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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Forget the stars, make your own???? Second one has bigger volume (258 liter vs 208 liter) and less power consumption. Just do math: volume/power consumption. The higher the number the better. For the second one: 258.5/269 = 0.96 First: 208/369 = 0.56 Much worse. Rule of thumb Volume in liters equals power consumption per year: very good one.
  2. Really bad. A death spiral not moving away.
  3. Allow me to put a big laughter on that even though I am not from the UK. I naively hoped that the UK would come out from Brexit strong and healthy as an example ????
  4. And you come from Dreamland. What a baseless babble.
  5. Yes some banks still do. I get around with cardless withdrawal. Requires Internet banking on smartphone. No fee nationwide.
  6. Nothing new/change for me. Always used banks debit card to deposit money. No fee of course. Didn't even know that it can be done anonymously. Much ado about nothing.
  7. I can't comment what I would like. Just look at the shirtless p.o.s. and draw your own conclusions.
  8. Looks like the weather still hasn't settled? The south being the only region with widespread rain.
  9. Without source this remains a mysterious charge. Can't believe this would not have created a s...storm here!
  10. What card do you use? Check with your bank/card issuer about foreign fees. 5% would be ridiculous. Look for another card/bank.
  11. I read too much in this forum and can't recall anything about another 5%. And the outcry would have been tremendous. As a preparation you should open an account with WISE (wise.com). Costs nothing. Then as above: open a Thai bank account. Can be more or less easy. Take as much cash with you as you feel comfortable with.
  12. Not too many Thai customers in a convenience store will have a credit card. But cash only? Then you missed something. A lot of payment options with smartphone and/or ID card (QR code for banking app whatever) Lost oversight.
  13. There is another hint on the net that the symbol would appear if "Safe Browsing" is enabled? I can not reproduce that. Do you have any internet safety related SW installed? Virus scanners and the like?
  14. That's exactly the symbol that appears when I connect with my VPN (NordVPN). Open this site on your mobile browser: https://iplocation.com What does it say about country and organization?
  15. Random calls but domestic numbers in most cases. And can not remember Czech (+420..).
  16. I am so far behind. They finally gave up the Greek alphabet And from 2025 we will all suffer from symptom free long Covid.
  17. Both AIS and DTAC has all relevant information in English. I don't see a noteworthy difference. DTAC is often considered more "foreigner related" because of the ownership/management.
  18. Sorry but I can't resist to give geography lessons. All areas that you name are north not north-east. And Isaan (Isan, Isarn, Esarn...) IS north-east.
  19. Not that simple. Very low credit might get lost but deactivating the card takes longer. And as written you can fillup credit for one year without breaking the bank (240 Baht).
  20. In general AIS has best coverage. DTAC fails if you are far out from populated areas (I have my own experience with that, DTAC as 2nd SIM, next year will use AIS only). But DTAC goes the very unusual way of 5G on 700 MHz which could give them better coverage. But 5G phone needed. Tons of options for internet packages. Keeping it alive does not cost a fortune, topup 20 Baht twelve times and you are good for a year (there might be other ways). Only you know whether it's worth to keep the number. Post-paid has better signal? Urban or rural myth or lost in translation. At the bottom edge of signal strength the phone model makes a difference. Aside from that it's not easy to get a postpaid as a temporary/tourist visitor. SIM cards available about everywhere. To use a typical Thai saying: you think too much It's about a 100 Baht for a SIM. If it's c.rap buy another one.
  21. ???? THE major reason to come to Pattaya. Bores me to death. Different people, different preferences.
  22. Exactly. Got much stronger over the morning. Yesterdays forecasts are for the bin.
  23. Sounds like he was pushing the pedal to the floor when side by side. Make an impression. And it did. Where could he know from that rear powered empty vehicles have some weird tendencies.
  24. That indeed sounds weird for a 13 MP camera. I have an A52 with 64MP sensor and pictures come out about 5 MB. I would reset the camera settings. Open camera, in the upper left push the settings symbol. In the list there should be a "Reset settings". 13 MP will do no wonders but at least usable. That on the other hand sounds antiquated. Do you really look at the size on her camera/gallery app? (not after sending via messenger or mail) What camera is it?
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