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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. What does BBFS stand for maybe we can work it out from there?
  2. The product I have is NOT Prague Powder
  3. I have no idea - I think the product came from a company on Lazada selling German products
  4. Thanks again but you misunderstand my post I want to make bacon with EBFS nitrite Salt/ Pokelsalz NOT PRAGUE SALT
  5. You know these days everyone wants instant solutions and if they don't get them they want to blame the government. Change takes time and difficult decisions and will not please everyone. If you want him out, wait to the next election when you can judge his performance and decide if you prefer another leader (who will have the same issues to face and then probably you will be complaining about them!)
  6. Thanks, but I have googled for the differences without success
  7. We are going to have go at curing some bacon (and later I hope ham). Being a novice at this process I ordered some EBFS nitrite Salt (0.6% I think) from Lazada When it arrived - no instructions and no breakdown of what was in it I did drop them a message asking for this information but nothing back. When I look at recipies for curing I can often see "Prague Salt (1 or 2)" but I have no idea how to convert that to the curing agent I have I understand that Prague Salt has colouring agents etc and so is a different product. Has anyone used EBFS nitrite Salt/ Pokelsalz and how do I equate it to quantities for Prague Salt in recipies or alternatively are there recipies directly using EBFS nitrite Salt/ Pokelsalz. Thanks
  8. It wasn't me who tried to correct my spelling it was you - so clearly you do. Bet you are a Trump acolyte
  9. I just marvel at how a thread on "Do you flaunt your wealth in Thailand" can degenerate into personal attacks on other contributors. I thought moderators were there to keep the content to the subject matter
  10. Old Joke "When I want your opinion I'll give it to you". Seriously though everyone should be able to express an opinion as long as it stays as an opinion and not a personal criticism of another point of view
  11. Nothing now but the concept is still there - special offer to suck you in and then you are hooked into their "subscription"
  12. As the years go by - medical expenses, flight back home, your 80th+ birthday. As Reacher - would say hope for the best - plan for the worst!
  13. I think the idea started with low cost razors with detachable heads first one cheap then....
  14. I'm English!!! Americans may have stolen and adulterated my language but I shall speak it as I was taught. The prepositions around and round are often used interchangeably to describe enclosure or movement in a circular path, yet subtle differences exist in their usage. Around is more commonly accepted in American English as the go-to term for such situations, implying a more precise or metaphorical circuit. Conversely, round tends to be a more casual or colloquial form used primarily in British English, implying movement or a location in a generally circular shape.
  15. That's a well known ploy for all printer manufacturers but there are many ways round it.
  16. Has electrical shorted out?
  17. I try to flaunt my poverty - less likely to have problems that way
  18. I have quite a lot of debt on my UK cards - all at 0% until 2026. You have to use the credit card companies just as they use you - if they call in the debt it's not a problem - my philosophy better in my bank account than theirs
  19. The point for me is this - I had licensed copies of office 2007 and 2010 and yet it seems Microsoft have stopped them being functional (and yes I know Microsoft's overbearing license terms) BUT it's sharp practise because they want to increase their profits - no other reason and don't give me the "security" arguement that's my risk and I am willing to take it.
  20. To use an old English saying - that's for the birds
  21. Thanks for the link doesn't appear to support 2007 or 2010 which I have genuine licenses for but does supply url for 2016 download so I will give it a try tomorrow Thanks again
  22. I have Office 2007 (and 2010) which I never update) and about a couple of months ago they stopped working (I expect as a process to get me to update to office 365 - NO CHANCE). I use Libre Office - a learning curve but very similar to Office. Similarly my GPS (SYGIC) offers me an "update" to premium for a very low price but I know if I bite that will be an annual subscription as opposed to my "lifetime" purchase for my original product and who knows what the next years "subscription" will be - I have asked but no answer. I understand these companies have to make profits but now they want me to pay for their mistakes.
  23. If you look hard enough almost everything you can eat, drink or put on your body has alledged links to cancer
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