Everyone can see my smiling face ! 555
  7. Now that is Hideous !
  8. Same as hospitals in CNX. Deliver to the ground floor entrance, you go down and retrieve. No shelves. He/She waits for you.
  9. Court must prove 'Intent to defraud beyond a reasonable doubt' There's your out - as any decent lawyer would argue successfully.
  10. And how - pray tell - do you 'speed up' a clinical trial that takes years ? Answer - you do not perform said trials. Pool your resources ? - like stock up on time and use it all at once ? Unless Big Pharma has a time machine.
  11. Politicians ? 555 Those would be the men and women who win elected office by the large campaign contributions from special interest groups whose sole reason for backing said Politco is to advance their own agenda ? Some people have a real blind spot when talking about 'Democracy' which is not present in any country anywhere on earth. And presumably the Cosmos is on side also.
  12. Better ask King Charles and his Motley Crew, all the Fortune 500 companies, etc etc etc why they pay no tax ? Yet single out a working man saving 70 GBP - 555 U Funny Guy
  13. True Dat ... Wife was given a Samsung Galaxy S9 by her boss recently - reason, Samsung no longer offering upgrades. Now has the newest version of android - so the BS about 'hardware' just don't fly. Greed - pure and simple. Buy a new fone is the underlying reason. Just one of many. https://www.reliancedigital.in/solutionbox/how-to-run-a-new-android-os-on-your-dated-android-smartphone/
  14. The cost of the lens will be determined by the quality of the plastic used. Got my prescription updated in Oct. Opted for German made lenses, very thin, very light, no tint but progressive. 6500 THB
  15. Dual overhead camshaft (DOHC, also known as "twin-cam".) engines have two camshafts per bank. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overhead_camshaft_engine two aluminum heads with two camshafts (DOHC) and four valves per cylinder (32 in total). https://www.engine-specs.net/toyota/2uz-fe.html
  16. What does your crystal ball say for 5 - 10 - 20 years "Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years, and involves a combination of public and private involvement." https://historyofvaccines.org/vaccines-101/how-are-vaccines-made/vaccine-development-testing-and-regulation
  17. 2UZ-FE
  18. Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. Edward Snowden
  19. I did the DLT thing first. Then you can go to your insurance company and they take a copy of the amended book. Same as when you do an LPG conversion. Take book to insurance company to document changes. Policy premiums remain the same in our cases.
  20. 1963 Chevy Stepside
  21. In the case of Lexus they are better.
  22. https://www.thedrive.com/news/mercedes-makes-better-performance-a-1200-subscription-in-its-evs
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