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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. I watched the second English language video in full length. Very interesting contribution. But with all the paperwork and queuing I don't feel tempted. Driving into communist East Berlin in the 80s was a piece of cake compared and took less than an hour As much as you might be skeptical about EU/Europe but at least you can sit in your car and drive from Northern Cape to the Mediterranean sea with no hassle. I miss that here. Saving money for flight? Wouldn't it be an option to park car on the Thai side and use local transportation in Cambodia (if any)?
  2. Good to hear that Kasikorn is still foreigner friendly. I would not try my luck at GSB or Krungthai. Have no opinion about Krungsri.
  3. I have accounts at three banks all online enabled. Sometimes I think about closing one. But as others wrote: no. I will spend the few hundred Baht a year and keep all. Distribute money between accounts. Almost impossible to run out of payment/cash options. I don't like the idea of using foreign card physically and feed to some ATM. Never rely on one piece of plastic from a foreign bank.
  4. Soi Yensabai, where else🙄 Seems the robbers believe all Arabs are rich and carry tons of cash and jewelry? The Kuwaiti tourist is not only a quality but a qualified tourist. Qualified fighter 🫣
  5. Registration number RA-09011, Falcon 10B. Built in 1978 (46 years old)! Don't dream about 13000 km. Care for some conspiracy theories? 😁 Russian spy plane shot down by CIA funded islamists 🤣
  6. Indeed all sources I see say 3500 km. Nowhere does the report say that it is a "Falcon 10 X". Just an "ordinary" Falcon 10.
  7. Absolutely wrong. The border pass limits the stay (3 nights?) and the regions that you can travel within Laos. But every Thai citizen can do a border hop/duty free trip etc.
  8. deleted Mixed up Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Indeed no idea why they would go over Afghanistan
  9. There is no fool like a female fool 😊 Not even mentioned approx time of the crash but obviously after dark.
  10. Experienced with SAL many years ago. Extremely short night in a Copenhagen hotel. Taxi to hotel racing like a fool on snow covered roads. Felt like the end is near. Departing late morning about 11 AM(!) and arriving about 3 AM at empty Suvarnabhumi (only a fuel stop to Australia at the gates)
  11. A warning from NBTC of last year. Even the "Thailand" prefix "+66" is a scam. Nothing about +643 but the criminals may have found a new way.
  12. There are ways to manipulate the callers origin. So not necessarily means anything. Could be as close as Cambodia. The scams are known and from time to time you find warnings from Thai officials. Not worth to report I think. Add the number to the blocklist on your phone. About all you can do and still expect that they have a multitude of caller IDs. I myself had caller IDs +698 in the display which are from well know call center gangs. I am more annoyed by unsolicited calls from Thai mobile numbers with some screeching recorded announcement (advertising).
  13. If that means in cash it's a generous finder's reward. The elderly lady can be found on the internet, studied music in Moscow etc. I wouldn't love to be in Ulaanbaatar at the time. Down to -30 C (-22 F).
  14. It's possible. I did it in 2022 to cancel my Non O-A visa status and restart with a regular Non-O. Did this with a border run to Nong Khai/Vientiane. Completely smooth and no issues. The "visa" from immigration office is somewhat special as it is "used" on same day as it is issued and you are given 90 days permission to stay as if entered with a Non-O. There is an under consideration period after applying for the visa. So in total three visits to immigration to finally get the one year stamp.
  15. That was "officially" in the news even here. Too lazy to look up but quite sure from some tourism official. And exactly not up country but as a circus to attract tourists. Will they arrange water splashing/techno jumping events for tourists in the usual hotspots
  16. What do you use for internet phone calls? Skype? Or what?
  17. My very first idea when I read the OP. The confusion of the era. 5G mobile and 5 GHz WiFi frequency. Same with the "bars". Could be indicator for mobile/cellular signal strength or indicator for WiFi signal strength. To me the problem sounds much like selecting one of the two WiFi frequencies. As most devices nowadays my router does 2.4 GHz and 5 Ghz WiFi. Most always I connect the mobile phone to 2.4 GHz. Fast enough for everything on the phone. The 5 GHz signal suffers from just a window and a wall in between.
  18. Yes and particularly sponsor Diesel and make bulky heavy Diesel pickups cheaper than a midsize eco car. Just continue with the the large army of huge sugar cane trucks (trailers) which throw big black smoke, make terrible noise. For some I am not sure: pre or post WWII? Still allow a joke of a vehicle inspection. Many vehicles would be rejected after 5 min of visual inspection in strict countries. And of course still do not sanction/penalize sugar cane burning. Might have been reduced but still. (only one day with black snow this year). Burning trash is a national custom. Some mornings I go out and the air is foggy and stinks from all the fires.
  19. At KK you won't make it to the desk of the IO before passing the document check at the entrance. One to two officers and two interns just do that. Only after that you will receive a queue number.
  20. The nonsense proposal has been buried quickly. That's what I know. The official three day holiday (13, 14, 15) starts on a Saturday this year. Wouldn't be surprised if there is more than the announced April 16th (Tuesday) substitute. Local rules / festivals and bank vs government holidays is a science of its own. Well known Pattaya late party on 19(?). Bangkok exodus and traffic night mare at least from 12 to 17.
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