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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Bully for Kevin O'Leary, but I'm sure it's chump change only. Because it is, the whole FOMO rhetoric is designed to push people into an investment without due diligence. The various YouTube clips are big on hype and scant on substance. No doubt many who invest are doing so because they think it what they should be doing rather than knowing it's a good idea. I'm perfectly content to watch from the side-lines.
  2. I don't recognise any 'haters' here, just scepticism, which to my mind is perfectly justified. As for your sneery labelling, why should 'Boomers', who are by and large retired, be looking for, or indeed be especially interested in, high risk speculative investments? Fine for youngsters with plenty of years earning opportunity ahead of them to rectify a bad investment, but ill-advised for a retiree. Personally I find the whole evangelic zeal with which cryptocurrencies are being touted (or pumped) rather off-putting.
  3. Inaccurate, the 112 million jabs delivered to date break down as 41% AstraZeneca, 23% Sinovac, 20% Pfizer, 13% SinoPharm and 3% Moderna. Note that a majority of the Sinovac recipients actually got 1 Sinovac + 1 AstraZeneca. https://dashboard-vaccine.moph.go.th/dashboard.html
  4. Well seeing as most Thais only recently got shot number 2, and barely 3% have received number 3, a 4th shot is largely academic for 97% of Thais.
  5. Not sure there's any of those in Songkhla Town. BP Samila on the beach is about Bht1,800 a night, long in the tooth but not a bad hotel. A fair few new boutique hotels in town in the 600 to 1,200 price range. I've not been to Songkhla for over a year, last trip we stayed at the Montana, very nice big room, one of the new boutique hotels for Bht1,200/night with breakfast, but I'm not sure it's still open. Bht200 flea pits are available too. .
  6. Some folks response to the mere mention of 'China' is purely Pavlovian
  7. No it's not, but clearly it's no where near the least corrupt either. The table places it on a par with Indonesia, which seems about right with me.
  8. No need for the "free" sign here
  9. I have the phone numbers LINE accounts of a handful of local taxis I know and trust, I book them in advance, ditto a handful of tuk-tuks. They pick-up from the house.
  10. We live close to town, just a 2km walk to the city centre if I'm so minded. So have the option of taxi, tuk-tuk or 10Bht songthaew. Hat Yai city is well served by public transport.
  11. Not a problem, we're normally a family of four, but with other daughter and family visiting we go up to seven. Family trip to a restaurant, no problem, I can have a tuk-tuk collect us all, take us to the restaurant, wait and bring us back for Bht300; note that Hat Yai tuk-tuks aren't crappy little three wheelers, they'll carry eight adults comfortably. .
  12. No need of one in Hat Yai, use taxi or tuk-tuk locally, hire a car or more often car with driver for longer trips. Cheaper than owning and maintaining a car.
  13. Certainly, but not everyone's appetite for risk is the same, as you get older you generally become more risk averse. If you're young you've still got many years of work ahead of you and plenty of options to recover from a bad investment, that's not so if you're already retired. The question posed was "Siam Commercial Bank moving into Crypto, why aren't you?", as many on the forum are already retired or semi-retired, it is unlikely to be a receptive audience for crypto-evangelism.
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