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Everything posted by simple1

  1. A number of my wife's friends have also been infected by Covid in the last few weeks, none of them were feeling better after a few days, in fact one is still ill after twelve days. Unfortunately my wife is still very sick. Here in Oz people are being hospitalised, with a current average of approx 50 deaths a day nationally. Here in Queensland, after the borders were opened, thousands are testing positve very day. If the gods are on my side I won't test positive. If positive, due to my cancer, I will required some specialised IV drugs treatment. IMO Covid is currently being underestimated, hopefully matters will significantly improve in the coming months as anti viral drug treatment for Covid becomes more generally available, though I won't hold my breath for the low paid Thai population.
  2. My wife here in Oz has been infected by Covid for the past two days. I can assure you she's having a nasty experience. Unfortuneately too many people are still rather ignorant of the effects of Covid and consequences of infection.
  3. Interesting, though not an activity I would engage. One assumes police will intervene at some point 'cause as far as I understand getting stoned in public is illegal and subject to three months in prison. Didn't know Thais produce hashish.
  4. That's expensive, seriously doubt many will be buying from official outlets at that price
  5. Rohingya are not recognised as citizens by the Bengladesh government, they are detained indefinately in refugee camps - many of whom are Stateless as their citizenship has been revoked by Myanmar dictatorship.
  6. Can anyone advise availability / cost of Lantus for treatment of diabetes Type 2. Thanks
  7. Not knowing age of parents, have a look at the visa below to ascertain if suitable. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/parent-103
  8. Info at links below, be aware visa processing times are very lenghty. Cost of visa application is AUS$6010.00 and non refundable https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/aged-parent-804 https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-processing-times/family-visa-processing-priorities EDIT: I disagree with the poster above, if you can fill out forms, you can apply yourself, no need for an Agent, as completion guidance is provided with the application doco.
  9. You don't think Oz assets are monitoring PRC for intelligence e.g. submarine tapping under sea cables,
  10. Labor will be fine with border security, it would be political suicide otherwise. Morrison made a huge error of judgement with the Soloman Islands. Also totally screwed up by letting off the corporate world for ripping off the tax payer for more than $30 billion for Covid support. Let alone the submarine contracts which were a massively expensive fiasco as well as other Defence purchases.
  11. Multiple referendums failed to get over the line for a Republic☺️ perhaps Labor will have another try...
  12. Originally spelt 'labour', but changed to 'labor' in 1912 to try and differentiate from British Empire association. With usual meanings it's spelt 'labour', 'colour' etc in Australia
  13. Morrison was 'tough' on China by way of rehtoric, but didn't actually do anything meaningful other than increase Defence spending so Oz could fire a few more missiles than before against a nuclear armed PRC.
  14. Murdoch press and some others were so obvious with their support of Morrison it was laughable, so much so I believe it was a turn off. Clive Palmer (UAP) and One Nation also contributed to the demise of Morrison - why people vote for them is, IMO, stupidity.
  15. Morrison has just announced he has conceded to Labor.
  16. There would be a reason why Ukraine has held back on full on attacks on Russian territory, to date such attacks have been very limited. Perhaps there are secret conditions applied to the supply of miltary assets to the Ukraine. At this stage Russia has not declared war, if they do so I imagine the war fighting will intensify.
  17. IMO for Ukraine to brazenly target assets within Russian territory would be a strategic error of judgement. Can't quantify, but the impression I get is Russia has yet to deploy overwhelming military power (excluding nuclear) why this is; don't know.
  18. Here in Oz my oncology specialist stated must wait until PSA count is at a minimum of 0.5, (ideally at or over 0.8) when coming out of remission, prior to a PMSA-PET scan, as below that number difficult to identify area/s of cancer spread. Below is a review of PMSA-PET scan technology and benefits. https://www.petermac.org/sites/default/files/media-uploads/proPSMA health economic Eur Urol 2021_0.pdf
  19. I anticipate I'll require more advanced treatment in the coming few months including radiation, after PMSA-PET scan, as I've come out of remission, so thanks for info. Out of interest I checked the availability / cost of some drugs you mentioned in Oz which hopefully will provide some guidance for cost in Thailand, e.g. info below. darolutamide - https://www.pbs.gov.au/medicine/item/12684N abiraterone - https://www.pbs.gov.au/medicine/item/11206T
  20. MRI scans for prostate Cancer are usually done if there is a concern the cancer has spread outside on the prostate itself. A more accurate check, if it is available in Thailand, is a PSMA-PET scan. https://www.prostate.org.au/news-media/news/benefits-of-psma-pet-scans-for-prostate-cancer-diagnosis/
  21. The catheter I use is size 14.. With Optilube I just smear it on the end of the catheter before insertion. As mentioned one can order by box of sachets, IMO sachets are better for hygiene purposes as they are single use.
  22. Debt increasing by 200% from a very low level is misleading and fear mongering by an opinion writer. Go back and review the link I provided from Oz government and let me know why Oz is "broke", as I previously requested, rather than deflecting / avoiding the question.
  23. Australia is not "broke". Review the info below, if you're capable, refute the data. https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/BudgetReview202122/CommonwealthDebt
  24. Here in Oz my catheter supplier recommends Optilube supplied in a box of 144 x 2.7 sachets for better protection against infection. Below is a URL for a Thai based supplier. https://www.healthmedic.co.th/catagory/Water-based-lubricant-gel-brand-OPTILUBE-product-from-England/4/en
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