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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. I 'think' delaying or suspending does the same thing. You just move suspended payments into the future. Which again, brings in that 'when will I die' question. It's a conundrum which I don't think any of us has an answer Unfortunately my friend as we all enter the final chapter of our lives, there is no definitive answer, and we're back to that roulette wheel of life Delay, suspend, pick your poison
  2. This is one of those tricky ones. None of us know when we're going depart this mortal coil, and you're spinning the roulette wheel to see how much in total you're going to get back from the system. I'm just aging into Medicare, but I going to delay picking up social security for another year. I don't want to retire yet, tried it once already and I was bored outta my mind. Problem with working and pulling SS before FRA (66 and 10 months in my case) is you lose 1$ of SS for every $2 you earn over $24K. So I figure I'll do another year until I'm 66, then 10 months of them ripping me off I'll live with. My Medicare Part B, I'll pay them directly, and I've signed up for Part C with Wellmark (Blue Cross), which surprisingly also covers me for my time in Thailand for up to $50K for a bargain $64/Month. Ultimately the bottom line is as I said before, none of us know when you are gonna die. You might be dead by tomorrow lunch time, or battle on into your 90's Also, if you pick up SS early at 62 it's a huge drop from FRA. FRA to 70 huge increase, but not sure I'm prepared to wait out my longevity to make that equation worth while. This is my retirement profile, can't go backwards, but at 62 it dropped like a stone
  3. To quote Trump "I love the uneducated" Baffles me, now I know why!
  4. The one thing that always bothers me, when you get into this are the kids. We are now both Grandma and Grandpa, which fills us with a lot of joy. We've seen our kids grown up, graduate university, get their hearts broken, made their careers, then found someone and on to Grandkids. For the guys in the 'pay for play' marriages, and we've all seen the 60+ guys slopping around the mall with 20 something women and a couple of rugrats in tow, thats sad. Those kids will never get to see Dad at their baseball games (insert sport of choice), graduate, get married and have kids of their own. So back to my earlier post, I think real love is a biological attraction of opposites, but money love, is a cruel adventure
  5. I joined back in 2009.It was never 'my life' I had/have a real life. Back then before bots and AI, it was a lot more informative and fun banter, although I may be remembering that through rose colored online spectacles! In that time I've seen a lot come and go. Some leave just because they get fed up of it, or unfortunately due to the demographics of the forum a lot are dead. We moved back to the US as our primary, and Thailand is the vacation home, so I've seen my interest decline. I dont participate in Thai news any more, doesn't concern or interest me anymore, far cry from the coup days. But the Pub & Lounge they'll spark my interest from time to time. The other reason I started losing interest was, and we can all tell, the clickbate posts have gone through the roof, and I just have lost the interest to wade through the detritus just to get to something interesting. I've had some wonderful online ding dongs with folks, but never vicious and we always kissed and made up (with some exceptions), not so sure thats true now. Not sure what the future of this forum holds, but clearly for some of us it has changed beyond what we remember
  6. Setting aside, the dirt poor woman young enough to be his daughter/granddaughter thing, I think we've done that scenario to death, there is a certain attraction of opposites. I always look at San Francisco where I used to live. Walk down the street and probably 50% of the couples you see will be white male with some version of asian female. Now obviously thats not a financial thing for most of them, but just some weird attraction thing. Same thing why are so many white women attracted to black guys? So if you set aside the money, young woman old guy thing, and Yes, there are some of us married to Thai women our own age, I think it is just some evolutionary trick nature plays on us
  7. Oi, don't go knocking cats, as I sit typing this with my three finicky felines sat on the couch with me. Of course, i couldn't dare criticize them or one would probably rip my throat out while I slept. ....a bit like some women actually! lol
  8. I also say 'When you go Mac, you never go back' I was a diehard Windows guy until I bought a Macbook Air years ago. Never had to search for a driver again, they boot in seconds, and they last! I always found my Windows laptops after a couple of years slowed to a crawl, and basically became worthless. It jut doesn't seem to happen with Macs. Much more expensive, but I bet my cost per minute of Mac screentime beats the Window machine hands over it's lifetime. Not trying 'convert' you but do some comparisons before you jump
  9. In all honestly, you are in a metal tube, for what at worst 15 hours of your life. The food is something equivalent to a low class cafe, you'll live. Get the lowest priced flight you can on Bucket Airlines, grin and bear it through those hours in the air, the extra $1000 you might have paid for an extra glass of champagne isn't worth it
  10. Don't know, but I suspect, I'm pretty average. The 'equipment' when called to action performs just as it always has, no meds required. But my desire, thats a different question. back in the day, I was your usual horn dog, Mrs G was in her prime and we'd do it daily. But as time rolls on, she's in the middle of menopause, and for me I just don't need or want it like I did 10, 20 years ago. Still great when we do, but not a defining part of my life anymore And for context, I'm 65 she's 55
  11. Mike, from previous exchanges I know we disagree on this. We're all different on what we want. But I couldn't live with someone who wasn't equal to me, it would drive me crazy. Now that comes with some downsides, yep it can fuel some unholy ding dongs, but we generally kiss and make up, and at least for me the upsides outweigh the downsides and I guess 20+ years together means we've made it work. My eldest daughter is much the same. Tough as nails. She always wants her own way, but a weak man who would let her get her own way all the time, she'd see as weak and pathetic. Human relationships are complex and frikken hard, and farang or Thai it's not much different
  12. Women are women the world over. If you take out power/money/age imbalances, which does come in to play we all know with many a farang/Thai relationship, I think my Thai wife and my American ex are quite similar. Similar education, age, feisty as Hell, in fact they get on pretty well together, disturbingly when together love nothing better than to discuss my multiple faults. Must be my type I guess So unless we are talking about a woman half your age to be a sex/cooking maid wife, Thai women are much the same as Western women, good, bad, infuriating, sexy, loving all rolled into one, can't really see one as better than the other
  13. In the US a lot of the issue with EV's is the environment and the sheer scale of the country. Firstly the distance Americans drive is huge compared to other countries, especially Europe. To drive to see my daughter & son in Denver it's close to 400 miles, through a lot of nothingness in Wyoming. Run out of charge in the middle of nowhere, not sure AAA can bring you the equivalent of a gallon of gas to get you back up and running Then coupled with the range issue, there's temperature. Past week we've seem 40°C temps. In a few months it can be down to -20°C. That -20° is going to make the range even shorter, making that drive through nothingness even more perilous, and when I say nothingness, I mean you can drive 100 miles and not see a single house, gas station, let alone a charging station! The majority of EV's in the US are sold in California, dense urban centers where an EV can make sense. I personally have always thought the real answer in clean cars is hydrogen fuel cells
  14. I never had any problems just giving my my Thai DL at the rental desk. Never asked to show a passport
  15. I've never sold up in either he US or Thailand We're in the US right now, never sold my house. Still have our house in Thailand, which we'll never sell. You can have the best of both worlds, you just pick and choose which one you want at various times in your life
  16. I kinda hate myself sometimes for replying, to what I instinctively know is some AI driven fake post, from some poster with 10 posts all designed as click bate. At least sometimes they spur a discussion from 'real' people. I hope the owners understand that we know the game!
  17. I'm a little boring. Met my wife at work in Singapore where we lived for several years. When we moved to Thailand we created a Singapore/US bubble. Moved back to the US same thing. In all three countries we basically lived the same life. We can toggle between the US and Thailand and our lifestyle, within the house at least, doesn't change We were never going to do the 'go native' thing. A tin roof shack and a squat toilet might work for some, but not for me
  18. When I met my wife we were working in Singapore. Not a tiny Island but we both got to the point where our monthly weekend escapes to KL or Langkawi kept us sane
  19. Seriously, this what you think? I don't know but I suspect that if my life was in jeopardy I don't think I'd give a rats ass what the nurse looked like. I'd be more in the mode of 'save my life' Why would even think about sexualizing a health care professional who is trying to save your life? Thats a bit twisted
  20. I get it, and facetiously some of us do end up with Thai women our own age, all for the good I might add. On the drowning question. Years back I was in Hawaii, and I got stuck in a rip. No amount of kicking was gonna do it, I could see the shoreline disappearing. Totally scary. Suddenly it changed and I finally could swim back to the beach, but that was a bullet dodged for me
  21. Cancer isn't a one size fits all. It ranges from the fairly benign, to the 'Oh fu***k I'm gonna die' variety. Now in the West health care tends to operate in a fairly tight range, from good to bad. In Thailand that range is huge. Serious cancer treatment at a local Government hospital is going to be appalling, versus a top tier private hospital where you will pay big time
  22. Boredom was a big one. I recognized after a couple of years I needed to work, which is a really hard thing in Thailand. Kids, well there is another thing. I have two daughters and Grandson, and my Thai son who all live in the US. Hard to let that go MrsG had a really hard time when our son said he wasn't coming back to the US. That was the nail in the coffin so to speak, Momma Bear was never going to be that far away from her baby. He's now married, baby on the way. I went back to work, now work for united & delta airlines. Spent too much of my life in airplanes, so now it's nice to dick around with them on the ground
  23. I probably wouldn't do it again. We were living in Singapore and I was planning an early retirement My wife wanted to move to the US and have Thailand as our retirement vacation spot. But idiot boy got his way and Thailand became the place, I lasted 10 years before I broke, Son wasn't coming back from college in the US, boredom, and my wife telling me 'I told you so' enough was enough. So, no I wouldn't do it again
  24. Not sure I agree with that. Thai people can be very judgmental, especially when in comes to racial origins, be a Thai Lao in BKK and you'd get it. When me and my wife, who is a professional engineer, but very clearly from Isaan went to buy a wedding dress in a fairly upscale store in Bangkok, the shop girl demanded to look at her hands to ensure she wasn't a farmer! Being gay in the West nobody cares about. We work with, live next to gay couples and the youngsters, unlike back in our day don't give it a second thought. The area I would say is more tolerant is the ladyboy thing, Thai's just glide by that
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