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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. ...with a pork free bacon sandwich .
  2. Songkhla too (except Christmas) - maybe not officially, but our local school does, as do local businesses. Some of the Thai-Chinese family owned businesses close for a week over CNY.
  3. My Yahoo Mail is behaving normally, and I haven't subscribed to Yahoo Pro either. I would agree with the post above; change password, and make sure you have set a recovery email and or phone number. There's also an option to set two step verification.
  4. Damn, those sardine cans are so small they have to surface to dry the washing.
  5. Yet another disparaging response from a cryptocultists. 'Old blokes' have been around the block a few times and are just more cautious, particularly when someone's touting a get rich quick scheme. I'm 63, semi-retired, have been invested, mainly equities, for over thirty years. The ups have outweighed the downs and I've managed average growth of a little over 10% year on year. I'm happy with that, I don't need the additional risk of investing in 'the crypto space'. If you wish to that's fine with me, but please respect my decision not to.
  6. The Matrix will have arrived. I'll stick with the 'red pill' .
  7. But it is. You start all these threads in order to peddle your crypto-theology. They invariably end up generating plenty of heat but very little light. .
  8. Do we really need yet another crypto-evangelism / crypto-cult topic? Maybe all this stuff should go in a Crypto Currency sub-forum? .
  9. Worse, the photo they picked wouldn't help if the person WAS using the 'Dutch Reach' method to open the door, they'd be looking the other way. Talk about finding exactly the wrong stock photo, though what might you expect from the Evening Standard. This is the idea the photo should convey. .
  10. Nigeria is currently at about 15%, appropriately a country synonymous with scams.
  11. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/timeseries/l55o/mm23
  12. The kid's trolling, just look back a few posts, mentioning Trump; talk about throwing red meat. He's winding you up - just stop taking the bait. .
  13. Argh, it wasn't the greatest and brightest of kids at my school in Birmingham that ended up on a Lucas apprenticeship.
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