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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Lots of methods of suicide could take place in a car park. Overdose, poison, gunshot, self-inflicted wounds etc, etc. The British Parking Association obviously thinks it's a possibility - they have a web page about it. Preventing suicides in car parks
  2. Because if this person did commit suicide and did so in a car park, (and if the body had not been moved) then that's where the body would be found.
  3. Not sure why you would make such a ridiculous post. Nobody, absolutely nobody is proposing "to dip high voltage batteries in water from time to time." However what was pointed out was that, according to the US National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), if they do end up in the water: "Hybrid, electric, and fuel cell vehicles are designed to be safe in water, even when fully submerged. The High Voltage (HV) system is isolated from the chassis and is designed to NOT pose a shock and NOT energize the surrounding water. "
  4. Laboratory testing of any consumer product is conducted by simulating the real world environment. So any conditions that would normally occur during the use of the product and might affect product life, whether that be an EV battery, a vacuum cleaner, a zip fastener or whatever, will be included in the laboratory tests.
  5. No, we don't "have to wait a few years to see actual results," to know how long a battery will last, or how much range it will lose over time. Batteries can be (and are) tested by running them through an accelerated series of discharge/recharge cycles in a test laboratory. This is the same way that many, many consumer goods are tested, by simulating actual use, but at an accelerated rate, in a laboratory setting.
  6. Your question seems to be backwards. The question is not what use is a transponder when it is switched off, it is what use is it when it is switched on, and the answer is that it's used for air traffic control safety and efficiency. It's the same reason why all commercial aircraft have transponders. So for all normal situations, when flying around a peaceful country the transponder on a military plane will be on. When you don't want the plane to show up on air traffic control systems, or to return a reply to an IFF query (such as when the plane is flying a combat mission in enemy territory) the transponder and IFF systems would be switched off (probably before take-off).
  7. Because when a military aircraft is flying around in normal (non-combat) conditions in a country with air traffic control systems, transponders are used to help facilitate the safe and efficient movement of air traffic throughout the country. And even though military aircraft (including stealth aircraft) have transponders, they don't have to be switched on all the time. If the plane needs to be in stealth mode for operational, tactical or training reasons, the transponder can be switched off. As mentioned by a US avionics technician in a Quora answer, "Stealth aircraft have the ability to turn off Mode 1,2 3 and C transponders for obvious reasons. They also have the ability to disable IFF interrogation replies." Do military planes turn off their transponder?
  8. I don't know that anyone is assuming anything, we know the pilot is male - he was identified as such in statements by the Marine Corps.
  9. There are a number of alternatives to lithium currently under development. Probably the closest to widespread commercial availability is sodium. In fact BYD already announced it will be offering CATL sodium batteries in some models starting this year. Will Sodium Batteries Replace Lithium Batteries? Others being worked on include Magnesium, Sodium-Sulfur, Sodium-antimony, Seawater, Graphene, Manganese Hydrogen, Zinc and Iron-air, among others.
  10. According to a Marine Corps spokesman, the F-35 did have a transponder on board which should have been working, allowing them to track it but it apparently malfunctioned, for unknown reasons. Missing F-35
  11. I have now switched to a marriage extension but I always had to provide a map when I did my retirement extensions in Hua Hin in the past.
  12. In the various threads about home visits from immigration, there have been numerous mentions of immigration visiting people on retirement extensions. It seems like it's still a minority of cases, but would appear to be getting more common
  13. So where are the reports of him saying "the other day" that he would abolish university fees? Unless you can provide a source for that, your claim is baseless - and therefore worthless.
  14. I can't find any reports of such a statement from Starmer. However I did find this from just a few months ago, which seems to totally contradict what you're saying. Labour to ditch its promise to abolish tuition fees in England
  15. Being a member of the EFTA is not something that is offered to you, it's something you apply for. And as mentioned on the EFTA website, it was the UK that decided not to apply. Frequently asked questions on EFTA, the EEA, EFTA membership and Brexit
  16. To be fair to you, the full name for the material is silicone rubber (since silicone comes in other forms as well). Silicone Rubber
  17. It would be markedly different because the US didn't assassinate either one of those two. Both were killed by their own people - one subsequent to a trial and the other without a trial.
  18. This. I think possibly the following phrase from the OP is very telling: "the amount was reasonable because they had to show the dowry during the wedding ceremony." I have been to a number of Thai weddings where the sinsod money had been borrowed from wealthier relatives, was there just for show, and was returned after the ceremony was over. I wonder if this guy had just asked the family if it would be okay to simply show the money at the ceremony and then get it back afterwards, whether he might not have been pleasantly surprised by the response.
  19. Newly published study comparing turmeric and omeprazole. Could Turmeric Be As Good As Omeprazole for Excess Stomach Acid?
  20. What does it mean when you say this "is an active military operation"? Do you honestly believe that the US military is carrying out covert operations on US soil? I'd like to have some of what you're smoking.
  21. She did not say he "should already be in prison," she said he, "remains free to this day." A true and factual statement.
  22. None of the four main Covid vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna orJohnson & Johnson) contained adjuvants. Novavax was an adjuvanted vaccine, but it used saponin, not thimerosal or aIuminium. Here, according to the info published as part of their approval processes, are the ingredients for the four main Covid vaccines. Pfizer: mRNA with code for spike protein, Lipids, Salts, Sugar. Moderna: mRNA with code for spike protein Lipids, Salts, Sugar, Acetic acid AstraZeneca: Replication-deficient adenovirus with code for spike protein, Salts, Sugar, Citric acid, Ethanol Johnson & Johnson Replication-deficient adenovirus with code for spike protein, Salts, Sugars, Citric acid, Ethanol Simple breakdown of the ingredients in Covid vaccines
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