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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Obviously not the ones owned / protected by his own minions, or the RTP. -Will be a nice little Christmas / New Year bonus for them, I imagine. Probably extending the ban to Chinese New Year, to be announced mid January
  2. Meanwhile, the billionaires that flew into COP23 in their private jets to lecture us about further limiting our lifestyles are buying up the beachfront property. Nice place, Jeff. ???? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/jeff-bezoss-78m-hawaiian-getaway-a-home-for-the-man-who-has-everything-zfhv8rstd https://www.propublica.org/article/obama-and-the-beach-house-loopholes
  3. Yep. I've been here nearly 30 years, and as far as I remember education has always been the last issue on any political priority or budget list..
  4. No massive profits in prevention or cure. Like the opioid (Oxycontin, Fentanyl, and other generic synthesized heroin 'painkillers') phenomenon in the US, the total point is dependency. When you have the huge financial and lobbying power to sway the CDC; FDA; Congress and Govt, we may be looking at forever mandates / invented 'variants' etc for very long time,
  5. If you've seen any major social or sporting events from US or Europe on tv recently, the mask-wearing mandate seems to be over already. How long do you propose to keep wearing yours, here?
  6. Yep. That's it. Worked a treat for us. (So far..)
  7. Had problems with ants until about 1 year ago, the "ARS" stuff really did a number on the species (small brown variety) that periodically swarmed our kitchen and garbage bin. I don't doubt they will be back at some time. Hardy little beasts. ???? It's the termites you have to worry about, though.
  8. Usual rubbish being spouted by some paid flunky. "Quality tourists", "eco-tourism", "family friendly", etc. ???? Nothing really changes here, despite the new talking heads making the same old announcements.
  9. "Covid-Denier"? ???? You assume the rather childish bi-partizan ("us v them") take on a lot of issues, don't you? When all this Covid malarkey finally disappears, I hope you find something else to fill your time.
  10. I would imagine some reciprocal deal has been done already. Hope so anyways. Time to visit me old Mum asap, then. Before the "climate emergency" lockdowns start.
  11. I have found that out also. Untracked mail has tended to go 'missing' lately (Banchang), whereas traceable mail gets here without a problem.
  12. Love the restaurant's retorts, they should charge extra. ???? Not the best business model, but understandable when you get (some) morons who have watched too much "Masterchef" and think they have to critique every aspect of a meal they are begrudgingly paying for.
  13. Yes, agree totally. I am not allowing my 10yo son to be jabbed with a Covid vaccine until there is some long-term studies available on any potentially harmful effects. Young (healthy) kids under 16 have virtually zero risk from Covid.
  14. Yep. That will go a long way to stop illegal torrents, eh?
  15. Build on natural flood plains and over run-offs, and this is what happens. It's been happening in Pattaya and other towns in Thailand for decades, but a lot of new housing projects in England (e.g.) have the same problems.
  16. Lodge any complaints with the company you ordered from. There is a procedure to do this, and most companies here (in my experience) will help if you have a genuine grievance. Police or consumer protection channels are available if the company is not responding Mocking them publicly on social media is not a good way to sort anything out.
  17. Ah, yes. Samet mozzies are a species apart.. ???? And don't mention the sand flies.
  18. Was there for a few days last month. The beach and accomm was beautiful (Tonsak Resort), and the only downside was that you could see hotel, bar, and restaurant operators are really having a tough go at it, right now. Hope everything picks up for them asap. I appreciate the OP having a rant ????, but perhaps the melodrama is a bit misplaced. Samet still has a lot to offer for most people.
  19. Utter BS. ???? Another vested-interest Thai "professor" towing the party line to manufacture consent to jab kids.
  20. Not if they are reasonably healthy in the first place. Link: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210913/The-rate-of-vaccine-induced-heart-inflammation-in-children.aspx
  21. Got any "super-spreaders" of your own that you'd risk myocarditis (among other complications) for the 'greater good'?
  22. Benefits to whom, other than pharmaceutical companies? Kids under the age of 15 have virtually zero risk of serious problems or death from Covid.
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