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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  11. Sounds like quite a party!
  12. You are insufferable. And your reading comprehension issues are shining through again. Up to each person what they spend their money on. I don't have an MG or a motorbike of any sort, not sure where you get your weird thoughts from. FWIW I have spent more than the BMW price on a couple of cars here and got much better specced and performing vehicles, but I didn't get "the badge" - that's not important to me at all, but it is to some people, that's fine - up to them. Tiresome engaging with a troll. I'll stop now, good night.
  13. As others have said you do not need a birth certificate for renewal. And a Thai driver's license is sufficient for proof of address. If ever you do need a birth certificate copy you don't need to fly back, you can do it online. I did it once years ago when my first child was born - easy.
  14. Oh I see, sorry it was absolutely hilarious. Maybe add even more emojis next time. No, I put it down because it is horrendously overpriced for what you get. Much smarter ways to spend the same amount of money and get much much more for it. Much smarter ways to spend a lot less and get more too. You get very limited equipment (safety and luxury goodies), it is noisy and slow. But hey you get to say "I drive a BMW" which is important to some people. Up to him/you, but don't come on here bragging about it and expect not to get pulled up.
  15. What??? Because he paid 2.5m baht for a ridiculously overpriced bottom of the range BMW he might get angry and shoot someone?? You really need help.
  16. Has he destroyed the city? Really?
  17. Ok, I'll give it one more go then I'll stop feeding as this is pointless and a waste of time. You really do have comprehension issues. I am sure it is deliberate to troll people or maybe you only understand things that are written in emojis. I didn't criticise my choice of car - it's perfect for the job. I said it has a nasty CVT which it does: ALL CVTs are nasty and soulless. But for the job of getting my wife and kids to school and back it does an excellent job, and a CVT makes sense in that vehicle. I just don't like CVTs. Another comprehension mistake on your behalf. I said "in your family". I assume you count your wife and son as being family. Yes, it is, especially the diesel variant.
  18. Not bad ride choices at all. They were both great value when I bought them. One gets the wife and kids to school and back every day, reliably, and in safety and comfort. The other one has lots more luxury toys and a great sound system in it, it does 0-100 in 6.5 seconds or so and it gets me wherever I need to go, and best of all it doesn't rattle. Neither of them make good noises though because they are four cylinder petrol engines: I can freely admit that. Whenever I am ready to upgrade or replace one of them I will make another good choice: it will be Chinese and it will be electric. Funny you criticising others' car choices when you have a Celeriac and a bottom of the range diesel in your family.....
  19. I am not an "EV-er" whatever one of those is. I own a whiny 1.8l four pot Honda with a nasty CVT. I also own a slightly better sounding 2.0 four cylinder turbo. But still nothing pleasant about the noise except for the odd turbo blow off sound that makes its way into the cabin. The only good sounding four cylinder engine was the old Subaru boxer with unequal length headers. All others are just "noise". There is no such thing as a good sounding three cylinder engine. There is CERTAINLY no good sounding diesel engine on this planet. And ALL diesel engines are noisy - outside and inside - no matter how good the sound deadening is. Yet you seem to be bragging about the diesel noise as if we should appreciate it. How very strange you are. I've been in plenty of diesel BMWs including 7 series and you can hear it and it's not pleasant. And please pass my condolences to your lad for buying an overpriced rattly heap of junk. Hopefully as he gets older and gains wisdom he will make better financial choices, although I am sure he likes telling people he drives a beemer (probably doesn't say it's the bottom of the range nasty rattly one).
  20. Sorry I thought you said it doesn't have a noisy engine. Last time I checked the engine wasn't in the cabin - did they move it on the latest version?
  21. Condemning a deliberate police murder of a subdued man doesn't equate to being on a high horse. Well maybe the racists on the forum think it does - that's fine with me, I would rather be on the horse than down in that pit of filth.
  22. No, course it isn't. Puny little three cylinder engines are known for their silence, especially under strain (which it is - all the time). Luckily on the very rare occasion when you can actually hear it is purrs like a cat.
  23. Got it. So when I point out that a white person got exactly the same sentence as a brown muslim sounding person you shift the goalposts and say it's because she's a woman. Righty ho. So brown people and women get preferential treatment. So instead of crying for the poor little oppressed white people I'll change it to poor little oppressed white men. Better? You are a 2-tier justice dreamer as it fits your completely ridiculous "white people are oppressed" narrative.
  24. He wasn't convicted for arresting a violent career criminal though was he? He was convicted for unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. That's because the knelt on his neck for nine and a half minutes until he was dead - when he was already handcuffed and subdued - and prevented medical assistance from being rendered until it was too late. He continued to apply force to his neck even after he became aware he was unconscious and had stopped breathing (he admitted this). But yeah, woke media etc etc. Chauvin also admitted to assaulting a 14 year old child by smashing him in the head several times with a flashlight and kneeling on his neck for several minutes even though the child was face down, handcuffed and not resisting. Luckily he didn't die. But yeah, free him, he's a hero. He is scum and deserves to rot in prison. Pathetic. The level of racism on this forum is pretty disgusting, but no one brave enough to own it.
  25. Nothing to do with with him kneeling on an unconscious man's neck for several minutes until he was dead?? Ah, just political. Yeah, damn politically motivated reporting of people kneeling on necks! Damn! I would have so much more respect for racists if they just said "I'm racist, I hate black and foreign people". But they try and come up with nonsense like you just did instead. Too ashamed? Just say it and own it.
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