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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. @ponder Well did you make it Songkhla? Did you find a beer? Visit report can help others.
  2. @AwwYesNice1 So did you come to Songkhla? Where did you stay? Please leave a report to help others.
  3. Opera - Puccini, Bizet, Verdi or Mozart, Wagner if I wish to annoy the neighbours. Wife can't stand it say it sounds like phi.
  4. And your currency. You're talking about US Dollars, @MadMuhammad is talking about Australian Dollars. Wise will always be better than SWIFT on the Aussie dollar because the margin is so large. The difference between buying and selling (TT Transfers) is usually 1% for the USD versus 4% on the AUD. .
  5. You can't make a categorical statement that Wise is better. It certainly is for most currency transactions, Singapore Dollar and UK Sterling in my case, but it's true for USD there is a point at about USD10k where SWIFT is the better bet. The demand for USD is such that the margin between buy and sell is so tight Wise can't compete above a certain amount. That isn't the case with most currencies. So it's wise to do your own homework for your specific currency pair to check if Wise remains competitive regardless the amount being transferred. Don't take someone else's word for it, as they may be talking about a very different currency pairing, and home bank tariffs.
  6. No. Wise is peer to peer money transfer, your USD never leave the USA. Wise works with partner banks/fintech in each country it operates. Your transfer of USD to Thailand is matched with people wishing to transfer Baht to the US. So instead of wiring money between countries using SWIFT, your USD sent to Wise in the US is paid to clients in the US, whilst the corresponding Baht in Thailand is paid by Wise's partner to your Thai account.
  7. I've never used Western Union so can't comment. I'm happy with Wise which I use for all international transfers and foreign payments. But if you only need to do a couple of one off payments the need to create an account and confirm ID with Wise may be more than you wish to do.
  8. "Thai prosecutors concerned they may miss have opportunity to indict Red Bull heir" Corrected the typo.
  9. They did. Worst case was paying a bills to companies in Australia, obviously the exact amount of the invoice needed to be sent so all fees were at my cost. I got hit for an additional bank charges by HSBC for an 'intermediary bank' about six months after I made the payment. There's no 'trying' about it, charge just appeared on my statement. This was about 6 years ago, culprits were named, one as Commonwealth Bank, the other ANZ. .
  10. @Liverpool Lou Why confused. Transfers from Singapore HSBC, where I've indicated all costs borne from my Singapore account, I've been hit with an additional charge for the transfer of a further SGD20. This sometimes appearing as much as a month after the original transfer. On querying with HSBC I get the response that this was a charge by an intermediary bank. When I requested more details HSBC said that would be a further SGD20 for them to investigate. Since Wise arrived I no longer use HSBC to make any international transfers.
  11. I use Wise to transfer from HSBC Singapore to Thailand, I was tired of 'intermediary banks' coming back for a slice sometimes weeks after the event.
  12. And where exactly have I espoused any of those particular criticisms/prejudices?
  13. I bank with Krungsri and using Wise you won't get the transfer flagged as a foreign transfer regardless you mark the transfer as for long term stay. However, Krungsri currently isn't one of the Thai banks that Wise can transfer more than Bht50,000 to in a single transaction. So you wouldn't be able to send Bht800k anyway (at least not in a single transfer). As far as I'm aware (and there are numerous threads covering this), transferring from the US, for large amounts you're better off using SWIFT. Transfer as USD and let Krungsri bank do the conversion. Margins on USD exchange are small, so the advantage of Wise is lost on large transfers. Though this isn't the case for most currencies. .
  14. +1 Been using them the last six years for my BP meds. Got tired of my local pharmacy in Hat Yai always having to order from Bangkok, and my then ending up with near expiry date boxes. Bangkok Drugstore easy to order by email, delivery within two days to Hat Yai, meds always well within date.
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