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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. From https://www.khaosod.co.th/special-stories/news_7189448
  2. Is it in the news? Didn't find it. A NokAir plane overshot the runway in Chiang Rai yesterday evening in heavy rain (no casualties). As a result the Chiang Rai airport is closed for today. I have checked online status sites and no flight has departed.
  3. Came down. Not too far in global terms! First headline I saw simply said "Southeast Asia". https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/30/science/china-rocket-debris-fall.html "People in Sarawak, a province of Malaysia on the island of Borneo, reported sightings of the rocket debris on social media, with many believing the pyrotechnics at first to be a meteor shower or a comet."
  4. Thread still going strong after 10 years If you live in Pattaya I think the answers above are still valid? The hardware shop opposite BigC extra still exists and as written every major hardware chain store has such stuff.
  5. Read it in a German tabloid and didn't want to believe it. But if it is really from pro Russian Telegram channels!
  6. Might have been noticed before (can't go through all 1.5k posts). Today I got the reminder email for 90 day report due date August 14. I had done a same day border run on July 17 entering visa exempt which starts a new 90 day period. So this means that the system does not recognize the exit from the country. Will visit immigration on Aug 11 for picking up my Non O visa. Good opportunity to ask about it and whether I will be able to do online reporting from then on. My math says next report due date is October 14 (July 17 + 89).
  7. BUT!! I would not touch it with a ten-foot pole! Unsecured connection. And just saw a domain for sale page.
  8. Quite sure like many other sites do. Thailand considered one of the spammer capitals of the world. Full of hacked computers/botnet slaves. I pay about 3$ a month for my VPN and it is worth.
  9. I would be more concerned about the vulcanized ("glued") connections and threads keeping tight.
  10. Tariffs graduations 0 - 149, 150 - 399, 400 and above. Basic rates will not change but the fuel surcharge (Ft) will rise from September. Nice to have another electricity rates thread now in Pattaya forum Of course nationwide same rates/changes. The current (May to August) Ft is 0.2477 Baht/unit. I can't find the exact number(?) for Ft from September only "expected" as 0.9 Baht. For 400 units this would mean about 260 Baht increase.
  11. Good that Swiss need no visa for Germany (although most will not realize the subtle difference of "Place of Origin" instead of birth place) And Germans still too dumb to use the citizen ID (12 digits in this case). What better unique identification can you have?
  12. Cardless withdrawal is only possible at your own banks ATMs. For Kasikorn: https://www.kasikornbank.com/en/personal/digital-banking/kplus/functions/cardless-withdrawal/Pages/index.html
  13. Brilliant idea. A bit of walking is good exercise This delivery thing is really going too far.
  14. Gigabit fast torrents? Good luck.
  15. The names don't sound like my friends supply chain to Pattaya is affected.
  16. Yes and connecting to PC that has a 1 GBit/s ethernet connector (few machines can do more). And the notebook on a 300 Mbit/s WiFi and mobile with less
  17. What do private users need 2 Gbit/s? Want to run a big data center? Coworking center with 20 workplaces?
  18. That's what "use" is on the bill, consumption in units: If the units have gone up drastically the real research starts. What or who drains electricity?
  19. No. Lot of rubbish in the thread. Changes if any are every four months (current Ft period is May to August incl). And as repeatedly written significant increase announced from September. You need to study (or let study) the bill thoroughly. Same use (units!), same price.
  20. Please check whether you can enter a passport ID or still only a 13 digit ID is possible. For the 13 digit you can borrow any Thai person's ID or a "generated". Doesn't matter regarding the name on the bill.
  21. Currently I can look back to April 21 on the table view, more than one year. They have some diagram view which goes back only 6 months.
  22. Just checked last bill. Meter reading/print date: 23 July Due date: 2 August That's only 10 days (to my surprise). But I am certain that next house they didn't for a whole month and not disconnected.
  23. The difference is that for 90 day report there are clear rules for doing early or after the due date. I will try the 11th. 15th is the last day of the visa exempt stay.
  24. And absolutely no Covid related checks when I went on July 17. (Nong Khai - Vientiane)
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