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Everything posted by connda

  1. I've seen Dr. Choeng before at his clinic out on Chang Phuak across from the university. At the time I had been to literally five other eye doctors about persisting eye irritation. Some the the responses I got from other eye doctors were amusing although the situation wasn't funny at all. And as well? No one could give me the root cause. They were literally guessing, and guessing incorrectly. Which is extremely sad. There is much difference between the skill level of doctors, which is why when someone refers to all doctors as "experts" I just laugh. Some are; many are not. Dr Choeng figured out the issue in about 5 minutes. I had calcium crystals in my eye-lid that were wreaking havoc on my cornea. He took pictures and showed them to me. I took daily walks around the moat at that time while I lived in Chiang Mai. He suggested discontinuing those walks as his feeling was that the fountains of polluted moat water were either causing or exacerbating the problem, plus he recommended some better lubricating eye-drops which gave me immediate relief. I left CM shortly after that appointment with Dr. Choeng to move to our property in Lamphun. Interestingly enough, once I moved to the rural country-side the problem cleared up. So yes - I trust Dr. Choeng a lot. Excellent choice. I'll be making an appointment.
  2. 60K to 100K a year for vanity? Embrace the wrinkles, enjoy your old age, and don't fret. If you look at all those Super-Stars who have had cosmetic surgery? They almost all look horrid. Those who accept their aging tend to look - graceful and distinguished. An remember - nothing you do to the outside of your body will fix what is inside. Buddhsim 101: "Annica" (Ahh-Nee-Cha) The only constant in this universe is change.
  3. You need to take your computer to a technician (I am making the assumption you are not technically adept - most people are not), have them clone your system (if you can't), install a new higher capacity drive (preferably a 1+TB SSD), and re-image your system, after which "Bob's Your Uncle" and your system will run......well, within the limitations of your other hardware. If you a comfortable doing an image of your drive, Macrium Free does a great job (as long as you have sufficient room on your external drive). Do a complete disk image, have at 1+ TB SSD drive installed, and then restore your entire disk image. Just guessing, but if your "C" drive is "full", my guess (just a guess) is that you have an older system. If your computer is over 5 to 7 years old just bite the bullet and buy a new computer (you'll be happy you did). If it's not "older" than something is filling up the HD capacity and it is beyond the scope of this forum to figure out what that may be. That update is never going to be installed on your system due to space restrictions given the info you provided regarding the remaining space on your "C" drive. Imho, for people who don't really understand how to administer their own home system? ????Just buy a new system with plenty of CPU, RAM, and SSD capacity that is preloaded with Windows (Win11 is probably the best for you as it will not require you to think too hard about it during it's "life-cycle"). Your situation simply screams: "Buy a new computer", and then use the old computer to learn how to run some variation of Linux, which unlike Windows is a streamlined operating system that uses less than 20GB in many cases for the core OS files. Or even load a new copy of Win10 that you can use to experiment on. It's always good to have a second "sandbox" computer to play with and learn on. Things like backing up your system, optimizing your system, breaking your system and fixing it, and loading up different operating systems. Best of luck...........
  4. Nihilism takes another victim. Best of luck.
  5. Of course. After the rains have set in and the air is clear. "See! We our legislation cleaned the air quick quick!!!" Lets have this discussion in March 2024. ????
  6. I have a white board in the living room where both myself and my wife write COD purchases that we have made with a discription and the amount. If a COD purchase shows up and its not on the board. Wife and I end up having a discussion regarding the order. Less confusion that way, well, unless the wife doesn't write her orders down - that does happen. It's a good system if both of us are writing stuff down. I've got to admit, since Covid hit and scared the heck out of people? I got into the habit of ordering online. Too bad for the 'brick and mortar' stores who lost our business when everyone bought into mandatory masks, temperature checks, hand gel, and in some cases proof of Covid shots or a negative PCR test. I really balked at being herded like livestock. Inadvertently, most of those stores lost a significant part of my long-term business. If I order online, I don't waste time driving to a store, and I don't waste gas. The gas saving alone more than pays for shipping. There are still some times I need to buy hands-on. Groceries for example. Or I'll go to the store if I need something in a hurry. But online shopping outfits like Lazada and Shopee post-Covid gets a significant proportion of our purchases, and virtually all of it COD. Which is why we have the white board to keep it all straight.
  7. Let me clarify that I'm looking for a medical doctor who is a specialist in Ophthalmology. I'm hoping that someone who has previously seen by a Ophthalmologist in Chiang Mai about issues regarding retinal and macular diseases, and who has a positive experience with their eye doctor, and could offer a referral or recommendation. If the Ophthalmologist is a staff professor at CMU Medical School, even better. I have problems that can eventually lead to loss of sight and I want to discuss treatment options and treatment prognosis with a doctor who has an excellent reputation and hopefully some people skills with their patients. I've discussed this with a younger doctor in the recent past, but I'm looking for a second opinion by perhaps an older doctor with more experience. People who do not have serious eye problems often go and see an Optometrist who prescribes glasses and lens and who are not medical doctors - and these people get Ophthalmologists and Optometrists confused. My condition isn't something that can be addressed by staff at, say, Top Charoen or any place that sells glasses. This is a hospital and doctor issue. So if anyone has similar issues with eye disease as myself, and can recommend a Ophthalmologist at a local hospital - private or government - I'd appreciate it very much.
  8. I'm looking for an Ophthalmologists who specializes in retinal and macular issues. I'd appreciate any recommendation based on personal experience with a competent eye doctor. This Is Not about cataracts. Thanks. @Sheryl if you have any recommendation either in Chiang Mai or Bangkok I'd appreciate your advice as well.
  9. It seems they are the only adults in the room as they understand the long-term fiscal impact of these Thai political parties opening up the Thai treasury and showing money on the populace. Like heroin, in the short-term if feels great; in the long term Thais will suffer immensely - as bad if not worse than 1997.. And if the EC doesn't rein in this fiscal and monetary insanity, then they will be explicitly responsible for the long-term outcome, although nobody will be held accountable for the train-wreak that will happen to the overall Thai economy.
  10. Thank goodness. Now I don't have to hire a Mexican coyote to smuggle the Mrs across the border as the Covid vaxx mandate for unvaccinated international travels has never been enforce if you cross the US border illegally. ????
  11. Use the browser extension Easy Youtube Video Downloader express. If you're running Linux it's easy-breezy and want to convert them to MP3 files: ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 filename.mp3 That's it. On Windows download it from here: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html Run it from the command line. Same same.
  12. There is no such thing as a "free lunch." The parties will rain down public money (it's not out of their pockets) after which massive inflation hits which will decimate most Thai workers. Think it's tough now? Wait for 20% inflation and all those 10K, 30K, minimum wage hikes will be eaten within a year. The only ones making out like bandits - politicians and billionaires.
  13. Vote buying now has a new twist: "Vote for our party and we will open up the Thai treasury and give you all your own money, after which you'll be subject to inflation that will decimate most Thai families." This should be outlawed, but virtually every party is now doing it, which shows the depths of depravity and corruption intrinsically bound up in politics. The only "free money" scheme that makes any sense is the 3000 THB / month social safety net for elderly Thais, sort of like social security for those without Thai social security. That is needed imho, however it should be capped by the net worth and present earning resources of the recipient.
  14. Rape is the projection of power, so yes, castration doesn't solve that. It just removes the tool.
  15. This is the article machine translated so take it as it is as it's sort of disjointed. Still - horrific! In the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 5 Stages of Grief - we're angry. No, we're freakin' P%##ed in a major way. Maybe The Last Executioner could bring his Heckler-Koch out of retirement for this one. The dude is a repeat rapist just released from prison last year - which is why I'm for castration of the freaks - chemical or otherwise. This is just a horror. https://www-matichon-co-th.translate.goog/region/news_3952587?_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  16. It should be illegal. It's highly inflationary and it reeks of corruption.
  17. We don't know. My wife showed me a picture but I couldn't really catch the daughter's age. Unlike the West, extended families usually step in and take in children. I'll know more tomorrow after we go to CM.
  18. And here I thought it had to do with how much public money the politicians are promising to dole out to the commoners if only the electorate will put them into office. "We'll open up the Thai treasuries and shower the little people with their own money." Then Inflation hits and the chickens come home to roost. And the Thai printing presses go Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  19. Just yours. Big C is hopping in Lamphun.
  20. Some sick twisted SOB just murdered a good friend of my wife's in Chiang Mai. From what little we know the guy stalked her at her work place and convinced her to go with him for coffee. Guess he tried to rape her and then murdered her. Why? She leaves a nine year old daughter and she took in one of our puppies from the last litter one of our dogs had. Da*m - too close to home. My wife is shattered and I'm just left numb. I guess it's been reported on Thai news in CM. Nothing in the English press. RIP. She was a really nice gal. This guy needs to be put down. I guess the police have him. We're going to try to find out which temple that will hold service for her. This is gut wrenching sad. Where do these Evil ******-******s come from? We're in collective shock.
  21. Easy-peasy. If it doesn't work you have a week after the expiration date to get it sorted out. It worked for me except for the last time (Songkran holiday). I'd rather do it online. I'm not fond of going to immigrate unless I have to.
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