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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Some massive amounts of misconceptions about the Thai dairy industry on this thread. Thailand does not import most of its milk, and most of the milk sold here does not come from milk powder. Local milk production for example is getting on for ten times what is imported. All the major brands (Meiji, ChokChai, Thai Danish etc) use pasteurised milk that comes from the over 300,000 dairy cows in Thailand. Towards sustainability of the dairy industry in Thailand
  2. Is there any evidence other than the 'suggestion' by this one individual that he has indeed been hospitalised? I can't find any links from a reliable source that confirm this.
  3. It doesn't seem to say that at all. Not carrying cash does not mean that your only other alternative is a phone. Also, phones rarely die for reasons other than the battery running out of juice, at least in my experience. I've owned various different mobile phones over a period of twenty years or more. I've never had one die on me and I've never had one run out of battery. I always make sure to keep my phone charged up, especially if I'm going out - it's not that difficult.
  4. I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with it but bizarrely enough, this appears to be the same person whose mother used her passport to travel abroad, back in 2019. Brit mum, 58, used daughter's passport to travel - even though she's 23 in picture
  5. So if things are going so well for the Russians, why is Putin now offering peace terms to Ukraine? Russia’s Putin sets out conditions for peace talks with Ukraine Suing for peace is not something you usually do if you're on top in a military conflict.
  6. So you really think there are other countries who, if supplied with Russian weapons, will use them against say, Poland, Germany or the UK and thereby get drawn into a conflict with the entire NATO alliance, as provided for under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty? Can you tell us who any of these countries might be?
  7. I suppose you think the Jewish space lasers are real, as well?
  8. Yet another video with no source or useful information about what it depicts. For instance, is there anything to indicate that isn't just an example of someone forgetting to latch the bonnet (hood) of their vehicle properly?
  9. Some serious projection going on there. Trump's the only one of the two who's forgotten where they are recently, as far as I'm aware. Trump forgets where he is during Iowa campaign speech Trump is also the one who keeps forgetting who he's running against. Trump crowd goes silent as he confuses Biden and Obama again He also keeps going on rambling and incoherent rants about things like windmills, toilets, sharks and electric boats etc. On that last subject, just look at the unhinged screed from his recent speech, on the link below. Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant So while they've both had 'senior moments' recently, I think it's a bit disingenuous to suggest that only Biden is showing signs of his age - Trump is showing just as many, if not more.
  10. Why on earth would that be? Saying that Russia occupies large parts of Ukraine and is carrying out ongoing attacks on cities does not in any way preclude the possibility that Russia might be losing and being driven back. For instance, although Russia has indisputably and illegally taken over parts of Ukraine and continues to commit war crimes with their ongoing attacks against Ukrainian civilian targets, they may well be losing their grip on at least one of the illegally-occupied areas, Crimea (with possibly others to follow). Putin may be about to lose Crimea
  11. At least according to the Reuters article below (which makes no mention of them being mandatory) while the guidelines are indeed 15-21 months for a first offence of illegal gun possession, "most offenders get less than that." Hunter Biden found guilty. What comes next?
  12. Again, no indication of where that picture (which does indeed, appear to be a burned-out Neta V) comes from or whether it's related to the video posted by @ExpatOilWorker.
  13. Not saying it isn't, necessarily - but how do we know this is a Neta V? You keep posting these videos with no source to verify what they actually are. And, as the saying goes, "Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur." (What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence).
  14. It looks to me as though he has. He states, "I have just changed address ..."
  15. I'm not sure I follow. Doing the TM30 online is the method you use to register your new address.
  16. Jury misconduct is only explored (under any jurisdiction) when there's some kind of credible evidence that jury misconduct may have occurred. There's no such evidence here. A self-described ‘s***poster’ launched a Trump conviction conspiracy theory with one Facebook message As the article explains: And after Judge Merchan had notified the parties of the post in question, Anderson posted:
  17. I did the TM30 online a few years ago. It wasn't that difficult. You do need access to the Blue Book (and possibly the Chanote, I can't exactly remember now) but since the OP says the house belongs to their Thai partner, that shouldn't be a problem, even if you do need both. Back when I did it, the whole thing was only in Thai. I was able to do it myself, using some advice from a thread on here, my fairly basic knowledge of written Thai, and Google Lens for the bits I couldn't figure out. However now it's in Thai and English, so the process looks to be even easier than when I did it all those years ago. Notification of Residence for Foreigners
  18. I didn't claim it's a small issue. I provided evidence that Lindsey Graham thinks it's something not worth pursuing and that the data shows it's an offence that's very rarely prosecuted. I didn't express any opinion on it myself. Nor did I say or even imply that there should be less regulation. Reading comprehension does not seem to be your strong suit.
  19. That's as may be, but they now won't be able to do it using the weapons and sites inside Russia that were taken out by the US-made HIMARS.
  20. Then all you had to do was say that. No need to say he decided to commit suicide, when there's no evidence that he did, and when suicide is not the only alternative to being pushed.
  21. The point the writer of the article is making, is that it has already backfired because it led directly to the US agreeing to let US weapons be used to strike targets inside Russia - and this is something that has already started happening, to devastating effect.
  22. According to The Telegraph, the whole Russian "Victory Day" offensive on Kharkhiv has failed - and seriously backfired on them. Putin’s ‘Victory Day’ offensive in northern Ukraine has backfired spectacularly
  23. Well for starters, saying that Trump was acting under the Presidential Records Act is complete BS. The PRA does not allow presidents or ex-presidents to take official documents away from the White House when they leave. In fact, it states pretty much the opposite. It says that as soon as a president leaves office, all official documents and records must be turned over to the National Archives. The Presidential Records Act And the PRA most definitely doesn't authorise a president to retain classified documents when they leave office.
  24. Saying that someone "fell from a height" is perfectly good, standard English and encapsulates precisely what appears to have happened.
  25. There's no evidence as yet, that he committed suicide.
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