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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Showing your true colours now. He was born in England. Watch the video and tell me why he doesn't seem like a normal English school kid. You may need to watch it with your eyes closed though.
  2. Another one with reading comprehension struggles. I was saying it is sad that a seemingly normal English kid could turn into someone who is capable of doing what he did. That is indeed very very sad, as is your lack of ability to understand a few simple sentences. Of course it would be. You are almost desperate for that to be the case. Each time another bit of information comes along that seems to suggest he wasn't you come up with another hypothesis. (He wasn't called Ali Ali Shakati, damn. He wasn't an asylum seeker, damn. He was born in England, damn. His parent are Christian, damn. He sounds English, damn). Something has obviously happened to him between when he was a kid in that video and today. I don't need to make things up, I'll just wait to find out when the facts come out - whatever they are. The kid was probably a recluse. "Hardly common amount young teens" you say as though you are desperate for a conspiracy to come to reality, that his profiles were maybe deleted by the police because he was Muslim and they don't want us to know. Well stabbing a load of children is hardly common either is it. I don't find it hard to believe he didn't have much of a social media presence.
  3. Can you read?? Seemed. That is past tense. What didn't seem normal about the kid in the video? That is what I was saying, he seemed like a normal English kid. I can give you the contact details of a good English teacher if you need.
  4. Seemed like a totally normal English boy. So sad. He's not just off a dinghy, he's not a Muslim indoctrinated nutter, just seems like a normal English boy. I wonder what happened to him between then and now. Sorry to the posters who expected him to speak with an accent. But let's smash up mosques - yay!!
  5. I am from Southport and was horrified by the violence of the morons. I was extremely happy to see the videos the next day of the local community rebuilding, cleaning, repairing. The people of Southport say they don't want violence, they don't want racism, they want to live in a peaceful community. And the outsiders who came for a fight, f off!!!
  6. Is "stopping word" another snowflake term? They get upset over emojis, labels, and now they don't like "stopping words". The right are funny.
  7. I can add another couple: 7. Do the "far right" have no sense of humour? 8. Are they snowflakes who get upset at emojis and satirical videos?
  8. Who could even be bothered to go and write a negative review of a 99 baht steak?? The mind boggles.
  9. Please post how you know he is buying lottery tickets with temple money. The man has raised lots of money for charity over the years and will donate this 12 million to charitable causes too. And all you can do is make snide remarks. Pathetic really.
  10. Yes it would be, but it's not unexpected for you to see the worst in a good story.
  11. I was having dinner with some Thai friends last week and this topic came up. They all said they would love to visit S Korea but are put off by the stories of Thais being treated harshly or rejected at immigration. They said imagine the waste of money if they are denied entry and sent back, so they would rather go places where this is unlikely to happen. And one of the them had actually recently been to Seoul but was taken aside for questioning and it was only when he (yes, he) managed to phone a Korean friend who spoke to the IO and verified his details that he was allowed entry. I think this is why we are seeing the numbers drop, all Thais are aware of it.
  12. Foreigners were always planned to be included in the mass vaccination. I got my first two early on, AZ, for free, and nothing to do with any American donation. So did any other foreigner I know.
  13. Ah right, so EDL racists, hooligans and thugs disappeared in 2013 then. Thanks. So there was no violence in Southport, no right wing idiots attacked a mosque based on false information posted on right wing websites, I must have dreamt it in my crypto sleep. That was the weakest argument I have ever come across, don't dispute the facts just the nomenclature. Brilliant.
  14. Seriously, get a grip. This kid attacked some girls and it was utterly sickening, and nobody wishes anything other than for him to have a miserable life behind bars. As I have said before, that attack happened five minutes' walk from the street I grew up in, it is just shocking. That is that. But the Muslim community are not up and about causing violence are they? The EDL is ("far right" whether you like that term or not). They were bussed in to Southport to attack the mosque thanks to far right lies on the internet about the perpetrator, his name, his religion, and his immigration status. All lies. Then they left. The actual local people rallied together the next day to clear the damage, rebuild the wall of the mosque, rebuild whatever else had been damaged, and returned to grieving. Like normal people - they didn't want violence, they didn't want yobbos smashing up their community. So the far right thugs DO need controlling as they are the ones smashing things up based on nothing. Do you think the far right are being persecuted now? I always thought they were tough bully boys and hated the "woke", but seems they are snowflakes who can't handle real life. Should the PM do nothing about mobs going round the country attacking innocent communities? Are the snowflakes ok if he uses harsh words? Boo Hoo.
  15. Er, what the heck are you on about? I said only that they probably didn't cut down the forest with heavy machinery (as suggested by the poster I was replying to) and worked around the mature trees that were already there. Again, what the heck are you on about? I have literally no clue.
  16. The first time I have ever agreed with transam! ....although I don't know what this means.
  17. This is hilarious. Someone claims the Muslim community haven't condemned the attack (btw does every type of community need to condemn everything? Did the RAC condemn this? The AA? No they didn't! Did the WWE condemn it? No!! Did the Buddhist Council of Britain condemn it? I don't believe they did.) Someone posts a quote from the Muslim Council of Britain condemning the attack. Oh, damn, they did condemn it. Well, erm, what if what if what if...... Keep moving the goalposts because every time you do your objectives and biases become clearer.
  18. Eh? I think you will find it was Farage who did that, jumping on the tragedy to stir up anger and sow conspiracy theories. You could say that directly incited the riot in Southport and the attack on the mosque. And people like Bday Prang are parroting the same nonsense so it is self perpetuating.
  19. "endless benefits of diversity"?? Do you do anything other than spout cliches and Yaxley-Lennon / Farage style meaningless soundbites?? Endless benefits of diversity, jeez..... BTW has the suspect been given a playstation, flatscreen TV, mobile phone, and a "nice new flat" yet? You know, like you said he would be getting in one of our previous gems of meaningless cliched Yaxley / Farage style gibberish.
  20. Looks like it is very well integrated in to the existing nature. But obviously you know better?
  21. Yeah, imagine the outcry that a company is decimating a forest to hang some ziplines. I don't think so.
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