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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. If you turn this ball 180 degrees you will see where you are. Just a hint to the OP
  2. To the point. Not before I read "Dodgers" I knew what the thread is about. Why should Thailand free TV pay for sports that is of zero interest here. BTW: how is coverage of Sepak Takraw in the US?
  3. Fuel prices gone up? No, I always fill in for 500 Baht Chocolate in Germany not increased. Just it's 87 grams instead of a 100. Inflation hits hard in Thailand too. Just look at prices for basic food stuff like chicken and pork.
  4. Transcription is a can of worms. Pure Chaos. Better don't open! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathon_district
  5. Goto Khon Kaen. They have it correct or different? "HEREIN". ????
  6. Interesting. Some years ago in Berlin windows were falling from a "Europa Center" built in 1965 in the western city. No victims fortunately.
  7. Just looked up the Villa Market site. 21 Lorenz products. 14 out of stock (Crunchips among).
  8. Import products are on short supply? Off topic, but a lot of imported meat/sausage products seem to be banned for fear of swine fever. Next week in Pattaya and excited to compare.
  9. Doubt it. It's a German brand with a long history stemming from "Bahlsen" (99/100 Germans know this name). AND imported, quite sure. But in the global world I bet on nothing. Milka from Australia? ????
  10. The thing is a support for the overpass under construction. If it's completed will you fear to drive under? Even if it's Thailand, do you believe a big construction company just lays a loose chunk of concrete over a motorway? Fear a major earthquake which would be needed to bring this down? Typical social media buzz where a mosquito can make an elephant.
  11. Don't ask me. It's people who buy stocks and blow up the value. Tesla more "valuable" than a few major car companies combined.
  12. Lot of old planes and not the best record regarding incidents (not necessarily fatal). Last one: runway excursion in Chiang Rai in July this year. Blocked the airport for five days. Good for a lot of posts here. Some "interesting" stuff here: https://www.aeroinside.com/airline/nok-air# (not all are NokAir's faults)
  13. Yes and for every other case avoid NokAir.
  14. That's what he spends 44 billion on. Will he be the next US vice president? (or does his origin exclude that)
  15. That would match my experience with the website. Kind of zombie. But still some offers dated 2022.
  16. Same to me and a somewhat obscure website. Can't really find what and where they are (poking around on their website, no proper imprint. "services" site empty). The problem from the OP is likely created by the mail interface of this service. Blocking/hiding attachments? Blocking stuff from Thai IP? I had/have even worse problems with a major German mail provider. Since long using yahoo or Gmail. I would much recommend the friend sets up some other mail account.
  17. Heard about 44 million in stock options. For San Francisco just enough
  18. That's the only option with one flight that I would accept. About 200 km on the road, 3 to 4 hours?
  19. More than 800 km on the road! Never for me, old man! Not a second thought for me. Morning flight to Don Mueang with AirAsia (8:30 or 10:00). DMK to BFV with AirAsia at 12:35 (PM).
  20. And you assume that they are on and working? And not the frontlight exchanged with a red bulb as it looks cool. Backlights at motorcycles: my estimate 10% dark. Riders in the night with proper gear, reflective stuff? 0.1% (one in a thousand). Up here completely unlit motorbikes are a daily observance.
  21. You think such insurance exists? Stealing cash from an unsecured box? It's still amazing how naive/careless banks, shops and other businesses handle cash. A simple box, in a drawer and the like. Gold shops with an open counter. They still believe living in a safe country. Compare to countries where guards with rifles/guns are at every major business .
  22. Making nice plans and putting aside that it violates EU law, the holy word I just wait it to be wiped away by the superior judges.
  23. My Euro transfer to Bangkok Bank does. I select expenses for long stay in Thailand as the purpose. Might make a difference
  24. I remember the times when bank accounts were systematically combed through. Some farmer son with no job, no taxes and a million on the account? To police station for interview!
  25. I have put the example in a separate thread: https://aseannow.com/topic/1275989-wise-transfer-receipt-useful/
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